It commonly designates a chief of a tribe or a royal family member. However, a small minority of them are Alawites and Ismaili. The Banu Amilah were part of the Nabataean Arab foederati of the Roman Empire, and they were connected to other pre-Islamic Arabs such as Judham and Balqayn, whose presence in the region likely dates back to Biblical times according to Irfan Shahd. [10] On the other hand, Jabal Amel was inhabited by Banu Amilah, its namesake, who have particular importance for the Lebanese Shia for adopting and nurturing Shi'ism in the southern population. In Ja'far al-Muhajir's assessment, the presence of pro-Alid tribes such as Hamdan and Madh'hij in the region after the HasanMuawiya treaty in 661 CE, likely acted as a vector that facilitated the Shi'ism among segments of the local populations in Jabal Amel, Galilee and Beqaa valley,[13] where anti-Abbasid sentiment was common as a result of discrimination and ongoing marginalization of the region by the Abbasids. (Return to the corrected sentence.). [75] However, a 2012 CIA study reports that the Shia Muslims constituted an estimated 27% of Lebanon's population. [53], In addition, the Shia Twelvers in Lebanon have close links to the Syrian Shia Twelvers. While General Myers was meeting with officers and enlisted men there, I was free to walk around the base, and eventu ally I wandered into the command center, where my eye was immedi ately caught by a large flat-screen TV. February 27, 2023 . These people influenced Lebanese art, literature, music, cuisine, religion, and architecture. The group soon became widely vilified in the Islamic world for its armed campaigns across throughout the following decades, which included slaughtering Muslim pilgrims and sacking Mecca and Medinaand Salamiyah. But surnames arent reliable either, given the number of intermarriages that occurred under Baath party rule. [36], Following the outbreak of the 1860 civil war, the conflict in Mount Lebanon had affected neighbouring areas. [18] Between 10701109, Tripoli experienced a brief period of independence under the Shia Banu Ammar dynasty, a family of Shia qadis who captured Jableh from the Byzantines and ruled a territory as far as Jbeil in the south. In 1938, he built two schools, one for girls and another for boys, at his own expense. This tack also applies to Lebanon's Shiite militia Hezbollah, established by Iran in the early 1980s. During the post-independence decades between 1943 and 1990, Shiites had the highest fertility rate (3.8) of all communities. [17], Some of the primary accounts for Lebanon are relayed by Al-Maqdisi (c. 966985) and Nasir Khusraw. Sunnis dont accept the imams. Ultra -religious Sunnis and Shiites are much more easily distinguished. The two groups diverged after the death of Mohammed in the seventh century, when one side chose Abu Bakr, Mohammeds companion and adviser, to succeed him, and the other thought it should be Mohammeds son-in-law, Ali. [28] In social terms, Tripoli and Tyre experienced a drastic upheaval with the crusader conquests. [47], Sayyid Abdul-Husayn Sharafeddine believed that the only way to ward off foreign political influence was to establish modern schools while maintaining Islamic teachings. In order to bring their demands (mulabiyya) to the attention of the French authorities, petitions were signed and presented to the French High Commissioner and the Service de l'Instruction Publique. It is the name of the founder of Islam, and extremely common throughout the Muslim religion. Ask the Explainer. The French had dispersed the Shiite leaders and thousands of peasants who feared reprisals, and the high fines imposed on them caused financial misery. Haplogroup J2 is also a significant marker in throughout Lebanon (27%). Isma'ilism, or "Sevener Shi'ism", is a branch of Shia Islam which emerged in 765 from a disagreement over the succession to Muhammad. Muhammad ibn Tughj al-Ikhshid killed one of the city's Alid notables in 903 for alleged Qarmatian sympathies. Other names cant be linked to one sect or the other: Youll find plenty of Muslims from both camps named after Mohammed or his daughter Fatima. It is a variant of the surname Al-Amin, which means faithful or trustworthy. Dig into and choose from MomJunction's treasure of 70,000+ baby names that are divided based on meaning, religion, origin, English alphabet, and gender. [34] The duo's first decisive battle took place in Lake Huleh in 1771, when the 10,000-strong Ottoman army of Uthman Pasha al-Kurji was virtually annihilated by the duo's forces; about 300-500 Ottoman soldiers survived the battle, and Uthman Pasha returned to Damascus with only 3 of his soldiers. Where as with