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["percent_width"]=> string(9) "image/png" string(10) "image/jpeg" int(300) array(10) { ["file"]=> ["height"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> We'll provide easy-to-read statements and tax reportingall accessible online, reducing paper waste, and simplifying document management. int(696) int(150) ["width"]=> bool(false) ["mime-type"]=> } ["filesize"]=> } ["url"]=> ["width"]=> ["mime-type"]=> ["url"]=> ["url"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> [1]=> ["percent_width"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" array(10) { string(10) "image/jpeg" We provide personal insurance and retirement savings programs designed to enhance the financial well-being of public school employees and their families. ["acceptable_w"]=> array(5) { bool(false) ["max_image_width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> array(10) { int(480) Keep in mind that mutual fund investments are not guaranteed and may gain or lose value. string(31) "Emily_Piehl_resized-300x200.png" int(1400) } int(166) [1]=> The Trustee Custodian for the Personal Investment Accounts is Mid Atlantic Trust Company. array(5) { array(10) { [1]=> Furthermore, our directed trustee services may qualify your plans for limited scope audits. int(0) int(150) int(150) [3]=> int(150) int(5500) } string(34) "Emily-Piehl_testimonial-150x83.jpg" string(10) "image/jpeg" ["media_query"]=> } array(10) { ["acceptable_h"]=> int(1400) ["url"]=> int(1024) About Mid Atlantic Mid Atlantic Capital Group is a leading financial services organization that provides a wide array of brokerage, advisory, trust, and custody services to a diverse national . int(300) ["acceptable_w"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> string(31) "ira_rollover_slider-768x623.jpg" int(0) [1]=> ["max_image_width"]=> [1]=> The results of recommendations developed by WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., cannot be guaranteed. bool(false) string(78) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Emily_Piehl_resized.png" Mid Atlantic Trust Company. int(300) int(1) int(900) int(768) } Consult your personal advisor or attorney for advice specific to your unique circumstances before taking action. ["width"]=> } int(300) Empower Annuity Insurance Company (EIC) is compensated in connection with this product by deducting an amount for investment expenses and risk from the investment experience of certain assets held in EICs general account. string(10) "image/jpeg" string(10) "image/jpeg" Weve been helping Wisconsin public school employees and their families build financial security since 1972. int(1400) [4]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company. int(5500) bool(false) ["url"]=> string(34) "403b_plan-as171743928-768x512.jpeg" Their mission says it all to me. array(4) { } ["ratio"]=> 4,200,070 reviews on ConsumerAffairs are verified. ["max_image_width"]=> int(300) int(696) int(1) array(3) { int(1400) int(279) int(1219) ["width"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(480) ["filesize"]=> ["url"]=> bool(false) ["width"]=> ["url"]=> ["file"]=> int(300) ["ratio"]=> ["media_query"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> HTSC is a financial services and securities brokerage firm, . string(73) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Swenty-480x270.jpg" Company Description:? Operated as a multi-bank platform, DepositxChange processes daily plan deposit and withdrawal activity across participating banks, connecting them seamlessly with your record-keeping system. A Tool To Help Survive And Thrive in The New DOL Regulatory Landscape FiduciaryxChange is Mid Atlantic's proprietary program that allows a broker or advisor's home office to automate level fee-based compensation, seamlessly view plan information, and provide access to third party fiduciary services. float(150) int(480) ["acceptable_w"]=> int(0) int(300) ["file"]=> [1]=> } int(1) int(270) bool(false) int(1) ["percent_width"]=> int(5500) ["url"]=> ["width"]=> bool(false) bool(false) I never had any 401k or anything ever so idk what this could be. ["height"]=> int(14632) Target retirement funds invest in a mix of stock and bond funds that steadily become more conservative as they approach their target date. int(1400) array(10) { ["acceptable_w"]=> [0]=> Let us help you learn some important lessons about insurance by sharing some real-life experiences and some helpful tips. float(150) int(300) string(92) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial-150x89.jpg" ["width"]=> [3]=> array(5) { int(432) } array(6) { float(300) ["file"]=> ["mime-type"]=> int(1400) int(900) 330 South Poplar Avenue, Suite 103 Pierre, SD 57501. ["url"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> Certain recommendations or guidelines may not be appropriate for everyone. bool(false) int(1400) Learn about us 1 2 3 Access yourMONEY Log in to yourINSURANCE Get an insurance quote Open a retirement account Previous Winter 2023 issue your$ magazine ===========array(4) { For more information on Newport Trust Company, please call 646-313-3553 Newport Group and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. ["percent_width"]=> ["next_break"]=> } ["height"]=> ["media_query"]=> I already filed my taxes and now im panicking. int(174) int(300) int(1) ["mime-type"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> ["file"]=> string(18) "Swenty-480x270.jpg" ["mime-type"]=> int(150) ["height"]=> Call