I felt so powerless, broken, hopeless, I cried EVERY single day for the past 5 years!! I know if I had been in a relationship it would be ok to be on adderal during the day because at night it wears off and I get lonely (even though I reject everyone). When your parents said that, they had no way of knowing that as Adderall-taker, you are at risk of being largely blind to your natural passions. I dont mean to disrespect any elderly person i just dont like it when rich old or young persons try to take or take someone you hold dearly to your heart cos they have the money to do so. I dont know how true that is but i know that i was asked to get some materials for the witch doctor to make a spell that will reunite me and my fianc. His 30 day supply barely lasts him 2 weeks now and in any given month, I feel like Im living with 3 different people medicated, crashing and clean. I had no clue what was going on until a month after he came back from United Kingdom.He proceeded to see both her and I until I caught him testing her one night. So she immediately saw her psychiatrist to get a smaller dose and she said it felt so much better. In my head there was nothing on earth that was ever going to get me involved in such thing but life as we know throw s**t at your door and some how the doors opens up and let it strike you. About one or two months ago, my boyfriend started taking Adderall. I dont think its fair to me , I cant be selfish though and hes the one who holds the power so he doesnt have to make amends with me or make anything better all he has to do is focus on himself while getting my whole life and my whole self and energy to help him along the way while I am silent and powerless of a relationship that should be of equals. Im okay with that too. This isn't healthy. Sometimes the thyroid is also involved. Contrary to its name, "attention-deficit" doesn't mean you can't pay attention. I could exercise for hours at a time without so much as eating an apple to keep going. I tried talking to her again after 1 month just to talk, her mind was still the same and it just made me persist that much more. I laid all my dirt on the table as well which made me feel better and we worked out and forgave each other what we had both done. I calmly questioned her, they seemed happy, I was just around both of them 2 months prior. Modafinil vs Adderall: Why I Made The Switch (And You Should Too) I explained my problem and all that I have passed through in getting him back and how i lost my job, so Dr baba nnaji told me he is going to help me. I had always been on the drug, and I hadn't abused it up to this point. Of course it was when she was on Vyvanse. I dont socialize much because of work hours so I have few friends, but I have always been somewhat of a loner. They were also the first generation of Americans to habitually abuse these prescribed stimulants as study drugs well into high school and college (a 2012 review found that the nonmedical use of these pills represent the second most prevalent form of illicit drug use in college, afterweed). I caused myself so much pain !! Im sorry that your post is being invaded by a continuing user. In April or May, he began taking Adderall. This site is so very insightful. However, the downside of it is that I dont get much done without it. I didnt do anything to deserve it and yet Im the one suffering and hes the one getting better . It is extremely complex having a relationship with someone that has ADD. So I know how hopeless you feel right now. At first they may enjoy spending a little more time with the real you, but soon yourdependencywill become apparent and it will smoother them. Any help would be great! (2) you need a divorce in your relationship The things she was posting was some of the most negative things Ive seen her say/post). I hope this jumble of information has helped someone, we must learn to draw the line between use and abuse, and if you dont abuse adderal you will be better off. ************* About five years ago if anyone had asked me if i trust my twin sister with my life, believe me i would bet my life on it that i can. I blame the schools, the government and the all-encompassing greed of the pharmaceutical companies that peddle that shit to children in the interest of money. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. None of you should let your light fade away, you all have amazing gifts, those are not deficits but the ability to multi focus and mono focus. He would come visit our kids and then hed let me sleep with him. She was very verbal and emotionally crippling.. I never know who Im coming home to because its such a sensitive subject, he isnt proactive about telling me when hes out, when he gets them, etc. Adults are at greater risk of cardiovascular events than children, and the risk increases with each passing decade of life. Im so glad Ive found this website. The end result is full-blown addiction, akin to a dependence on crystal meth, and attempting to escape its hold will, without a doubt, result in intense withdrawal symptoms. And all of this is because he chose a drug over me . It works through the caffeine and oppiate receptors. I would never recommend Adderall or any ADD drug to anybody and vehemently oppose it altogether. It pays off in a ways you could never even imagine. I felt she was in safe hands, a safe place. Some people looking for immediate effects may crush up their tablets and snort. Quitting Adderall is not a good option for everyone, I am someone who is very much educated and experienced so much in life you would not believe what I type. I Used Adderall To Lose 20 Pounds, And It Ruined My Life by Mary B Dec. 15, 2016 Elite Daily When I was about to graduate from college, I started to develop an eating disorder by the jolly old. As a legit ADHDer, I resent your 'name', but moving on from that, the trouble with amphetamines, from what I gathered reading about it (never actually got to try any despite dx) is that it ends up depleting your dopamine reserves, or trashing your ability to produce enough of it, resulting in deficiency. 