At the Peak on Thursday 8th December 2022 at 0900 the air temperature was 28.4F (-2C), with a windchill temperature of 12.7F (-11C), 11% relative humidity, and a fresh SW wind sustained at 7 mph gusting to 9.3 mph. Snow depths are currently excellent for snowshoeing above about 7000 ft, where trails havent been too heavily traveled and compacted. In related (but frankly much more positive) news, today I had a long but spectacular day snowshoeing to San Jacinto Peak. They are not currently recommended for moderate angle slopes above 9000 ft that have challenging ice underlying shallow powder. Free shipping for many products! Snowshoes are useful in lower angle terrain with adequate snow depth above about 8000 ft, for example the Tahquitz area meadows near Saddle Junction, sections of Deer Springs Trail, and Long Valley/Round Valley. Note that near its junction with Deer Springs Trail, the route was not close to the established trail, so cautious navigation may be needed. . I descended via Deer Springs Trail, breaking trail through virgin powder all the way down to the Suicide Rock Trail junction. Seven Pines Trail has one set of hiker tracks through the snow since the storm in early November 2022. Although my original track accurately followed the trail above Little Round Valley, there are now a fair number of alternate shortcut tracks across this slope, so cautious navigation is advised. Does anybody have accurate GPS or other reading of the actual total elevation gain? Note however that snow depth is rarely indicative of the ease (or otherwise) of hiking a given trail. As mentioned above, crampons with hiking poles and an ice axe, depending on terrain are currently very useful everywhere above about 9000 ft. On 15th I barebooted (i.e. Sadly this phenomenon has become much more of a factor in recent years with freezing rainfall (rather than snow) occurring at higher elevations at higher frequency with much warmer weather systems. Above Little Round Valley there are at least half-a-dozen tracks ascending toward San Jacinto Peak, none of which accurately follow the established trail route. Although the snow is not currently particularly deep (10-12 inches) it is heavily drifted and has an ice layer underneath the fresh powder. The high winds forecast did not materialize, although gusts up to 35 mph have been enough to cause very heavy drifting. When to go: June-October. There are no significant changes to snow/ice conditions, and advice below basically spikes recommended throughout the high country remains valid. Eventually with compaction of the trails caused by increasing hiker traffic and freeze/thaw cycles snowshoes may steadily become less useful, however they will remain valuable for off-trail travel in the high country well into February. Although not required, some hikers will find spikes useful especially for descending. Snowshoes are not advisable due to the angle of the icy snow. Locations in between, especially those on the western and southern slopes, added more with up to five inches at Saddle Junction (8100 ft). However I was surprised to find almost all of this had melted by the time I hiked to San Jacinto Peak on 31st December. For day use a permit is required on any of the trails in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. SGWA lists the elevation gain from momyer creek trailhead to SG summit as 6,062'. Many thanks to Florian Boyd for bringing this to my attention. 10 inches on 9th November), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 0-1 inch (was 4 inches on 9th November), Annies Junction/approx. Their arrival followed a period of several days of temperatures well above seasonal the previous week which had produced some significant melting. I put spikes on at the Peak for the descent and ultimately kept on my Kahtoola microspikes until about 9000 ft, one mile north of Saddle Junction. Steady melting of snow, especially on sun-exposed slopes, and freeze-thaw cycles will combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain. The initial freeze level was at about 9000 ft but has already dropped. Les 9 meilleures attractions et ce qu'il faut voir autour de Yucaipa The remainder of February is currently forecast to continue the cold temperatures of recent days, generally at or below seasonal at all mountain elevations, and to be increasingly unsettled. . The State Park has closed the wilderness due to the weather conditions, as described on their website here. I just moved to southern california and want to be back out doing what I love. Spitler Peak Trail has a very visible boot track through light snow to the PCT. Most of this snow had melted prior to my hike to San Jacinto Peak on 31st December. Two or more inches of rain are likely for mid elevations (e.g., Idyllwild) on 27th-30th, with several inches of snow possible above 10,000 ft elevation on various days over the next week or so. Reserve and check availability on the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association website: Group size limited to 12 people and 8 pack/riding animals per group. That said, the going was extremely easy as the rain layer on top of the snow remaining for earlier storms had completely frozen, so I was only having to break trail through an inch or two of fine powder. A few trees were cut by chainsaw at the far (Hidden Divide) end of the Forest Service section recently, presumably by a CCC or State Park crew. