Brown, N. and Leigh, J. Through a disability lens, and my experiences of working with disabled students, I consider referencing stylistics as an ableist practice for particular disabilities (dyslexia, blindness etc), and by extension I see how library referencing support (whilst adhering to the Accessibility regulations and WCAG standards) is not actually pedagogically accessible [A2]. It took longer than I anticipated and came back with comments like reference HEA criteria more consistently in your application, which were easy to address. The purpose of the self-assessment was also to encourage students to identify what they needed to do next to develop their learning or their confidence, such as to consolidate the class learning through practice, or to seek further support from me [V1]. An example of this would be my work to support staff wanting to use the Mahara ePortfolio system that we call myPortfolio. During the summer of 2013 we upgraded our myPortfolio software and therefore needed to update all of the support materials. If you get lucky and have Tony as the author of your text, no trouble will threaten your success! These sessions are advertised online so that staff can book in when it suits them. If you're interested in this professional recognition programme, please visit their webpages and look through the Professional Standards Framework (PSF). Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, HEA Fellowship Program @ MQ now open for 2019 applications. In this way, students were given key materials (the referencing guides and some resources) and asked to problem-solve how they would reference these resources. Available at: 6. There are usually only between two and three participants in each, allowing for better support, however staff are able to book a one-to-one with me if they dont feel confident learning in a group. their story. I have a broad knowledge of online platforms, systems and tools that can be used to engage learners, as well as experience ofdesigning, building and delivering support to staff in how to use them. As a comparison I did two more MOOCs, one from the same university on Emerging trends and technology in Education, and another from a different platform (Open2Study) from the Curtin University in Australia called Introduction to Astronomy. Available at: A n increasing number of academic and professional staff are now applying for HEA fellowships. More strategically, I sit on School Quality Panels for some of my subject areas, where my advice and experience is drawn upon as part of those quality processes. (LogOut/ Ill admit my motivation was somewhat dodgy to start with. These sessions have been devised to try and create opportunities for SSU staff to show and tell their experiences of using a particular online tool or technology. Liersch, U. Students fedback enjoyed the breakout rooms and joint experience in Word in this module, but some experienced their submissions being accidently deleted which introduced assessment anxiety to the process, and I decided that in future, engagement marks would need more consideration when using open tools [K4, K5, K6]. Kumbier, A. and Starkey, J. All the content in this portfolio was from when I worked at Southampton Solent University, and successfully became a Fellow of the HEA in May 2015. There are many definitions of CPD but to me its more about what can I do in order to do my job as best I can?, and the way I do this is to regularly look to peers and colleagues in other universities to see what theyre working on and evaluate the possibility of utilising the outcomes at SSU. Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. From doing this course I was able to experience what it was like being one of thousands of students on a MOOC, see how the course was designed and delivered, and update my knowledge on Virtual instruction. I wish to confirm that the evidence of teaching/support of student learning drawn on for the application ofSam Tayloris correct, and that the applicant has been working in a professional capacity in education for a minimum of two years, of which at least one must have been in Higher Education. doi: 10.4324/9780429432606. Robert Gordon University. Available at: This whole assessment review depended on obtaining feedback from many parties; teaching staff, students and myself as a learning technology specialist. I will use a lot of annotated screen shots and images, as well as video, along with text instructions, in the hope that it will cover the many styles of learning the learners may have. The HEA Fellowship is administered by Advance HE in the UK, whose goal is to bring the higher education sector together to share teaching strategies and practice. Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship The University of Sunderland is accredited by the Higher Education Academy to award Fellowship aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF). The lecturer could instead request a reflective journal or blog, digital portfolio, video or something else that will demonstrate that the students have met the intended outcomes. BMus (Hons) Music, The University of Huddersfield, 2013. Due to practical considerations about home WiFi and students feeding back that they struggled with live attendance living at home, I decided upon to asynchronous delivery but in a way that retained the group collaborative learning aspect, specifically for referencing learning. This led me to think about what advice we give to our students at SSU about their own employability skills, and whether or not they knew how to exploit the free web for their own personal gains. From experience, I knew that the face-to-face induction part was fairly useless as most students wouldnt open myPortfolio again until I saw them during the clinic session, meaning I would have to go over the whole induction process again. Not only do I act as an extra pair of eyes highlighting areas that could appear to be confusing for students, I can also suggest new ways in which technology could be introduced to enhance the process and outcomes. Sam has an excellent approach to her work and is professional in all aspects and is very well respected by her colleagues. Senior Fellow HEA 2014 (case studies) These documents form my application for a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Applicants can review these project statements from successful fellowship applications for assistance in preparing their applications. I have tried my best to showcase the following: Learning Technologist, Cranfield UniversityLearning Services, Building 70, Room 7, Defence Academy for the United Kingdom. The written application was submitted alongside two references, which I havent included here. This would re-introduce the kind of knowledge construction I did on-site with peer-review exercises. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. I started with Overall, we were confident that you meet the benchmark standard for Descriptor 2 and wish you much success in your future teaching career. New Technologies and Disabled People,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. Focusing a Critical Lens on Universal Design for Learning,, Arriving At Thriving: Learning from disabled students to ensure access for all | Policy Connect,, Self-Advocacy as Precariousness in University Education,, Connor, D. J. Most HEA events, like workshops, seminars and reading groups, take place in the UK. It empowers us as citizens to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, 2018). Part of this was initially submitted through portfolio for Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) in 2020, and then was expanded for written application for Fellowship, and assessed in mid-2021. and Cigas, J. Fellow Reflective Account of Professional Practice Yes Documents included in this application template References Yes Word count of Reflective Account of Professional Practice: 2790 Date submitted: This is my first submission I am aware that the University of Leeds' accreditation by the HEA to award HEA Fellowships via PRiSE requires applicants I also knew that by creating how to videos and support materials for the distance learners on the MSc Shipping Operations unit that they could do their own induction themselves I would only be needed if anything technical was going wrong. Students watch the videos before the lesson and complete the tasks. My HEA Fellowship Portfolio by Sam Taylor Details For info. Below, I share with you my portfolio in the hope that you too might glean some ideas and inspiration for your own fellowship applications and critical reflections on your teaching. This was always delivered as a group learning activity to support the social construction of knowledge, particularly for 1st year students still forming cohort bonds [K2, K3, V1]. You should complete this section against the relevant descriptor statements (D1-D3) in the UKPSF, making sure that you provide evidence against the relevant Dimensions of the Framework. (2020) Introduction: Disability Studies in EducationCritical Conversations,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. One example of how I have designed and planned learning are the ongoing Building up your online professional profile workshops aimed at students at all levels and stages of their education. Me presenting at MoodleMaharaMoot in Leipzig, Germany 2014. I centre my pedagogy around a basis in constuctivism, particularly social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978), with a humanist lens. Particularly important was the variety in teaching rooms which I was scheduled in, which meant that developing different variations of activities using both technological and non-technological solutions [A1, A2, K2, K4]. The two previous years have involved students (mostly SSU lecturers) compiling a myPortfolio page to display evidence to support a 3000 word reflective report, however students took more time and effort uploading evidence and notes taken in class rather than focus on the main piece of work itself. In this section, you should provide examples of work, in the form of case studies, to evidence your effectiveness in relation to your role. Preparing your HEA application Many colleagues have used our 'HEA Fellowships-on-one-page' handout, which is best printed out A3 in colour when working on your applications for Associate Fellowship, Fellowship, Senior Fellowship and Principal Fellowship. An additional benefit of this activity was that the classroom became energised (Robb, 2013). In the seminar I gave all students a copy of the revision guide. I really enjoy going to conferences as there are so many opportunities to learn. York: York St John University. (2008)Working one-to-one with students: supervising, coaching, mentoring, and personal tutoring. Another series of successful workshops are the Half Hour Huddles, part of Online Pedagogies strand of Technology Enhanced Learning Community of Practice. I also enjoy writing and have written a report and contributed to two journal articles that have been published inDialogue(the SSU internal publication). Olga (in the middle of the photo in the red top) gives an insiders view on what its like applying for HEA Fellowship here at Macquarie. Fellowship of the HEA is awarded to teaching and learning professionals who can demonstrate they meet Descriptor 2 criteria of The UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). The Fellowship categories available through the Education Excellence Program pathway are Associate Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow. Available at: All the experience and evidence included in an application for fellowship must relate to teaching and/or support for learning practice related to higher education provision such as: + level 4 or above within the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, or equivalent; + 119. Connor, D. J. Tell your story with examples that the reader may be able to relate to. The PSF sets out the professional standards for higher education. HEA is a subsidiary of UK-based Advance HE. Through engaging in a practical process of research, reflection and development, culminating in the production of a reflective teaching portfolio, I was able to demonstrate my commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience. When we first rolled out myPortfolio, I offered each lecturer wanting to use it my help by delivering three IT workshops to their students; an induction, a mid-unit clinic and a final how to submit it session. I am aware of the importance of accessibility and inclusivity and therefore try to make sure my support is available to as many people in as many ways as possible. We are able to award Fellowship in all categories - Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow - to our staff at our four campuses. Available at: 21 December 2020). Increasingly, HEA