us at 800-331-0335 int(768) (412) 391-7077. int(1400) float(150) ["acceptable_w"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> [0]=> int(300) [1]=> int(480) bool(false) Empower Annuity Insurance Company (EIC . ["image_full_width"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["media_query"]=> } The Trustee Custodian for the Personal Investment Accounts is Mid Atlantic Trust Company. int(1400) int(480) string(85) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/art_contest_2023-1-300x174.png" ["file"]=> ["media_query"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> int(0) bool(false) int(300) int(1707) int(480) Predatory lending targeting low-income homebuyers, excessive risk-taking by global financial institutions, and the bursting of the United States housing bubble culminated . string(73) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Swenty-480x270.jpg" ["image_full_width"]=> string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Emily-Piehl_testimonial-150x83.jpg" ["url"]=> [0]=> [2]=> We're proud to administer more than 371,000 plans with over $125 billion in retirement assets*.This growth continues to be fueled by both loyal legacy advisors, as well as new advisors that historically placed plans only with insurance companies or payroll providers. int(1024) Our state-of-the-art trading and reporting systems integrate directly into your recordkeeping or trust accounting system, making for fully electronic processing, settlement, and reporting of trades and transactions. } int(1020) ["max_image_width"]=> int(5500) ["ratio"]=> If your employees want additional guidance, we also offer comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services. [0]=> ["media_query"]=> bool(false) ["percent_width"]=> } ["image_full_width"]=> } The employer identification number (EIN) for Mid Atlantic Trust Company is 273169253. Its metropolitan area extends from the Rhine to . ["file"]=> } ["image_full_width"]=> } ["acceptable_w"]=> int(1280) [3]=> ["width"]=> Industrial. string(85) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial.jpg" Printer Friendly View Address: 330 S Poplar Ave Pierre, SD, 57501-2495 United States . ["mime-type"]=> Basics of writing essays. ["height"]=> string(23) "GSI-article-150x104.jpg" int(623) string(70) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/GSI-article.jpg" float(150) int(1280) About Mid Atlantic Trust Company . int(300) string(10) "image/jpeg" Allentown, PA 18103 int(1) The 403(b) retirement program is offered by the WEA TSA Trust. [0]=> int(696) What is this and how fucked over am i?? string(17) "Swenty-150x84.jpg" That is why Mid Atlantic Trust Company provides an innovative set, of sophisticated financial products, technology and support services. ["width"]=> int(150) ["max_image_width"]=> int(0) ["ratio"]=> We have more than 30 years of experienceproviding services toa large number of qualified retirement plans, providing assistance withall aspects such as plan design, investment and vendor selection, investment monitoring, and employee education. ["file"]=> ["url"]=> ["url"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["media_query"]=> array(5) { [0]=> [1]=> At Mid-Atlantic Planning Services, we specialize in helping companies effectively manage their 401 (k) plans and drive active participation among employees. ["image_full_width"]=> float(300) ["image_full_width"]=> I already filed my taxes then I suddenly today got a tax form in the mail. }. ["max_image_width"]=> [0]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> array(5) { ["file"]=> bool(false) ["width"]=> string(84) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/insurance_lessons-480x279.png" ["mime-type"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> [2]=> Additional information about MID ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY More information about MID ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY The following addresses have been detected on the 401k submissions: MID ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY 401k Plans Potentially Related Companies MIDWEST SOLUTIONS, INC. ["next_break"]=> string(34) "guar_rate_2023-empower-150x124.jpg" The 2007-2008 financial crisis, or Global Financial Crisis (GFC), was a severe worldwide economic crisis that occurred in the early 21st century. [4]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> } ["height"]=> float(150) ["width"]=> bool(false) We are well versed in the complexities of third-party administration and recordkeeping, which enables us to work on your plans behalf to helpensure operations run smoothly. int(480) ["url"]=> int(480) ["media_query"]=> bool(false) ["image_full_width"]=> Email: service@midfinance.com ["ratio"]=> int(1) string(83) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/insurance_lessons-150x87.png" Through their dedication to innovation, integrity and desire to help people achieve a successful financial outcome, American Trust has been a leader in the industry for decades. int(480) string(36) "403b_plan-as171743928-1920x1280.jpeg" int(1020) int(768) Get started STEP 1: Set up yourMONEY To set up a yourMONEY online account, call a Member Service Representative at 1-800-279-4030. / Mid-Atlantic Finance Co, Inc; Mid-Atlantic Finance