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak has a lightly traveled posthole track to follow through the drifted powder. Rain started overnight in Idyllwild, and by late this afternoon (at 1550) totals 1.22 inch. Snow covered Mt. The high country may be above the cloud for some of that storm, as only 2-3 inches are forecast for the high country. The second storm on 15th-16th is expected to be colder with a lower freeze level which may result in 1-2 inches of snow down to 5000 ft or possibly even lower. Report An Accident; Traffic Cameras >> Interstate 10 >> California >> North Palm Springs >> News Reports. The Weather section below is updated. Deer Springs Trail is clear from the Highway 243 trailhead to the Suicide Rock trail junction at 7000 ft, and functionally clear from there to Strawberry Junction (8100 ft), with a few icy snow patches increasing in length and frequency as you ascend. I was very happy to find no new treefall hazards down on Spitler Peak Trail. Coldwell Banker. Conversely in some places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. In my recent experience off-trail snow is now also largely too shallow and/or patchy for snowshoes. The northerly wind was bitter at the Peak and got stronger throughout the morning as we descended. "Sunshine lulls people into a false sense of security. Spikes are expected to remain extremely useful over the next few weeks given the unpredictable weather. San Gorgonio, San Bernardino National Forest - Although not essential in the moderate depth powder, spikes are strongly recommended and many hikers will find them useful especially for descending. As mentioned above, crampons (always in conjunction with an ice axe) are currently recommended on certain moderate and higher angle slopes, notably the Peak Trail above Wellman Divide, and uppermost South Ridge Trail, especially on the north face of Tahquitz Peak. Be prepared for trails above about 8000 ft (perhaps lower in places) completely or largely obscured by moderate to deep snow. Spikes are especially valuable for descending even when they are no necessarily needed for ascending. He's a pretty strong-willed guy." An official website of the Gary Suttle's book lists it as 8.4mi. Forecasts suggest a further 2-3 inches are possible tonight. No longer required at all the San Gorgonio Trailheads - only South Fork, Vivian, and Momyer still require it. San Bernardino, CA 92408 Between November 2021 and May 2022, 61 downed trees were removed and almost the entire trail thoroughly trimmed and cleared. All trails above about 7500 ft remain lightly snow-covered. Bring extra food, flashlight, and warm clothes. 2,345 Sq. Such unseasonably warm temperatures led to rapid snow melt everywhere, despite the low sun angle at this time of year, while in many areas freeze/thaw cycles have resulted in icy trails and roads especially in the early mornings. Rain had started overnight in Idyllwild, ending in late afternoon at a total of 1.26 inches. Further light snow is expected starting this evening, followed by much heavier snow overnight on 28th February-1st March. Lightly-traveled snowshoe and/or posthole tracks radiate away from Saddle Junction around the meadow trail and south toward Chinquapin Flat, but I have not checked how accurately they follow established trail routes or how far they continue. It is clear, based on information on the PCTA website closures page (linked here), that these closures will dramatically and negatively impact early season PCT hikers. Forum: Trail Conditions | San Gorgonio Wilderness Association They tend to be especially useful for descending trails. This trail will become significantly more treacherous as it undergoes freeze/thaw cycles and compaction over the next week or two. South Fork via Dollar Lake 9.8 miles 4,622' gain One major treefall hazard is across the trail almost exactly midway between the trailheads at Humber Park and Tahquitz View Drive. Four hikers have been found dead in three weeks, none of them novices. but her friend Joyce Schwartz took some short videos from which this still image is taken. Fresh snowfall in Long Valley is now at about four inches. Extremely cautious navigation is strongly recommended everywhere. Above Little Round Valley in particular my track down from the Peak is very direct, steep, and would be a challenging ascent. Forecasts are currently indicating about 30-40 inches of snow for the highest peaks of the San Jacinto mountains (>10,000 ft) between 21st and 25th February, and about 18-30 inches for Idyllwild (5000-6000 ft elevations). Devils Slide Trail is functionally clear of snow below 7600 ft, about two miles up, and then snow cover is about 60% up to Saddle Junction but becoming almost continuous within 0.2 mile of the junction. Badge Workshop: Between Earth and Sky Journey (Daisy) Additional moderate snowfall is tentatively forecast for 28th February-1st March. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, mixed with slushy and icy patches. Snow on this east slope is drifted, and remains 3-8 inches deep in places. In general most hikers will likely prefer to use spikes at least for descending down to about 10,000 ft (or lower). Thank you for taking the time to read this. San Gorgonio Climbing notes shared by Mountain-Forecast users. An official website of the Some hikers may continue to find spikes useful for some of the minor icy patches but they are no longer required. The first number is the depth of fresh snow from this latest storm, followed in parentheses by the current total snow depth. By 1st February there was a somewhat meandering snowshoe track from Round Valley (and presumably Long Valley) up to San Jacinto Peak, ultimately using the East Ridge route from near Miller Peak, that generally followed lower angle terrain and avoided the traversing slopes of the Peak Trail. Share. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 2-4 inches (was 12 inches on 9th November), Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 2-4 inches (was approx. By 619jeffry. Spikes are recommended but not strictly essential depending upon your comfort level hiking on angled icy snow. Deer Springs Trail [updated 22nd December] has an accurate track to follow all the way to San Jacinto Peak as I broke trail the entire way down to the Suicide Rock Trail junction on 15th December. As forecast, the storm came in two main waves, with the bulk of the precipitation falling for most of the daylight hours of Sunday 11th, followed by a remarkably calm and clear night, and then a much less intense period of snowfall between about 0800-1300 on Monday 12th. That fair weather in the valleys has fooled too many hikers, Weston said. South Ridge Road (5S11) is currently closed to vehicle traffic but is rapidly clearing [checked Saturday 17th] of snow. Devils Slide Trail has a relatively well-traveled and compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. After that you have one of the best and most encouraging views of the summit of any route. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. From near Miller Peak I put in a track up the East Ridge, rather than continuing on the Peak Trail round to Summit Junction. The map below shows the new updated El Dorado fire closure area. Currently trails above about 7500 ft (lower in places) are largely obscured by moderate to deep snow. Aspen Grove 12.75 miles, 4,092' gain Three numbers are given: the first number is the current average total snow depth at that location, followed in brackets by the new snow accumulation from the storm on 29th-30th January, and finally in parentheses by the maximum depth where known so far this winter, generally on 18th January following the major storm sequence on 14th-17th January 2023. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 15th February 2023 are as follows. This was a very mild system, producing rain to 9000 ft elevation (and consequently very icy conditions), and one inch of fresh snow above about 9000 ft elevation (increasing to 1.5 inch >10,000 ft). "It occurred to me that anyway one more Sunday was over, that Maman was buried now, that I was going back to work, and that, really, nothing had changed." Portable gas stoves are allowed with a valid. All have been reported to US Forest Service. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying the storm there is extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. Type of Hike Day hike. However there was no sign of that route by 6th, due to drifting snow. The Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail has a well-traveled track to follow throughout its length, snow cover is about 80%. Precipitation has been steady at mid and upper elevations for the past few hours. A light overnight snowfall, which produced another three inches in Idyllwild, finally stopped at 0700 this morning. no traction device) to 9000 ft on a lightly traveled and lumpy posthole track through thin icy snow. Altitudes are approximate. Cliff Weston, the San Bernardino County sheriff's search-and-rescue coordinator. Currently spikes at a minimum, and ideally crampons, with an ice axe (and knowledge of how to use it), are strongly recommended. The areas reopened include all campgrounds in the Barton Flats and Heartbar areas, including Jenks Lake picnic area. The high country was above the weather most of the night, and added an inch of fresh snow at most, however there were 2.25 inches in Idyllwild, and also roughly the same fresh snow depth at Humber Park and Saddle Junction. PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): <1 inch (was 3 inches on 9th), Devils Slide Trail at Humber Park (6550 ft): 0 inch (was 2.5 inches on 9th), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0 inch (was <1 inch on 9th), [UPDATED 24th November: we took a brisk hike up and down Marion Mountain and upper Deer Springs trails to San Jacinto Peak early this morning. I descended Deer Springs Trail, again breaking trail the entire way, but again through light snow sitting on top of a very solid, icy snow layer. Although our perceptions may have been skewed by some extremely dry winters in the past decade, major snowfalls are not as rare as many current residents might think. Tracks of myself and a couple of others from recent days were largely visible up Devils Slide Trail, and I barebooted to Saddle Junction through thin powder overlying ice. Note however that snow depth is rarely indicative of the challenge (or otherwise) of a given trail. These impacts are especially striking in Southern California mountains, where the sun is relatively potent even in midwinter and where even on the coldest days temperatures at mid elevations may fluctuate either side of freezing. Even Devils Slide Trail was largely obscured in deep drifted powder (photo below). Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio offers an opportunity for you to make a difference in the lives of girls and young women. The previous Report (available here) summarized the conditions following the multiple storm event of 14th-17th January. Ali Aminian, 51, of Newbury Park was an experienced Sierra Club member who went hiking alone in the same area Jan. 11, while Koh was still missing. This trail is just under a half mile long and runs from the junction with the San Bernardino Peak Trail 1W07.2 and the Sky High Trail 1W07.2 to the summit box, offering a unique view of the Sand to Snow National Monument. Early on cold mornings, the icy snow is grippy, and I did not find spikes necessary on 5th. Forecasts suggest it may stop snowing in the next few hours. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 6th January 2023 are as follows. Trip Report By. Otherwise, reliable posthole tracks are in place from Saddle Junctions through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, but parts will become obscured by any additional light snowfall and/or especially by drifting snow from strong winds. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 2nd-5th December 2022 are as follows, with depths after the only significant storm of this winter to date (on 9th November) for comparison in parentheses where known. There is a section of the PCT that is also locally known as the camp Cajon Kauder more Join us in thanking these generous businesses for their support of the Pacific Crest Trail. (909) 382-2682 (Voice) At the Peak on Wednesday 18th January 2023 at 1115 the air temperature was 16.8F (-8C), with a windchill temperature of -3.6F (-20C), 27% relative humidity, and a frigid NNW wind sustained at 10 mph gusting to 25.8 mph. Because of the 18K+ acre Lake Fire (which is still burning as of 6/24/15), a large section of the San Gorgonio Wilderness including all trails to the summit of San Gorgonio Mountain will be CLOSED until October 1, 2015 Both of these storms are expected to be relatively mild at first with rain a possibility up to 9000 ft before freeze levels drop down to 6000 ft. The cloud largely dissipated on my descent, affording some spectacular vistas. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Long Valley added about 4-6 inches of snow overnight, and a little less than that during the day today. Recently I have mentioned the challenges of hard, icy snow underfoot and the value of using spikes (and/or crampons) especially for descending and traversing. At the Peak on Wednesday 15th February 2023 at 1030 the air temperature was 4.9F (-15C), with a windchill temperature of -26.3F (-32C), 65% relative humidity, and a bitter due North wind sustained at 19 mph gusting to 27.7 mph. Days are short and nights are very cold. However excellent well-traveled and compacted tracks are now in place for almost all major trails (details below). Thielsen to Hwy-58/Willamette Pass, Hwy-58/Willamette Pass to Hwy-242/McKenzie Pass, Hwy-242/McKenzie Pass to Hwy-35/Barlow Pass, Hwy-14/Cascade Locks to Hwy-12/White Pass, Hwy-12/White Pass to I-90/Snoqualmie Pass, I-90/Snoqualmie Pass to Hwy-2/Stevens Pass, Hwy-20/Rainy Pass to Manning Park, Canada, What you should know about fire restrictions, warnings and watches, Honest talk about toilet paper and uncovered feces, The case for carrying a pee rag while hiking, Tips to navigate the start of a thru-hike, Getting to and from the Northern Terminus, Getting to and from the Southern Terminus, Reduce your chance of contracting communicable diseases, Danger from individuals cultivating marijuana, Emergency beacons, lost hikers, trip plans, and search and rescue, Encountering Border Patrol on the Southern Pacific Crest Trail, Bear canister requirements and protecting your food, Stream crossing safety while hiking and backpacking, PCTAs Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, PCTA Saw Training and Certification Program Documents, Columbia Cascades Saw Training and Certification, North Cascades Saw Training and Certification, Southern California Saw Training and Certification Weekend, Wind River Saw Training and Certification Weekend, Leona Divide 50 mile foot race on April 22, 2023, Crowder Canyon Section C by Cajon Pass Rock Fall Conditions, Guidance for Visiting the PCT During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Commercial permits and special-use authorizations, Local permit areas on the Pacific Crest