Sunni they have surnames like Mohammed,Syed,Ahmed,Baig, Khan and more. Other Muslim rulers soon acted to crush this powerful heretical movement. All rights reserved. There is no distinct pattern that shows that one community carries significantly more Phoenician than another. Protect their lives and possessions as you do to your own. The ansaris now reside in most countries of south asia with large populations in india, pakistan, bangladesh and nepal. Sunni Islam in Lebanon has a history of more than a millennium. According to al-Muhajir, Yaman-affiliated tribes which lived in the surroundings of Baalbek before 872, such as Banu Kalb[20] and Banu Hamdan[13] were supportive of Alid sentiments at the time, and they likely played a role in disseminating Shia Islam in the Bekaa and anti-Lebanon mountains. According to the CIA World Factbook, Shia Muslims constituted an estimated 31% of Lebanon's population in 2022.[1]. Many Muslims, seemingly predominantly Shiites, were killed or departed for the interior, who were replaced by tens of thousands of Franks through several decades. Nassif became Sheikh around 1749 with the blooming of the cotton industry in Jabal Amel, and was surrounded by the Shihabis and Zahir al-Umar. [21][22] Shias in the Bekaa valley remained under Muslim rule and were on good terms with Bahramshah (11821230), who welcomed a prominent Shia scholar from Homs in the city in 1210s, a gesture that "gave morale to the Shiites living in the nahiyah (of Baalbek)". Sheikh Ahmad Rifa had last been seen in the city, before his body was found in a hole in Akkar. [33], Musa Harfush was succeeded by Yunus Harfush, who again re-asserted Harfush control over Homs and the Bekaa. Though perhaps somewhat better established in neighbouring Syria, where the faith founded one of its first da'wah outposts in the city of Salamiyah (the supposed resting place of the Imam Isma'il) in the 8th century, it has been present in what is now Lebanon for centuries. [40] However, the French breakdown on Shiites left the latter resentful against them. Congratulations on your election victory, distinguished MPs!! [10][11][12] After independence from France, their co-religionists, the Assad family, came to power in Syria in 1970.[13]. Ultra-religious Sunnis and Shiites are much more easily distinguished. [28], Further South, the pinnacle of Jabal Amel occurred at the hands of Nassif al-Nassar (c. 17491781) of Ali al-Saghirs during his alliance with Zahir al-Umar. This neglectance continued into the early days of the French mandate. In between 1920 and 1921, rebels from these areas attacked French military bases in Southern Lebanon and the Beqaa valley. The Harfushes were first identified by late-Mamluk historian Ibn Tawq as muqaddams of the Anti-Lebanon mountain villages al-Jebbeh and Assal al-Ward as early as 1483, and later as deputies of Baalbek in 1498 by historians Ibn Homsi and Ibn Tulun. There are Shiite and Sunni regions and neighborhoods in Iraq, and members of small communities may know the religious affiliations of their neighbors. This marker is found in many inhabitants of Lebanon, regardless of religion, signals pre-Arab descendants, including the Phoenicians. [28][34] This grande scurit that Nassif and Zahir imposed on the region best manifested when Ali Bey al-Kabir of Egypt requested Nassif's help to put down the rebellion at Cairo in 1773, or when he was sought by nomadic tribes in the Syro-Jordanian desert for help.[28]. [74] More recently, in 2022 the CIA World Factbook estimated that Shia Muslims constitute 31.2%[1] of Lebanon's population.[76][1]. As a response, Sadiq Hamzeh hoisted the Arab flag in several villages as a symbol of rejecting French occupation. native to mss meaning; tyler johnson white sox contract; nfl character coach salary; mystic creek golf course rating; face masks made out of swimsuit material Israeli vision and strategy nowadays is reduced to three goals: to maintain peace and tranquility along the Lebanese-Israeli border, which has been respected by both sides for the past 11 years;. A very pious Sunni man in Iraq may wear a long beard, and a pious Sunni woman might cover her face except for the eyes. The boys' school was known as al-Ja'fariyya, and was able to continue despite financial difficulties. 