Fellowship is being considered in recruitment and promotion decisions in higher education institutions across the world. Rebooting Inclusive Education? substantive examples that you use in your application are drawn from teaching in UK higher education. For Associate Fellow, please write two 500 word case studies, For Fellow, please write four 500 word case studies For Senior Fellow, please write two 2000 word case studies. Required fields are marked *. Having students share their analyses in class, I was able to recognise that the ILO had been achieved (K5). Since gaining fellowship, I have shared my portfolio with a number of colleagues, currently writing their fellowship applications, to offer an example of what topics can be considered, how pedagogical literature can be woven into personal reflection, and how the application can be structured. Yes, we have three National Research Service Award individual fellowship (F31) grant applications available at Sample Applications & More. Sam has been working with us since 2008 firstly as an e-Learning Support Officer before becoming a Learning Technologist. I will also include links to social media sites that are owned by key industry players. thanks, Your email address will not be published. Once I finished my draft, I sent it for internal review. I like presenting at conferences too; any opportunity to get out there and show them what Solent are up to and how creative our lecturers and students are. Through my online networks I am able to keep up with my peers and stay up-to-date with the latest news and issues to do with my role, however sometimes its great to have more in depth conversations where detailed experiences can be shared. My intention is to create training resources for teaching librarians to improve the accessibility of their teaching when it comes to visually impaired students. higher education. Name:Steve Hogg As part of this effort, UNSW offers the HEA Fellowship program accredited by Advance HE. In order to make it clear to the students how the numerous ILOs from different lectures aligned with the assessment task (an exam), I created a revision guide and facilitated an interactive revision seminar (evidence 1) (K2, K4). (Accessed: 19 December 2019). Through it, you may join 140,000 Fellows globally and become part of a movement of professionals strengthening higher educational practice and impact. Elmborg, J. This portfolio contains all my evidence and reflections as required for my application to become a Fellow of the Higher education Academy. They are then invited to share their answers with those sat next to them, giving them the opportunity to fine-tune their responses with their neighbours feedback. JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research Poison Information at JSS Hospital, Mysore with the objective to improve the health of the public by minimizing or preventing the illness and death due to poisoning. doi: 10.1353/lib.2016.0004. HEA the application forms. I also useSlideShareto publish my presentations, and to date have had over 10,000 hits on my PowerPoint slides. (ever felt that way?). I have built an activity and short demonstration of the Flipped Classroom model using myCourse ( Through engaging in a practical process of research, reflection and development, culminating in the production of a reflective teaching portfolio, I was able to demonstrate my commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience. I feel its really important for lecturers to feel that theres always somewhere there to help them when in need to technology advice. Recently, HR asked if I could combine my generic workshop with an overview of myPortfolio to the new intake of SSU Graduate Associates. The Monash Education Academy (MEA) is accredited to offer routes to Fellowship through Advance HE. Participants in this pathway will be provided with a mentor who is an accredited HEA Fellow who will support the development of their application. Available at: I circulated around the room, listening to various conversations to get an understanding of what students understood. Requirements for Fellowship Level What does your application need to demonstrate? It is hoped that the three examples of ways in which I support learning (both staff and students) shows how I have carefully thought about how I deliver content and subject matter to my learners, taking into account their needs and levels of understanding. Therefore I invite the lecturer to come and see me with their assessment brief, work out what processes and outcomes the students are expected to demonstrate, then work together to build up learning activities that utilise Mahara's many tools and functions. I regularly attend conferences and webinars to do with educational technologies and I am often invited to present my knowledge on Mahara, Moodle and Social Media usage in education at both regional and national events. application. The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is a national body that champions teaching quality and focusses on the contribution of teaching as part of the wider student learning experience. (2019) Dyslexia: Shackles far beyond the written word, in McIntosh, M., Nicholas, H., and Huq, H. A. Once you've attended UCL Arena events that relate to your teaching, supervision, student support or leadership role, you can apply for one of the categories of Fellowship by submitting a written or multi-modal application to an internal panel of academic and professional assessors. By developing these guides, it has fostered more conversation within our librarian team about what accessible referencing teaching means, particularly in how we describe referencing in our classes so that it relies less on wholly visual information. The success of each session of learning entirely depends on how motivated the learners are and their reasons for learning. 