Jesus: The given name of the son of Mary, and adopted son of Joseph, which is the Greek pronunciation of Joshua. Perhaps it would be something along the lines of the way a body was transported on the old Star Trek series; the molecules would alter, and the person could pass through a solid object, and re-assemble themselves into a solid person. Verse 3. How much of this came in because of they kept evil company? He clearly denies here that he considers baptism essential to the remission of sin or the means of obtaining forgiveness. (Robertson), iii. , and therefore an enemy we need not fear. the gospel. i. They have not been chosen because they are so great, but because God is so great. f. At the last trumpet: What is the last trumpet? The resurrection body of Jesus was material and could eat (Luke 24:39-43), yet it was not bound by the laws of nature (Luke 24:31, 24:36-37). He can be confident because God is faithful. iv. The Romans destroyed Corinth in 146 B.C., but Julius Caesar rebuilt the city a hundred years later. In its Gentile sense it denotes chiefly the citizen-assembly of a Greek city but it is its Jewish usage that underlies its use to denote the community of believers in Jesus. The idea is that we have been purchased to permanent freedom. But in the first century, saying, is foolishness to those who are perishing, To us who are being saved it is the power of God, : Though it is a strange message, and regarded as foolish by the perishing, to those who trust in it and are, in the preaching of the true gospel, when it is received with faith. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Sin is the ultimate cause of death (Romans 6:23, Genesis 2:17), and the, : This defeat of death is only possible for those who live. This is due to the fact that grace is the source of peace. 4. was the ultimate oxymoron, and this was what Paul preached! Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. i. Then life is lived only under the sun, as is considered in Ecclesiastes. So when he says we he means we believers. (Morris). c. Sosthenes our brother: This man Sosthenes is perhaps mentioned in Acts 18:17, as the head of a Corinthian synagogue who was beaten because he protected Paul. Then Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to respond to these reports. After what has been said about the value of love only one admonition is in place: "Pursue love!" Instead of being torn apart, Paul pleads that they would be joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. : Paul thanks God for the gifts among the Corinthians, even though they were causing some trouble. b. But the submission of Jesus to the Father doesnt come from any inherent inferiority; instead, it comes from the administrative order of the Godhead. For the grace which was given to you by Jesus Christ: This was the specific reason for Pauls gratitude. This danger was constantly on the mind of the apostle Paul, and should be constantly on the mind of any preacher or teacher. (39-41) The analogy of living and heavenly bodies. iv. What message does a cruel, humiliating, unrelenting instrument of death have? Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. : If the Corinthian Christians did not continue to, , one day they might let go of the gospel. This also demonstrates Jesus credibility, because He proclaimed He would rise three days after His death (Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 20:19). The students discussed it for a while and decided they had 5% of all human knowledge amongst themselves. (1) The sin of an unnamed Christian in Corinth. Death has no power over the person found in Jesus Christ. The Corinthians were a rich church, not only materially, but also in their speech and knowledge of Jesus (all utterance and in all knowledge the testimony of Christ), in their abounding in the gifts (come short in no gift), and in that they lived in anticipation of Jesus coming (eagerly waiting). This wisdom is often in contradiction to mans expectation. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. It was common in the ancient world to dictate a letter to a scribe who would write it all down. Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . iv. Of whom the great part remain to the present, is compelling testimony of the truth of the resurrection of Jesus. How sobering this is! The actual Corinthian factions may have centered around people in the congregation, not the different apostles who ministered to them. You see your calling, brethren: Paul says to the Corinthians, Look at yourselves. Significantly, Paul did not say, we baptize for the dead, but asked, . He recognizes that the gifts were not the problem, but wrong attitudes and beliefs about the gifts. The Corinthians boasting about their party leaders was really boasting about themselves. Jesus plainly spoke of both, i. All rights reserved worldwide. is the other head of the human race, and Jesus brings resurrection to all that are under His headship. i. He is, b. He compares his own case with that of the Corinthians: " We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ; we are weak, but you are strong; you are