1.At least ninety (90) days before voluntary closure of his or her practice, the physician shall send notice to the last known address (mail and/or email) of each patient seen within two (2) years of the actual or expected date of closure, which notice must include, at minimum, the actual or expected date of closure and instructions for obtaining patient medical records before and after closure. All collaborative practice agreements must be approved by the Board of Pharmacy (BOP), the Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline (BMLD), and the Director, each of which may request revisions to any proposed collaborative practice agreement as a condition of approval. 13.Good standing means a licensee has an unrestricted license to practice medicine. The Board may grant up to twelve (12) months of credit at the internship level to an applicant with a minimum of three (3) years of progressive international postgraduate training when advanced standing is also granted by the American Board of Medical Specialties. New participants in the collaborative practice agreement shall be kept up to date with names and signatures at the practice site. of this Title, Fee Structure for Licensing, Laboratory and Administrative Services Provided by the Department of Health. 5-91-10. A.All aspects of mammography services shall be performed in accordance with the Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act of 1998, Pub. Licensure. 4.The Licentiate Medical Council of Canada (LMCC); 5.Or any combination of examinations acceptable to the Board and as recommended by the United States Medical Licensing Examination; 6.The passing score for each section of the above examinations must be seventy-five (75) or more (The Board does not accept averaging of the separate components.). B.Any physician licensed in Rhode Island under the provisions of the Act who seeks to practice acupuncture limited to the ear shall complete an approved course of at least four (4) hours duration. G.Applicants whose physician licenses either are or have been suspended or revoked in another jurisdiction must submit a letter of good standing to the Board from the originating jurisdiction prior to their application being considered in Rhode Island. In addition, one who attaches the title M.D., physician, surgeon, D.O., osteopathic physician and surgeon, or any other similar word or words or abbreviation to his or her name indicating that he or she is engaged in the treatment or diagnosis of the diseases, injuries or conditions of persons shall be held to be engaged in the practice of medicine. The Supreme Court appoints twelve (12) members to the Board, eight (8) of whom are attorneys and four (4) of whom are members of the public. Fax Number: 401-222-2158. "Chief administrative officer" means the administrator of the Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline. No collaborative practice may commence unless and until the corresponding collaborative practice agreement is approved by the Director. When a patient requests in writing that his or her medical records be transferred to another physician, the original physician shall promptly honor such request. Willful violation of the provisions of this section by a licensing candidate shall be grounds for immediate license suspension. A volunteer physician license may be renewed in accordance with 1.5.6(B) of this Part. While medical boards find it necessary to suspend or revoke licenses when appropriate, some problems can be . I. The holder shall reapply for limited registration in accordance with the requirements of 1.5.3(A) through (C) of this Part if the relationship with the medical school substantially changes. Issuing of fines for disciplinary actions. 6.Have satisfactorily passed an examination approved by the Board; and. The tissue can be cut, burned, vaporized, frozen, sutured, probed, or manipulated by closed reductions for major dislocations or fractures, or otherwise altered by mechanical, thermal, light-based, electromagnetic, or chemical means. 22. This report includes national physician disciplinary statistics in a variety of categories for the year 2021. 4.Have submitted a completed application, in the English language or accompanied by a certified translation thereof into English for reciprocal licensure. Staff attorneys can refer callers to other appropriate agencies, bring serious matters to the immediate attention of the board, and screen out those matters which do not allege any misconduct. After the fifth (5th) consecutive renewal, a physician may reapply for limited registration in accordance with the provisions of 1.5.3(A) through (C) of this Part. July 3, 2022 July 3, 2022. Gifts. Addition or removal of physicians, pharmacists and other qualified provider does not require BOP, BMLD, or Director approval. Reimbursement to the physician for responding to a patient a copy of their medical record, regardless of format, shall be consistent with Federal law specifically 45 C.F.R. Discipline & Administrative Actions Complete one or more search fields. (b) If a license granted to a physician by the . 1.3.4Limited Medical Registration Requirements for Interns, Residents or Fellows. At least ninety (90) days before voluntary closure of his or her practice, the physician shall send notice to the last known address (mail and/or email) of each patient seen within two (2) years of the actual or expected date of closure, which notice must include, at minimum, the actual or expected date of closure and instructions for obtaining patient medical records before and after closure. D.Any person or corporation or other legal entity receiving medical records of any retired physician or deceased physician who had been practicing at the time of his or her death, shall comply with and be subject to the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 5-37.3, the Confidentiality of Health Care Information Act, and shall be subject to the Rules and Regulations promulgated in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws 23-1-48 and with the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws 5-37-22(c) and (d), even though this person, corporation, or other legal entity is not a physician. The applicant is responsible to report the results of an evaluation from a Board approved organization and follow the recommendations for ongoing competence; and. The physician may not require prepayment of charges for duplicating or retrieving records as a condition prior to fulfilling the patient's request for the medical record if the request is for the purpose of continuity of care. 2016 Rhode Island General Laws Title 5 - Businesses and Professions . The Director at the direction of the Board, after due notice and hearing, in accordance with the procedures set forth in R.I. Gen. Laws 5-37-5.2 to 5-37-6.2, may refuse to grant the original license to any physician and/or applicant who fulfills the grounds for such refusal pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws 5-37-4. For foreign medical physicians: if a certified copy of birth certificate cannot be obtained, immigration papers or resident alien card or such other birth verifying papers acceptable to the Board; One (1) recent photograph of the applicant, head and shoulder front