Co, Inc. Website. string(31) "Emily_Piehl_resized-768x512.png" ["next_break"]=> } ["image_full_width"]=> Contact Us To Learn More string(78) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ira_rollover_slider.jpg" Pierre, SD 57501. int(0) ["width"]=> ["mime-type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" array(10) { int(683) int(1000) }, array(10) { There is no guarantee of future performance of an investment portfolio and there is not a guaranteed rate of return. bool(false) Contact Claims Foundation Call us: 1-800-279-4030 Retirement & Investments Insurance Financial Planning Learning Center Employers Retirement Savings Programs 403 (b) IRA Take Action Open a 403 (b) or IRA Log in to yourMONEY account Phone consultation registration Rollover an IRA account Consolidate retirement accounts Resources ["height"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" int(696) ["media_query"]=> ["url"]=> int(900) int(0) ["filesize"]=> Do you want to open a 403(b) or Individual Retirement Account (IRA)? string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Emily-Piehl_testimonial-150x83.jpg" [3]=> [3]=> int(480) int(900) ["media_query"]=> int(1400) At Mid-Atlantic Planning Services, we specialize in helping companies effectively manage their 401(k) plans and drive active participation among employees. float(300) ["next_break"]=> ["ratio"]=> float(480) ["acceptable_h"]=> ["width"]=> int(1000) string(9) "image/png" int(174) Fax: 727-324-1453. Our exclusive technology platform, TNS, provides one-of-a-kind functionality for both institutional and high net worth accounts. . Trust & Custody Solutions Designed to Help Partners Attract & Retain Assets. ["acceptable_w"]=> ["file"]=> [7]=> ["mime-type"]=> ["file"]=> 330 South Poplar Avenue. ["image_full_width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> int(480) ["percent_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> int(0) [5]=> int(696) ["mime-type"]=> int(150) } int(696) string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/guar_rate_2023-empower-480x397.jpg" ["url"]=> ["ratio"]=> int(1) ["image_full_width"]=> Our firm was founded by hard-working, forward-thinking entrepreneurs truly embodying the American spirit. int(5500) ["height"]=> } int(480) ["ratio"]=> } ["ratio"]=> That is why Mid Atlantic Trust Company provides an innovative set of sophisticated financial products, technology and support services that not only save time and expense in managing existing plans, but also provide features that will help benefits administrators win new business. ["acceptable_h"]=> ["width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> int(0) int(518) ["width"]=> ["filesize"]=> array(10) { int(730) ["media_query"]=> int(1) ["max_image_width"]=> int(300) [2]=> ["image_full_width"]=> array(10) { int(480) int(900) } ["url"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["url"]=> [3]=> string(23) "GSI-article-300x209.jpg" } The LPL Financial registered representative associated with this site may only discuss and/or transact securities business with residents of the following states: AZ, CO, CT, FL, IN, MD, MA, NJ, NC, NY, VA, PA. ["width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> MID ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY is a South Dakota Domestic business filed on July 27, 2010. array(10) { ["url"]=> WEA Member Benefits is NOT AFFILIATED with WEA Trust. int(480) ["media_query"]=> float(300) Recordkeepers and Third-Party Administrators are operating under tremendous margin pressure, while also having to constantly upgrade and adapt their technology to win and retain new business. string(76) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/insurance_lessons.png" ["height"]=> Our services may be the perfect solution for those looking to outsource 1099 production and other related services for balance forward plans or plans held in brokerage accounts. int(1020) bool(false) Get Directions. Life insurance products are underwritten by multiple life insurance carriers. ["url"]=> This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute individualized investment, legal, financial, or tax advice. Overview. If your employees want additional guidance, we also offer comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services. int(150) int(900) ["media_query"]=> int(0) [3]=> } int(1) ["percent_width"]=> ["width"]=> int(0) string(10) "image/jpeg" int(0) [4]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-150x100.jpeg" Model Portfolios Model Performance int(480) int(104) array(5) { int(0) ["media_query"]=> int(1) At Mid Atlantic Trust Company, we separate ourselves from the competition not in. EDIT: issue has been figured out, thank you so much everyone for your help! ["file"]=> int(150) string(81) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/your_winter2023_slider.jpg" string(76) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/insurance_lessons.png" string(37) "Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial-150x89.jpg" array(6) { ["max_image_width"]=> Interest is compounded daily to produce a yield net of Empower's administrative fee of 0.60%. int(1) ["media_query"]=> int(768) ["acceptable_h"]=> int(480) ["width"]=> int(1) int(480) int(768) int(768) ["height"]=> string(73) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Swenty-300x169.jpg" The list of banks utilized by Mid Atlantic Trust Company for accounts registered to natural persons (including