honourable, but we are despised, v. 10. God raises the dead. This is a question Paul doesnt really answer in the following verses, because the answer is obvious. The Gospel of Matthew; The Gospel of Mark; The Gospel of Luke; The Gospel of John; The Book of Acts; The Book of Romans; The Book of 1 Corinthians . The message of the gospel must first be believed and embraced. July 15, 2017 / by Enduring Word 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 - Diversity and Unity in the Gifts of the Spirit. With enemies like that, no wonder Paul could say, , ii. If my sins are not completely paid for before God, then I am still in my sins. Jesus gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and hes our man. We dont grow in sanctification by focusing on ourselves, but on Jesus, because Jesus became for us sanctification. The way Paul lived his life all-out for the gospel was evidence of the truth of the resurrection. There was an old, contentious Quaker who went from one meeting to another, never finding the true church. Here, he simply states the fact: And has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep, of our resurrection in both senses. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. In these first 10 verses, Paul refers to Jesus in every verse, for a total of 11 times. ii. Those of Chloes household: Chloe was a woman (probably a Christian) whose business interests caused her representatives (those of her household) to travel between Ephesus and Corinth. Jesus work for us didnt just come out of thin air; it was planned from all eternity and described prophetically in the, iv. 2. Death is a defeated enemy because of the work of Jesus, an enemy that will one day. 1 Corinthians 1:14-17 INTRODUCTION 1. But dont expose Him to the horror and the humiliation of hanging on a cross. But God wanted Christ crucified, and if we dont embrace the cross, even with all its strange contradictions and demands, then we are lost. No one was present in the tomb with Him when His body transformed into a resurrection body. : Jesus made a special resurrection appearance to Peter (Luke 24:34). b. (33-34) Knowing the truth about our resurrection should affect the way we live. Apparently, some of the Corinthian Christians (probably those of the Paul Party) made a big deal of the fact that they had been baptized by Paul. He did not or will not rise at some general resurrection of the dead. Unfortunately, many of them never communicate any encouragement with their correction and advice. They both describe a work in progress. He is happy to do it in this way, which offends the height of human wisdom. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. The church also had even lost Jesus in the message, preaching religious platitudes and social graces. This was the. are significant. Where is the disputer of this age? We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. 3. Third, hold this world with a loose hand. (Read 1 Corinthians 14:15-25) There can be no assent to prayers that are not understood. If the cross doesnt seem strange to you, then you either dont understand how the cross was seen in Jesus day, or you dont understand who Jesus is. It is a new order of life that will never die again. See passages such as Numbers 16:3, Numbers 20:4, Deuteronomy 23:1, and 1 Chronicles 28:8. was a secular term (referring to the gatherings of the citizenry in a city-state to discuss and decide on matters of public interest [Mare]), Paul calls the gathering of Christians in Corinth, . Crispus believed on the Lord with all his household (Acts 18:8), and was saved. The Apostle Paul spent eighteen months there on his Second Missionary Journey and established a church there. iii. Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? It is one thing to prefer one minister to another, but we cannot divide into cliques behind one minister or another. We may request cookies to be set on your device. (50-53) The need for the resurrection. III. The ivy kept growing, and one could soon only read, we preach. If Jesus is not God, He cannot offer a complete sacrifice for sins. It is as if he says, You all may not recognize my apostolic credentials. At the core of the gospel are things that. iii. July 16, 2017 / by Enduring Word 1 Corinthians 13 - Agape Love. These bodies which are subject to disease, injury, and one day decay, are unsuited for heaven. And so it is written, The first man Adam became a living being. The last Adam, , gave us one kind of body. Paul thought carefully about this letter. Paul shows how the resurrection of Jesus not only proves His own resurrection, but it proves the, If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. In 1 Corinthians 1:17, Paul declared the idea that the cross could, The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, : To those who reject the salvation of the cross, the idea of being saved through the work of a, sound kind of noble and religious to our twentieth-century ears. : Instead of giving the Jews and Greeks what they demanded in deliverance and wisdom, God gave them something unexpected: a crucified Messiah. It wasnt so much that they thought Apollos