The constitution prohibits discrimination based on ethnicity, and a federal law prohibits all forms of discrimination. According to advocacy groups, no information was available concerning the criteria through which the government chooses media outlets for public advertising. On February 6, the federal Law Against Digital Harassment took effect. Federal law sets six eight-hour days and 48 hours per week as the legal workweek. Between January and August, the CNDH registered 26 complaints of torture and 123 for arbitrary detention. A 2019 constitutional reform increased the number of crimes for which pretrial detention is mandatory and bail is not available, including armed robbery, electoral crimes, fuel theft, and weapons possession. As of September authorities made no arrests regarding the 2020 killing of prominent indigenous and environmental rights defender Homero Gomez. Authorities declared 10 political parties eligible to participate in the midterm elections. For example, journalists in Nogales, Sonora, said they were aware of unspoken red lines in covering organized crime and that crossing lines, such as mentioning the name of an alleged assailant, could result in personal harm. OSAC has developed into an enormously successful joint venture, with U.S. companies and organizations receiving the tools they need to cope with security issues in a . Media outlets reported authorities tortured and sexually abused Ravelo. About us - OSAC Annual Briefing 2021 For information regarding the security environment in other areas of Mexico, please reference the OSAC Crime and Safety Reports from the following Consular Districts: Tijuana, Nogales, Hermosillo, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros, Monterrey, Guadalajara, and Merida. Crime Rating: Critical Crime Threats Crime varies widely. As of July, 39 percent of active unions under local jurisdiction had registered required amendments to their amended statutes to incorporate new secret ballot and gender equity requirements with the CABs. We'll also touch briefly on how you . Media monopolies, especially in small markets, at times constrained freedom of expression. The law describes femicide as a gender-based murder under any of the following seven circumstances: signs of sexual violence, previous violence, emotional connection to the perpetrator, previous threats, harassment history, victim held incommunicado prior to deprivation of life, or victims body exposure in a public place. The NGO also reported the existence of multiple unregistered private institutions without licenses operating as orphanages. As of August 27, the suspects were awaiting trial. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report - Access to Asylum: Federal law provides for granting asylum, refugee status, or complementary protection to those fleeing persecution or facing possible threats to their life, security, or liberty in their country of origin; this right was generally respected. The CNDH may call on government authorities to impose administrative sanctions or pursue criminal charges against officials, but it is not authorized to impose penalties or legal sanctions. The deadline for unions to amend and register their statutes, originally set to expire in May 2020, was suspended due to COVID-19, reestablished in late 2020, and continued as of November. Access to justice was limited. The situation of agricultural workers remained particularly precarious, with similar patterns of exploitation throughout the sector. Several indigenous communities denounced the governments plan to build the Mayan Train, an estimated $7.5 billion dual cargo-passenger railroad to cross the Yucatan Peninsula through indigenous lands. Freedom of expression advocacy groups reported the government, despite reductions in its advertising budgets, continued to have a strong financial impact and influence on the largest media companies. When authorities fail to accept a recommendation, the CNDH makes that known publicly. The CNDH may take on cases from state-level commissions if it receives a complaint that the state commission has not adequately investigated the case. Libel/Slander Laws: There are no federal criminal laws against defamation, libel, or slander; however, eight states have criminal laws on these acts. Despite a government program to transmit public education classes via internet, television, and radio during the pandemic, reports suggested that at least 2.5 million children did not continue their basic education. The National Program for the Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents, mandated by law, is responsible for coordinating the protection of childrens rights at all levels of government. The most common reason to remove content was defamation, followed by privacy and security. Defendants have the right to a presumption of innocence and to a fair and public trial without undue delay. The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private-sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. The National Guard, which began operations in 2019, is a civilian institution reporting to the Secretariat of Public Security and Civil Protection. in alan wong married. Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) - United States Department of After the STPS canceled the vote, in May the rapid response mechanism under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement commenced, and the government agreed to review a denial of freedom of association and collective bargaining rights at the plant, confirming the denial of rights. Tweets disseminated their identities and their media outlets and also made veiled threats. Write by: . Communities and NGOs representing indigenous groups criticized the government for failing to consult indigenous communities adequately when making decisions regarding extractive industry and natural resource development projects on indigenous lands. Additionally, the INE introduced quotas to promote minority representation, requiring political parties to nominate a certain number of candidates belonging to minority groups, including from indigenous, Afro-Mexican, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) communities, as well as persons with disabilities. ; For U.S. citizens: the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok can be reached via an emergency line: 02-205-4000. International Child Abductions: The country is party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. As of July the CNB reported that there were 89,572 missing or disappeared persons in the country. OSAC provides the latest safety- and security-related information, public announcements, travel advisories, terrorist group profiles, country crime and safety reports, and more to its constituency of more than 4,600 U.S. companies and organizations with overseas interests. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining, b. Defendants have the right to free assistance of an interpreter, if needed, although interpretation and translation services for indigenous languages were not always available. The Secretariat of National Defense and Secretariat of the Navy also play a role in domestic security, particularly in combating organized criminal groups. Observers noted that it also increased the likelihood of work-related illness and injury. Dominican Republic Travel Advisory Political Parties and Political Participation: For the electoral process, the National Electoral Institute (INE) established the Three Out of Three Against Violence initiative, which required candidates to declare any history of domestic violence, sexual offenses, or failure to pay alimony. Municipal police arrested eight women and one man, later releasing all detainees. The reforms also establish an expedited and more transparent judicial process for unions to obtain collective bargaining rights. How safe is it to travel to Mexico? - Wise World Report 2021: Honduras | Human Rights Watch Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The legal minimum marriage age is 18. Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at GitHub export from English Wikipedia. The Puebla state government sued the news outlet E-Consulta seven times due to its reporting. The National Population Council reported that in 2020 there were 373,661 pregnancies in women younger than age 19 (30 percent above 2019), of which 8,876 were in girls ages 14 or younger. Higher Risk Travel - Education Abroad Office - University of South Carolina Organized criminal elements, including local and transnational gangs, and narcotics traffickers, were significant perpetrators of violent crimes and committed acts of homicide, torture, kidnapping, extortion, human trafficking, bribery, intimidation, and other threats, resulting in high levels of violence and exploitation, particularly targeting vulnerable groups. In addition to shelters, womens justice centers provided services including legal, psychological, and protective; however, the number of cases far surpassed institutional capacity. Discrimination: The law provides women the same legal status and rights as men and equal pay for equal work performed in equal jobs, hours of work, and conditions of efficiency. The law establishes penalties for discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, color, religion, language, pregnancy, political belief, or any other nature that violates human dignity. Rape and Domestic Violence: Federal law criminalizes the rape of men and women, including spousal rape, and conviction carries penalties of up to 20 years imprisonment. The OSAC information exchange mechanism also . osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report. Yet, the 2022 outlook for both the rule of law and public safety in Mexico and meaningful U.S.-Mexico security cooperation remains bleak. Not all public defenders were qualified, however, and often the state public defender system was understaffed. The government, in conjunction with international organizations, made efforts to promote the safe, voluntary return, resettlement, or local integration of IDPs. Municipal candidates and challengers seeking to oust incumbents were the most common victims of political violence, with victims spread across the political spectrum. Sources indicate that organized criminal organizations have been . In June the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision confirming that the exercise of the right to strike suspends the processing of collective conflicts of an economic nature that may be pending before the court and the topics that they present, unless the workers express in writing their agreement to submit the conflict to the decision of the court. There were 46 female candidates for governor; from 2012 to 2018, there cumulatively only 42. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and NGOs expressed concerns regarding arbitrary detention and the potential for it to lead to other human rights abuses. Government officials were mostly cooperative and responsive, with the president and cabinet officials meeting with human rights organizations, such as OHCHR, IACHR, and CNDH. Despite a 2017 injunction issued by a state district judge to prevent further grave abuses at the institution, the CNDH reported state authorities failed to supervise the conditions at Ciudad de los Ninos. Legally mandated joint management and labor committees set standards and are responsible for overseeing workplace standards in plants and offices. Investigations continued into the 2014 disappearances of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College in Iguala, Guerrero. On February 19, a constitutional reform eliminated presidential immunity for corruption and other crimes. Civil society groups claimed police routinely subjected LGBTQI+ persons to mistreatment while in custody. Drug traffickers involved in illegal logging recruited and kidnapped indigenous persons and children in isolated or displaced communities, withheld their wages, forced them to conduct illicit activities, and often threatened death if they tried to leave. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings, c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees, f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence, a.