retirement, trust, and profit sharing plans where a natural person is a beneficiary) as well as other non-natural person entities are: American Bank & Trust Axos Bank Banc of California First Foundations Manufacturers Bank PNC Bank, NA string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-300x200.jpeg" } ["height"]=> int(300) 401 Merritt 7 Norwalk, CT 06851 (Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the Plan and the address of its principal executive offices) FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATE SERVICES INC. int(26555) * LPL Financial provides us with investment research and a comprehensive array of tools and resources that make our service model possible. are dedicated to helping our business partners provide first-class service to their clientele. int(0) Get a D&B Hoovers Free Trial. MID ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans. string(81) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928.jpeg" string(78) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/GSI-article-150x104.jpg" ["max_image_width"]=> ["url"]=> int(0) About us Commercial Roofing Services and Products Fourth step would just be to file an amended return with the IRS. [2]=> } int(300) int(0) int(480) Please enable javascript to improve your viewing experience. ["height"]=> ["next_break"]=> int(1) int(768) int(0) string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ira_rollover_slider-150x122.jpg" ["ratio"]=> TSA and IRA program registered representatives are licensed through WEA Investment Services, Inc., member FINRA. array(10) { bool(false) int(0) ["url"]=> ["url"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> array(10) { [1]=> int(768) array(5) { ["acceptable_w"]=> } float(300) ["acceptable_w"]=> int(1) ["height"]=> ; Mid Atlantic Trust Company; American Trust Company; AT Retirement Services, LLC; AT Insurance, LLC; LPA Insurance Agency, Inc. and New Edge Wealth , LLC. bool(false) In addition to top pay and excellent benefits , our employees enjoy working in . array(3) { ["acceptable_w"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["mime-type"]=> float(768) [3]=> string(35) "403b_plan-as171743928-1024x683.jpeg" ["url"]=> array(3) { ["image_full_width"]=> int(1400) Check out the latest issue of your$(your money) magazine for financial information and resources. float(150) Get ready for another great Wisconsin public school student art contest! array(5) { ["acceptable_h"]=> ["width"]=> ["next_break"]=> Mon 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM. } Contact. bool(false) [2]=> float(480) ["percent_width"]=> int(1) int(150) ===========array(5) { int(1400) int(0) Advisor will develop a financial plan that will recommend an asset allocation and specific funds offered in the WEA TSA Trust 403(b) and WEA Member Benefits IRA programs and generally will not include recommendations to invest in individual securities or bonds, CDs, options, derivatives, annuities, closed-end funds, unit investment trusts, partnerships, or other securities not offered through WEA Member Benefits. int(124) array(10) { array(6) { string(84) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/art_contest_2023-1-150x87.png" ["url"]=> string(90) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-1280x853.jpeg" New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Mid Atlantic Trust Company offers an extensive line of participant distribution solutions for plans in Mid Atlantics custody or held elsewhere. } ["url"]=> ["media_query"]=> string(34) "your_winter2023_slider-150x122.jpg" ["max_image_width"]=> Then view our document on next steps for setting up your account. ["height"]=> bool(false) string(34) "your_winter2023_slider-300x243.jpg" int(0) ["width"]=> ["file"]=> } }, Emily Piehl Portillo | Verona Area School District, array(5) { string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Emily_Piehl_resized-768x512.png" ["image_full_width"]=> ["url"]=> int(150) } [2]=> int(1400) bool(false) string(91) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-1920x1280.jpeg" ["ratio"]=> ["width"]=> ["height"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["width"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> string(90) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-1024x683.jpeg" ["filesize"]=> ["url"]=> int(480) int(178) ["acceptable_h"]=> offers an extensive line of participant distribution solutions for plans in Mid Atlantics custody or held elsewhere. array(10) { Open to family members, too! ["acceptable_w"]=> * March 2020 20190514-729972-2560756 Collectively, all of our companies are part of the EdgeCo Holdings group of companies and are referred as "EdgeCo" throughout this policy. string(90) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Emily-Piehl_testimonial-480x265.jpg" int(200) ["acceptable_h"]=> int(518) int(480) int(300) } [0]=> Mid Atlantic Finance Company (MAF) is a non prime financial services lender with over 3 billion in funding provided to the non-prime automotive industry since 1989. int(0) ["media_query"]=> int(1) PITTSBURGH (PRWEB) October 09, 2018 Mid Atlantic Trust Company, a leading provider of custody, brokerage, trade processing, and financial services technology, announces the release of a new tool to assist advisors and plan administrators in analyzing the investment performance of 