was great, but that. Their idolatry was that they now had God completely figured out; he would simply repeat the Exodus, in still greater splendor. (Fee). a. Paul will not allow this. If there is no resurrection, then there is no future judgment to consider. Enduring Word Info An objection commonly raised concerning the necessity of baptism is based on Paul's statement to the church at Corinth - cf. i. Expiring saints have often said that their last beds have been the best they have ever slept upon. (Spurgeon), iii. i. The second perfect man, Jesus the, , can give us another kind of body. Corinth had a rich ethnic mix, and it was a center for sports, government, military, and business. Apparently, some of the Corinthian Christians (probably those of the Paul Party) made a big deal of the fact that, lest anyone should say that I had baptized in my own name. Our resurrection body will be a heavenly (. ) Barclay says yes, and simply points out that Paul was dead wrong here. Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, Why did Paul so carefully prove the resurrection of Jesus? We dont need to waver, we dont need to change direction, we dont need to fall, and we dont need to quit. To remain willfully ignorant of the truth is. In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul deals more fully with what makes a person an apostle. He is describing them as they appear to the perishing man, the wise man of this age. God loves to rebuke the idolatry of human wisdom, and He often does it by choosing and using the foolish things of the world. Each of these were resuscitated from death, but none of them were. Are they lying in the grave, in some kind of soul sleep or suspended animation? They say, Here is a Christians body, lying in a grave with no casket. As is evident from 1 and 2 Corinthians, Pauls standing and authority as an apostle were not appreciated among the Christians of Corinth. For the abundance of their spiritual gifts. So also is the resurrection of the dead: Its hard to understand what our resurrection bodies will be like, so Paul will use contrast to help us, giving four contrasts between our present body and our future resurrection body. : A title designating not only master and boss, but also the, : The given name of the son of Mary, and adopted son of Joseph, which is the Greek pronunciation of, : This is the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew word for. If Jesus cannot offer a complete sacrifice for sins, our sins are not completely paid for before God. There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. So He receives resurrection first as, of Jesus described here uses the ancient Greek word, of our resurrection, does that mean He was the first one raised from the dead? I am, an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, ? Were the ones really right with God!, : There was the Apollos Party, who declared We are following in the footsteps of a man who is great in power and spiritual gifts, and an impressive man. It means that the righteous deeds and character of Jesus are accounted to us. iii. I will not fear thee, death, why should I? The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven. iii. (3-4) The content of the gospel Paul preached. Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. What will Paul boast about? We know He lives because the historical evidence, , the brother of Jesus, who is seen as a prominent leader in the church in Acts 15. a. The destruction of death was shown at the resurrection of Jesus, when, But when He says all things are put under Him, it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted, : Paul reminds us that the Son will not someday be superior to the Father. Lifting up Jesus, honoring, and proclaiming His goodness to all mankind Paul will tell the Corinthian Christians something they could not have known by reason or research. The term Korinthiazomai was well known in the Roman Empire and it meant literally to live like a Corinthian. But everyone knew it really meant to be sexually out of control. Aelian, the late Greek writer, tells us that if ever a Corinthian was shown upon the stage in a Greek play he was shown drunk. (Barclay), v. Fee comments on Corinths sexual immorality: The Asclepius room in the present museum in Corinth provides mute evidence to this facet of city life; here on one wall are a large number of clay votives of human genitals that had been offered to the god for healing of that part of the body, apparently ravaged by venereal disease. Fee sums up his analysis of Corinth by writing: All of this evidence together suggests that Pauls Corinth was at once the New York, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas of the ancient world. Leon Morris describes Corinth as Intellectually alert, materially prosperous, but morally corrupt.. This is proving himself the servant of Christ. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received, it (and not from man, but from Jesus Christ, according to Galatians 1:11-12), and Paul. It is important and useful for Christians to daily reckon themselves dead to sin with Jesus Christ (as in Romans 6:11. to support that truth is wrong, because in context Paul is writing about the danger to his physical life. They were not looking for the, : The Greek culture valued the pursuit of wisdom, usually expressed in high, academic, philosophical terms. They were, is mere flattery, Pauls way of preparing them for coming rebuke. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. : In the wording of the ancient Greek, it is even stronger: : Paul says our bodies are like seeds which grow into resurrection bodies. This wisdom is often in contradiction to mans expectation. i. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Paul doesnt only consider believers in Corinth to be the church of God. Probably, Sosthenes was Pauls scribe (or, more technically, his amanuensis). For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloes, : Chloe was a woman (probably a Christian) whose business interests caused her representatives (those of her. ) 2. Paul knew this by experience. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching, If Christ is not risen, then our preaching is in vain, : If there is no resurrection, then Jesus is not risen, and Paul and the other apostles have preached. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. Encouraging and getting others to study, believe, and rely on God to be real. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory., O Death, where is your sting? i. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. ii. This isnt the gathering of the world, but, iv. As the chief things, or matters of the greatest importance; fundamental truths.. That which I - received By revelations from God himself, and not from man.. That Christ died for our sins The death of Jesus Christ, as a vicarious sacrifice for sin, is ; among the things . Sharing the Word of God with passion for Christ. Paul tells them just what kind of apostle he is, . However, we never speak of the physical sufferings of Jesus to make us feel sorry for Jesus, as if He needed our pity. A truly Christian minister will seek much more to do spiritual good to men's souls, than to get the greatest applause to himself. Paul made it clear that to be, ? It was common in the ancient world to dictate a letter to a scribe who would write it all down. Let him die the death of a dignified man. d. You come short in no gift: Paul thanks God for the gifts among the Corinthians, even though they were causing some trouble. describes the Christians marching orders at the rapture of the Church. Christ crucified was the ultimate oxymoron, and this was what Paul preached! These meetings were important in proving to the disciples that Jesus was who He said He was. i. You dont understand the tension between Christ and crucified. a. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. They had been enriched by him with all spiritual gifts. What happened to change them? Originally it said strongly, . Sixth, live in such a manner that you would not be ashamed to die at any moment. At these meetings He ate with them, comforted them, commanded them to preach the gospel, and told them to wait in Jerusalem for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit after His ascension. If the dead do not rise, Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.. ii. c. There are contentions among you: Though division is ungodly, it is not wrong to make distinctions between churches and ministers. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. Their problem with the resurrection also indicated the source of many of their moral problems. Jesus gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and hes our man. : God was at His most foolish and very weakest at the cross, but it was infinitely wiser and stronger than anything man could do. through the pride and cleverness of men! All will be resurrected in the sense that they will receive a resurrection body and live forever. This remarkable, instant gathering of Christians unto Jesus in the clouds has been called the rapture, after the Latin word for caught up in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. ii. The answer is, Yes! God does it and we do it. But in the first century, saying message of the cross was about the same as saying message of the electric chair except worse! ii. 6. Not only did they see Jesus after His death, but they saw Him in a manner which revolutionized their faith and trust in Him. b. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. : We dont often think of the burial of Jesus as part of the gospel, but it is. The Greeks regarded Christ crucified as foolishness. Pottery and Corinthian brass (a mixture of gold, sliver and copper) from the city were world famous. Yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then death has power over Him and defeated Him. Paul, knowing death is a defeated enemy because of Jesus work, can almost taunt death, and mock it. : In verses three and four, Paul will describe the. Whatever the preacher may mean in his heart, he will be guilty of the blood of souls if he does not clearly proclaim a real sacrifice for sin. (Spurgeon), vi. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. The resurrection of Jesus, iv. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. 1 Corinthians 15:23. But though this text doth not prove the general resurrection, (being only intended of believers, that are members of Christ,) yet it doth not oppose it. That is of little importance to me, because I am not an apostle because of a popular election. i. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. This chapter falls logically into two divisions having reference to fellow-laborers in God's field (1 Corinthians 3:1-9 a), and to fellow-workers in God's building (1 Corinthians 3:9b-17), with a short summary and recapitulation of the apostle's argument in the epistle to this point (1 Corinthians 3:18-23).THE FIELD. And so it is written, [verse 1 Corinthians 15:45 ,] The first man Adam was made a living soul; but the last Adam [Jesus Christ] was made a quickening spirit ( 1 Corinthians 15:45 ). We can follow Pauls logic point-by-point: If there is no principle of resurrection, then Jesus did not rise from the dead. They did not come behind any of the churches in any gift, v. 7. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloes household, that there are contentions among you. This is not always the case; some of the most brilliant men of history have been Christians (such as Isaac Newton). c. To us who are being saved it is the power of God: Though it is a strange message, and regarded as foolish by the perishing, to those who trust in it and are being saved, this message of the cross becomes to them the actual power of God. 1 Co 1:14-17 a. i. For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. You can also change some of your preferences. It is the heart shown in God when it is said of the Lord, The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance ( 2 Peter 3:9 ). b. O Death, where is your sting? The path for Gods glory is Christ crucified; the evidence of Gods glory is His choice of the lowly. Let every pulpit rightly say, we preach Christ crucified! A strong church once inscribed these words on an archway leading to the churchyard. Many things made Corinth famous. When Paul looked at the Corinthian church, he could say: These people proclaim Jesus, they know about Jesus, there are the supernatural gifts of God among them, and they are excited about Jesus return. Whatever problems they had, these are some pretty impressive strong points. God isnt saying that it is better to be foolish or uneducated. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. the gospel Paul preached to them. There is another significant difference between Pauls ministry in Athens and his work in Corinth. "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. And in the midst of judgement, God remembers mercy: he many times punishes those whom he loves. The words, are inserted by translators. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. Save your pity for those who reject the complete work of Jesus on the cross at Calvary, and save your pity for those preachers who do not have the heart of Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:23, when he proclaimed the center of the Christian message: ? : In a single moment, Jesus will gather His people (both dead and on the earth) to Himself, for resurrection. Grace means that God gives freely, for His own reasons. Paul praises God for their positives, and expresses confidence that God will take care of their weak points, and, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ, i. But the best news ever is that we can be saved from the punishment we deserve from God because of what Jesus did for us. This thought will not only to keep you going, but 1 Corinthians 15:58 also says that it can motivate you to always abound in the work of the Lord.' I believe that God has used this exhortation to encourage the guardians to abound in the work of the Lord. ii. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. a. 7. Where is your disputer of this age? But God has chosen the foolish things of the world: Looking again at the Corinthians, Paul can say you arent wise according to the world, you arent mighty, you arent noble but you are among the foolish things of the world.. Now I say this, that each of you says, I am of Paul, or I am of Apollos, or I am of Cephas, or I am of Christ. Is Christ divided? Cephas is the Aramaic word for Peter. But all that is temporary. v. Those who thus veil an unwelcome truth imagine that they make disciples, whereas they are only paying homage to unbelief, and comforting men in their rejection of divine propitiation for sin. : If these few Corinthians were right about the resurrection, then Jesus was still dead! . 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. While our present bodies are adapted for the environment of time and earth, our resurrection bodies will be adapted for the environment of eternity and heaven. : A resurrected body is not a resuscitated corpse. 5. 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: Corinth was an important and wealthy city on the isthmus (narrow strip of land) separating Northern and Southern Greece.
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