1 a ; ; . Lebanese peoples health at stake due to the inability to afford hospital Lebanese peoples health at stake! However, the Ottomans did confirm tax-collectorship iltizam to the local Shia in Jabal Amel, Bekaa valley and northern Mount Lebanon as part of their efforts of relying on local intermediaries rather than forcibly imposing foreign ones. [38] Many Christian refugees were reportedly given protection by the Shiites in Chyah and Jabal Amel, where they settled in a plethora of villages including Rmaich and Tebnine. Sunnis are widely dispersed in Lebanon with the majority of Lebanese Sunnis residing in urban centers (more than two-thirds living in Beirut, Sidon, and Baalbek), and rural Sunnis living in the Akkar region, the western Bekka . [40], Following the official declaration of the French Mandate of Greater Lebanon (Le Grand Liban) in September 1920, anti-French riots broke out in the predominantly Shia areas of Jabal Amil and the Beqaa Valley. [58] They are recognized as one of the 18 official Lebanese sects, and due to the efforts of an Alawite leader Ali Eid, the Taif Agreement of 1989 gave them two reserved seats in the Parliament. Due to official persecution by the Sunni Zengid dynasty that stoked escalating sectarian clashes with Sunnis, many Isma'ilis in the regions of Damascus and Aleppo are said to have fled west during the 12th century. Sunnis and Shiitesin Iraqalso differ in the way they hold their hands during prayerup toward their chests or down at their sides, respectively. [36] Following the Syrian National Congress in 2 July 1919, when Shiites restated their support for Syrian unity, Maronites increased their armed activities against the Shiites. He also took part in the punitive campaigns against Chouf in 16134, and married his son to Fakhreddine's daughter. Shia Twelvers in Lebanon refers to the Shia Muslim Twelver community with a significant presence all over Lebanon including the Mount Lebanon (Keserwan, Byblos), the North (Batroun), the South, the Beqaa, Baabda District coastal areas and Beirut. where do you file a complaint against a hospital; failure to pay full time and attention va code; bones angela and hodgins in jail; mirabella svadobny salon dubnica nad vahom elgin mental health center forensic treatment program. However, in a country that had last census in 1932, it is difficult to have correct population estimates. Lebanon's Sunni community is its third largest ethnopolitical group and comprises one-fifth of the total population. This was the perfect moment for the French to strike, as they sent to the south an expedition of 4,0006,000 soldiers lead by Colonel Niger, heavily bombing the villages and crushing the Shiite rebellion by June 1920. Prior their alliance, Zahir backed the Shiites in a battle against the Shihabis in 1750, when the latter were routed and defeated. [2], Under the terms of an unwritten agreement known as the National Pact between the various political and religious leaders of Lebanon, Sunni notables traditionally held power in the Lebanese state together, and they are still the only ones eligible for the post of Prime Minister. 1260), a Tanukhid emir from Mount Lebanon whom al-Yunini identified as a Shiite Muslim, and was buried in Karak Nuh. You can also tell a Sunni from a Shiite based on where he goes to pray: Locals would know the affiliation of each mosque, and outsiders may be able to tell by reading the banners or inscriptions. The French supported several Maronite militia, especially those in Qlaiaa and Kfour by Nabatieh. However, the girls' school did not last long due to financial difficulties and traditional views, prompting Sayyid Sharafeddine to transfer the girls and teach them in his own home. [25] In 1384, the Mamluks also executed Muhammad Jamaluddin al-Makki al-Amili, the head of the community at the time and most prominent scholar, after falsely charging him of being a ghulat and promoting Nusayri doctrines.[27]. The Iturean Kingdom of Chalcis became vassal state of the Romans after they consolidated their rule over most of the Levant in 64 BC, and at their peak they managed to impose control on much of the Phoenician coast and Galilee including southern Lebanon, until the Romans fully incorporated them in 92 CE. During this period of chaos, also several predominantly Christian villages in the region were attacked due to the armed support they received from the French and their perceived acceptance of French mandatory rule, including Ain Ebel. [6][7] Moreover, Tripoli, the stronghold of the Lebanese Sunnis, is also the birthplace of Lebanon's Salafi Movement. [12], After Kitbuqa took Baalbek in 1260, many Shias refused the newly imposed Mongol authority. Name of a friend of Prophet Muhammad. Lebanese Sunni Muslims (Arabic: ) refers to Lebanese people who are adherents of the Sunni branch of Islam in Lebanon, which is one of the largest denomination in Lebanon tied with Shias. Since 2011, Lebanon has taken in 1.5 million Syrian refugees. At the best of times, the Alawites are regarded by Sunnis as heretics; at times of tension, when thousands of Sunnis in Syria are being killed, they are regarded as the enemy. On the other hand, the official recognition of legal and religious Shiite institutions by the French authorities strengthened a sectarian awareness within the Shia community. June 7, 2022 . For example, discussions about the mourning of the martyrdom of Imam Husain during Ashura, which was a clandestine affair before the 1920s and 1930s, led to its transformation into a public ceremony.