Trail, Non-Discrimination Statement and Resources. The main track is clearest just above LRV and again close to the Peak junction. Two ascents of San Jacinto Peak in three days had challenging snow and weather, but both were hugely enjoyable. Back-to-back Pacific storm systems already the tenth and eleventh storms of this winter are forecast for Saturday 14th and then from late Sunday 15th January to the early hours of Tuesday 17th January. We survey the trail system daily, with hikes via different routes to San Jacinto Peak several times per week, Tahquitz Peak and vicinity at least weekly, and many other trails on other days. With compaction of the trails over the next few days, snowshoes will become less useful on-trail, however they will remain valuable for off-trail travel at the highest elevations for the foreseeable future. Black Mountain Road closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243 (see Forest Service website regarding this closure here). There is an excellent snowshoe track to follow on the Wellman Trail and the Peak Trail up to San Jacinto Peak. Hikers who have an ice axe (and know how to use it) may find it useful in places on this short section of trail. There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. With such strong Santa Ana winds on Thursday 26th causing extensive drifting, and a light snowfall early on 30th, by the 30th prior tracks had been thoroughly erased and I was once again breaking trail the entire way from Humber Park to San Jacinto Peak, largely through relatively shallow powder. UPDATE Monday 13th February: the first of two consecutive minor storms came through this morning, and produced more snow than was generally forecast. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, and for the entire Deer Springs Trail. It is possible they may deteriorate even further with some warming from direct sunlight. View more property details and sales history on Xome. South Ridge Trail (surveyed 19th November) is largely clear of snow from the top of South Ridge Road to Old Lookout Flat at about 7600 ft, with just 5% cover of icy snow. At the Peak on Friday 6th January 2023 at 0930 the air temperature was 25.7F (-4C), with a windchill temperature of 14.7F (-10C), 44% relative humidity, and a chilly NNW breeze sustained at 5 mph gusting to 10.6 mph. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches, and on the quality of your footwear (tread grip, in particular). Portable gas stoves are allowed. Your contribution keeps the Report available to all, free from advertising or paywalls, and independent from agencies. I made a concerted effort to put in a track as faithful to the trail routes as conditions permitted, both up and down. Despite warmer temperatures on some days, hikers should be prepared for temperatures near freezing in the high country, and generally below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). Temperatures will climb steadily this week and be well above seasonal for at least 21st-28th December. View 18632 Deer Trail Rd, Banning, CA 92220 property records for FREE including property ownership, deeds, mortgages, titles & sales history, current & historic tax assessments, legal, parcel & structure description, land use, zoning & more. With a rapidly changing climate in the region in recent years, it has become increasingly common for there to be little or no difference in snow quantities at mid and higher elevations, often because the high country remains above the cloud, and this system was no exception. The second week of January is expected to be relatively warm and sunny, so extensive melting will start, especially at mid elevations. Measured snow depths as of late morning/early afternoon today are: San Jacinto Peak (10,810 ft) 38 inches, at least 14 new in this storm; Wellman Divide (9700 ft) 30 inches, with 15 new in this storm; Annies Junction at 9070 ft the highest point of the PCT in Southern California 30 inches, with 14 new in this storm; Saddle Junction (8100ft) 15 inches, about 7-8 new in this storm; Devils Slide Trailhead at Humber Park (6520 ft) 2 inches, all from this storm. Temperatures are expected to remain below average for January for the remainder of the month in Strawberry Valley (Idyllwild area), but are forecast to swing well above average (above freezing) for the highest elevations on 21st-26th January. My blogging throughout the storms gave more day-to-day detail and is available here. And he said he doesn't have any doubt that his friend is still alive. And as a reminder, self-issue permits are only good for that day. UPDATE Tuesday 13th December 2022: This morning Anabel and I broke trail up South Ridge Road and South Ridge Trail to Old Lookout Flat (7600 ft). The natural traction was superb, and I barebooted all the way to just above Wellman Divide (9700 ft) before finally putting on Kahtoola microspikes, accompanied by an ice axe. Although some treefall hazards from Red Tahquitz to Antsell Rock (PCT Miles 172.5-175) were cleared in June 2021 prior to the rockslide removal work, the situation has badly deteriorated since. Devils Slide Trail has a very lightly traveled track to Saddle Junction in place.