471485. The new guidance has been used with focus groups of disabled students and the feedback has been incredibly positive, including feedback such as this would have helped my understanding of referencing so much and I would have been much more independent with this the latter is incredibly important for students self-determination and independence without asking for accommodations (Bruce, 2020) [V1, V2, K5, K6]. I have 2 young kids and a dog, and I love meeting other Mq people, so give me a shout if you'd like to talk 'learning and teaching' or would like to brainstorm together. > Criteria for Senior Fellowship of the HEA To be recognised as a senior fellow of the HEA, you must demonstrate that you meet Descriptor 3 (D3) of The UK Professional Standards Framework. Word count requirements Associate Fellow (D1) 400 words Fellow (D2) 1000 words Senior Fellow (D3) 2000 words. Whether it is a mistake you realize you have made before, or you are a victim of discriminations. This application was prepared over the course of 2019-2021. I did my PhD here and taught on different courses, ranging from 1st year to PhD students. View all posts by ThomasPeachLib, Your email address will not be published. One Principal Lecturer emailed the following to her course team: This afternoon I went to the first of the 'half hour huddles' run by LTU (Sam, Andrew and Christina). 24-43. My approach to teaching and training is based on the Active Learning Theory, one which I am very familiar with from mybackground as a dancer and dance teacher/choreographer. . Billett, S. (2009) Personal epistemologies, work and learning,Educational Research Review, 4(3), pp. It was during this course that I was able to build up enough confidence to successfully apply for a promotion to become a Learning Technologist. There is a show and tell opportunity where you are able to see how and what other folk are doing on myCourse with the functions. And you do it by writing a story about your work, your values and, in the case of a Senior Fellowship, by adding two detailed case studies. In addition to my support, its my role to ensure that the SSU rules and regs with regards to assessments are met and that the technology does support the assessment. My research and teaching focus on gender, sex, sexuality, embodiment, dance, sport, media and qualitative methods. As a four-part series I am openly publishing my case studies previously submitted for my Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. The first is the theory of information landscapes (Lloyd, 2010) which aims to theorise and understand the ways in which people move contextually in, amongst and between socially constructed information in their lives, which itself relies heavily on social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978). Both critical information literacy and information landscapes centre the importance of lived experiences and that our experiences of information are contextually influenced by our existing knowledges and practices, and in this light, lend themselves well to the constructivist approaches to teaching I employ [V1, V3]. Working with a disabled staff member who uses a screenreader, I have been re-developing referencing guidance through aspects of Universal Design, but critically applied so it re-centers disabled people in its focus without deficit thinking (Baglieri, 2020; Connor, 2020; Douglas and Santinele Martino, 2020). creating a table with every single criterion in one column and specific examples (2020) I dont like to be told that I view a student with a deficit mindset: Why it Matters that Disability Studies in Education Continues to Grow,, Introduction: Disability Studies in EducationCritical Conversations, As HEA doesnt allow the sharing of examples of successful applications electronically, Im happy to meet with anybody whos interested. 253259. In this video, Gillian will introduce the Principal Fellow of HEA, also referred to as Descriptor 4. Armed with evidence of personal success, I went about pulling my experiences and findings into a workshop that could be delivered to students and staff at all levels. Applicants should provide their completed application to their supporters for review and comment before submission since they will be asked to comment on specific examples. The research reported here was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), EPSRC-LWEC Challenge Fellowship EP/N02950X/1. This was proving to be an issue as Im not meant to be teaching students, only to support lecturers so that they could do it themselves. I often try to identify opportunities where I can support student learning, including staff in need of training. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. As mentioned at the start of this application, I have undertaken a PGCert in Teaching Post Compulsory Education and Training where I was able to hone my skills as a teacher and understand the importance of mentoring and support students and their needs, classroom management and professional practices (lesson plans, schemes of work, resources and assessment). focussed academics with a focus on senior and principal fellowships. Though engagement was good, assessment of the Collaborative Word documents became more generalised (to avoid giving individual feedback in a mass group setting which may not be appropriate) which is not ideal, but gives space for students to assess their own submissions against the generalised feedback. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Goodley, al. 210219. Dean, C. J. The main examples of where I support learning are listed below. There is also a Canvas Site with a recording of the information session along with examples of applications and additional guidance documents. As a result of these conversations, I have begun drafting guidance for our team on what inclusive pedagogy in referencing classes could look like, so that this work impacts on students beyond just my areas of support [A4, K3]. You should complete this section against the relevant descriptor statements (D1-D3) in the UKPSF, making sure that you provide evidence against appropriate Dimensions of the Framework. To some technology is seen as a necessary evil and I can hopefully help them to see the benefits rather than the inconvenience. _____________________________________________________________. Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) 2020, International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) 2020, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) 2020. For the most part, the activity took the focus away from me, and enabled more confident students to share their knowledge and understanding of the ILOs, and thus engage in the higher order skill of teaching their fellow students. What are other people . UVU is the first American institution to be accredited by the HEA to offer fellowship recognition to faculty, administrators, and staff supporting learning.
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