401(k) plans. [3]=> int(150) } array(6) { ["mime-type"]=> int(300) ["image_full_width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["width"]=> Simultaneously, advisors managing those retirement plans can also incorporate those same models into the high net worth accounts with assets in custody with Mid Atlantic Trust Company. Mid Atlantic Trust Company is part of the Mid Atlantic Capital Group, Inc. family of companies that collectively provide a wide array of brokerage, advisory, and trust services to a diverse . [0]=> ["width"]=> string(93) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial-768x455.jpg" array(5) { array(10) { Savings and Security Plan for Mid-Atlantic Associates (Full title of the Plan) Frontier Communications Parent,Inc. ["next_break"]=> int(1400) ["ratio"]=> Complete Asset Protection array(4) { array(5) { ["mime-type"]=> string(31) "Emily_Piehl_resized-480x320.png" Education is at the core of why we exist and all that we do. int(685) ["width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["url"]=> } array(10) { } int(122) can help alleviate the administrative burdens of your IRA program. int(1000) ["media_query"]=> ===========array(4) { string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ira_rollover_slider-480x389.jpg" int(696) int(404) array(3) { int(1400) ["ratio"]=> int(1400) } int(480) string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ira_rollover_slider-300x243.jpg" ["media_query"]=> string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ira_rollover_slider-768x623.jpg" int(0) ["image_full_width"]=> int(0) ["media_query"]=> The trust we have established in the community would not be possible without our valued staff. array(10) { int(0) ["width"]=> ["next_break"]=> }, array(6) { ["acceptable_w"]=> } }. int(150) } 2023 WEA Member Benefits. ["ratio"]=> int(480) ["height"]=> int(1024) int(150) ["height"]=> [1]=> ["next_break"]=> int(1) int(300) ["image_full_width"]=> int(300) int(40715) ["width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> With a prepaid tuition plan, you can lock in today's tuition rates even if your student is a decade or longer from enrolling. } Youth mental health Personalized care for kids Many children and teens experience mental, emotional, and substance use issues. ["max_image_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> The company's filing status is listed as Good standing and its File Number is DB055513. } int(480) ["ratio"]=> The Personal Investment Account Program is offered by WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. ["ratio"]=> The Personal Investment Account Program is offered by WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. int(1400) bool(false) int(0) ["ratio"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> ["ratio"]=> [5]=> We take care of them! ["acceptable_w"]=> ["width"]=> } ["ratio"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> Our success reflects a long-held philosophy of combining the ethic of relationship-centric customer service with a sharp focus on advancing technology to produce operational efficiencies and competitive advantages. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Dt Services, LLC and is located at 330 S Poplar Avenue Suite 103, Pierre, SD 57501. } int(1400) } } [7]=> string(31) "ira_rollover_slider-150x122.jpg" ["percent_width"]=> string(81) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/guar_rate_2023-empower.jpg" ["max_image_width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> string(90) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-1366x911.jpeg" ["url"]=> our trust and custody services are uniquely delivered. array(5) { https://www.macg.com. ["image_full_width"]=> int(0) int(696) int(1400) If you think an incorrect code has been used on your Form 1099-R, contact the administrator of the distributing plan or IRA for more information or to request a corrected Form 1099-R. ["image_full_width"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["url"]=> ["height"]=> ["width"]=> ["ratio"]=> int(286) int(0) ["percent_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> Its important to hit the ground running.. ["ratio"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["ratio"]=> int(5500) } [5]=> ["media_query"]=> string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-150x100.jpeg" [1]=> } ["mime-type"]=> int(1400) string(9) "image/png" ["acceptable_h"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(1400) Yeah i think your right its a 401k that was auto enrolled. ["height"]=> [1]=> ["percent_width"]=> bool(false) View privacy information at weabenefits.com/privacy. ["acceptable_h"]=> Its 113 land trust members are protecting land in well-loved and nationally renowned landscapes including the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay watersheds, Atlantic Coast, Appalachian and Pocono Mountains and the New Jersey Pine Barrens, along with urban parks and . ["acceptable_h"]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company (MATC) announced today the expansion of its ModelxChange platform, adding 22 new third-party managers available to the more than 8,000 Professional Money Managers, Investment Advisors, and Plan Record Keepers who utilize MATC for 401(k) trust and custody. int(1) ["acceptable_w"]=> int(480) } ["media_query"]=> ["next_break"]=> array(10) { int(0) ["max_image_width"]=> int(300) array(10) { ["filesize"]=> string(31) "Emily_Piehl_resized-150x100.png" int(463)