view approximately two inches by three inches (2 x 3) in size; A statement from the board of examiners in medicine in each State in which the applicant holds or has held a license confirming the applicant to be or have been in good standing. Application for limited registration for "academic faculty" shall be made on forms provided by the Department which shall be completed and submitted to the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled date of Board meeting. Charges shall not be made if the record is requested for immunization records required for school admission or by the applicant or beneficiary or individual representing an applicant or beneficiary for the purposes of supporting a claim or appeal under the provision of the Social Security Act or any Federal or State needs-based program such as Medical Assistance, RIte Care, Temporary Disability Insurance and Unemployment compensation. "Practice of medicine" means the practice of allopathic and osteopathic medicine. Staff attorneys cannot provide legal advice. (800) 633-2322 Toll Free | (916) 263-2382 Central complaint unit. 17.Medical record means a record of a patients medical information and treatment history maintained by physicians and other medical personnel, which includes, but is not limited to, information related to medical diagnosis, immunizations, allergies, x-rays, copies of laboratory reports, records of prescriptions, and other technical information used in assessing the patients health condition, whether such information is maintained in a paper or electronic format. Copying of X-rays or other documents not reproducible by photocopy shall be at the physician's actual cost plus reasonable fees for clerical service not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00). A disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, the refusal to issue or renew a license to practice medicine by any aforementioned entity. 2. 2.A physicians participation in the AOAs Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC) program will be considered equivalent to meeting CME requirement. "Drug therapy management" means the review, in accordance with a collaborative practice agreement, of drug therapy regimen(s) of patients by a pharmacist for the purpose of rendering advice to one (1) or more physicians that are party to the agreement, or their physician designees, regarding adjustment of the regimen. 7.Meet such other requirements as set forth by Regulation or as may be established by the Board. "Board" means the Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline or any committee or subcommittee thereof established under the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws 5-37-1.1. Furthermore, each applicant from an accredited training program or its equivalent shall have the application for limited medical registration signed by: The Administrator/Chief Executive Officer of the hospital, clinic, or other institution that has granted the appointment as an intern, resident or fellow; and. The requirements for retention of mammography x-rays by health care providers are pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws 23-4.9-1. The Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline posts disciplinary actions on a public-facing website that is easily searchable by name.3 We retrospectively reviewed all disciplinary actions related to controlled substances from the Board's public website from 2012 through 2017 for demographics, such as age, specialty, years in practice and gender. c.Signatories to the collaborative practice agreement shall keep a copy of the agreement on file at their primary place(s) of practice. Participation by duly appointed members of the Board in regular Board meetings and investigating committee meetings shall be considered acceptable on an hours served basis in lieu of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit/AOA Category 1a continuing medical education hours. 1.Fees. The BMLD created a framework in the context of Just Culture to evaluate allegations of misconduct regarding physicians. All documents not written in the English language shall be accompanied by certified translations. How Disciplinary Information is Collected day of June of every even-numbered year, on a biennial basis, earn a minimum of forty (40) hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit/AOA Category 1a continuing medical education credits and shall document this to the Board. Part 900. While disciplinary investigations are confidential, formal charges are heard in proceedings open to the public. When a physician's license is revoked, they may no longer practice medicine within their state or territory. Hold unrestricted licenses in every jurisdiction that the candidate holds a license. B.For written examinations, the Board requires applicants to successfully pass the following: 1.The National Board of Allopathic or Osteopathic Medical Examination (NBME) or (NBOME); or. Notwithstanding the requirements of 1.4.2(A) of this Part, all or some of the postgraduate training requirement for graduates of schools of osteopathic medicine may be waived, at the discretion of the Board, for graduates who hold a full and unrestricted license to practice osteopathic medicine in another State/jurisdiction for at least five (5) years and are certified by the AOA or an ABMS Board. This shall include treatments related to laser hair removal. F.Gifts. A physician does not have to refill controlled substances if there is a suspicion of diversion. The Board accepts the CDCs Guide to Infection Prevention for Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care (September 2016) incorporated by reference at 1.1.2 of this Part, and any successor documents, as the prevailing standard of care regarding infection prevention. The public notice shall include the date of the office closure, and where and how patients may obtain their records both prior to and after closure of the physician's practice. "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm corporation, (including, but not limited to, associations, joint stock companies, limited liability companies, and insurance companies), trust or estate, state or political subdivision or instrumentality of a State. C.The Board, at its discretion, reserves the right to require any or all applicants to appear before the Board for an interview. A temporary post-graduate physician license is valid for one (1) year from issue date may be renewed only once, the fee upon renewal is the same as a physician license and may be waived, if physician has submitted evidence to the department of DEA waiver (X number). 12.Provisions relative to signatory withdrawal from the agreement; a.A signatory may withdraw from the agreement at any time; provided, however, that in the event that withdrawal of such signatory would result in failure of the agreement for want of a party, a new party must contemporaneously be substituted consistent with the provisions of 1.5.14 of this Part. The pharmacist shall have prescriptive privileges including but not limited to initiating, adjusting, monitoring or discontinuing medication therapy. C.Physician Self-treatment or Treatment of Immediate Family Members.
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