[50]. Several Christian denominations are represented, including Orthodox and Catholic denominations and one Protestant church, and there is a small Jewish minority. At some times, the Shiites also fought the Druze, who at Jbaa attacked and wounded their religious chief who was sheltering a Christian refugee, and proceeded to loot his home. [71], War in the region has also caused pressures on Lebanese Isma'ilis. [11] As the Muslim conquest of the Levant reached Lebanon, these Arab tribes received the most power which encouraged the non-Arabic-speaking population to adopt Arabic as the main language. Between 1187 and 1291, the Shiites of Jabal Amel were divided between the newly autonomous hills and a coast still subject to the Franks. He then proceeded to send his forces to ransack Shiite libraries rich in valuable manuscripts, and paraded the heads of the fallen in Sidon. Though little is known about Husam ad-Din's life, he was apparently a close friend of Saladin's son Al-Afdal who later converted to Shia Islam. There are 64 Maronite Maseehi members registered in Sahel Alma (Kessrouan). During the revolt in 1938, the French requested British Royal Air Force support during their operations against insurgents in Bint Jbeil and South. Shiites view Ali and his two sons, Hassan and Hussein, as the first of the 12 imams, or holy leaders of Islam. The tradition in this case refers to practices based on what the Prophet Muhammad said, did, agreed to. The term 'mutawili' is also the name of a trustee in Islamic waqf-system. The Mamluks punished the town of Machghara in 1364 for disobedience and religious dissidence. in north india, the community are known as ansari or . According to contemporary chronicler Ibn Tulun, many Shiites had come to join the battle. Ibrahim (Arabic/Biblical origin) meaning "friend of God"; Ibrahim is the Arabian derivation of the Biblical name Abraham. In 996998, rebels in Tyre drove out the Fatimids for two years until the revolt was suppressed and the dissidents crushed. Najm ad-Din ibn Malli al-Baalbeki (b. It is an Arabic epithet and honorific title of the Prophet. Despite signing a letter offering submission to Selim I in 1516, the Harfushes' initial relationship with their new masters seems to have been problematic when the governor of Syria, Janbirdi al-Ghazali, executed Shia chief Ibn Harfush as a rebel in 1518, contemporarily evicting them from the deputyship of Baalbek. [84] Other haplogroups present among Lebanese Shia include E1b1b (17%), G-M201 (10%), R1b, and T-L206 occurring at smaller, but significant rates. [12], The spread of Shia Islam in Lebanon and the Levant was a complex, multi-layered process throughout history. There are over fifteen different officially recognised religious sects in Lebanon. Seven Shia Twelver (Mutawili) villages that were reassigned from French Greater Lebanon to the British Mandate of Palestine in a 1924 border-redrawing agreement were depopulated during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and repopulated with Jews. Among the factors contributing to the recent surge of Sunni extremism in Lebanon, the most prominent is perhaps the growing Sunni resentment of Hezbollah, especially after the Shiite movement in May 2013 officially announced its military involvement in Syria, in support of Bashar al-Assad. Sunni, Arabic Sunn, member of one of the two major branches of Islam, the branch that consists of the majority of that religion's adherents. (However, in a country that had last census in 1932, it is difficult to have correct population estimates) The Lebanese Sunni Muslims are highly concentrated in Lebanon's . The Levant fell to the Ottomans in 1516, bringing about a new period in the region. It has a red "U" on it. [17] A study done by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1985 put the numbers of Sunnis at 27% of the population (595,000 of 2,228,000). Lebanese policymakers have struggled to come to terms with the phenomenon of Islamic radicalization in a country where Sunnis make up roughly a quarter of the population and for decades have lived side by side with Christians, Shia, and other Muslim sects.
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