10 years of my life formed by a pill. Ive been keeping track to make sure Im not just insane; he hasnt told me he loves me without me saying it first for weeks. But I really, really care about being myself around my boyfriend, Caleb, & my family especially too. It's hard to think rationally when you're mind is focused on all the ways you think you have ruined your life. ANY drug can be abused and destroy lives including over-the-counter medications. Philosophically I agree with quitting it, but the problem is not us, it is society, society is built around people who think confined, we do not, we are unique, we are the artists, the problem solvers, the executives, the entrepreneurs. All under the heading of I love you!! I am ill, what I did in my 20s led to 30s with holes in my brain. We have nothing to talk about. And waiting and fearfulness and confusion. My hair seems to be falling out & thinning in multiple patches on my head. Thank You God!! On the other hand, on the weekends he became very rowdy and obnoxious. So I get to NC and I get to my ex bf whom became my boyfriend again, we date, I do not get on my plane home and we begin planning a life together. Adderall has 100% ruined my life. A good one is from Thorne, called ACE. I have always had to work very had to get what i want but she, things just falls in her lap without having to labor for it. email him at altimatespelltemple@gmail.com ..ANNA, How Hormone replacement therapy helped me with Adderal, Well, I have been on and off Adderal for years, never liked it, I have accomplished amazing things naturally, I mean amazing things, got huge positions as an executive, started businesses, but all went amazing till I was inconsistent or couldnt do tedious stuff. I've had a high calorie diet, not even counting just eating what I want when I want. If hes going to be on it, I want him to take them properly so they last like they should. What should I do if he is so focused on getting better that he forgets to make amends with me? Also the people that you'll meet there are just like you. I used to hate feeling lonely, and now thats all Ive become. I couldnt even bring myself to think that my twin sister can put a knife at my back Yes i know everything about our childhood and youth age was always about who is better that who in everything and frankly i was better that me in academic aspect of life. I and my boyfriend have been dating for four year now and just last three months he told me, he no longer have feeling for me. that is cool. With the reduction of dopamine receptors, the person needs more and more of her favored substance to produce the euphoria it once offeredher. I guess should I be hopeful and patient? we started fighting a lot and things were just rough (many tears on my side). They can be hereditary. Lots of ADHDers have problems with forms and stupid questions, so it's really tough for them, but for a healthy person, it would be easy to fill in the forms with a bunch of lies. IMO as long as I make a good amount of money I can make friends later, they won't go anywhere except leave because lots of them are just fake! But the pushing/pulling of the relationship is hard. I thought I could take control of my weight and become so thin that people would greet me with enthusiastic phrases like, "Do you need a ride to the hospital?!". Its important that you get that sense of direction back as soon as you can. How your significant other reacts to this reversal depends on where they sat on the push-pull continuum before you quit Adderall. I was angry and decided not to be upset about it and just keep it moving. It was changing who I was. I couldn't tell you how many pills that is because some days I took one, some days I took four. Even if you didnt ask, the tension would be so thick and both of you would be thinking about his Adderall usage. How can I, myself, deal with it along the way? Millennials were the first generation of Americans to be habitually prescribed stimulants like Adderall to treat ADHD. I cant describe it. Any thoughts on this? Im sitting here completely helpless and hes out there getting better while I just get worse and worse . I started to read more about adderall and learned that in fact it is the result of taking these drugs. I've hardly gone to the gym this past year. Ive been an amazing girlfriend to him, Ive stayed by his side, let him treat me badly forgave to be with him. She doesnt know Im on the medication because I keep that a secret from nearly everyone. I supported her not knowing what was about to happen. Mind you this soul mate just got out of a serious relationship as well, is an ex herion addict and is also on drugs for his severe ADHD. How did I function on my own like that? This isnt to say that you should freak out if you briefly experimented with Adderall to crank out a 30-page essay overnightor to keep the party going. When it wears off she is clingy. I usually see this in marriages where youve started taking Adderall over the course of the marriage and your significant other wants the old you back. I guess all I can do is be there for him as a friend, and see what happens. A new drug called Sermorelin actually will cause you to grow younger and reverse a lot of the damage adderall does. Take weekends off, take L-tyrosine it is a natural precursor to dopamine, I take one every night, force yourself to eat, drink protein shakes. I dont know, some how, maybe the universe wasnt totally again me i came across the name witch doctor Metodo Acamu and his email address on the Internet there were a lot of comments on how real, nice and how much he has helped a lot of people fix there relationship , money issues, jobs and lottery ticket i thought contacting him was the last thing i should try before pushing on with my plan to take the life of the man i love. Adderall Addiction And Abuse - Addiction Center I would take 100mg of Adderall XR in the morning and clock an average of 20 hours of pure work that day. I have had similar emotional issues with it as explained above. He has some health problems and as a result we have not been intimate for many years. I was literally given a prescription for adderall by a doctor 10 years ago for ADD. She has been on a spiritual journey. While I used to blame my parents, I'm now old enough to understand they weren't educated enough to know what the right thing to do was. He told me we would talk about it later. Adderall was supposed to help me get through school. My feelings for him are far too great to leave him hanging. Another, is our diet, what were putting in our bodies that can cause more severe disorders. Please help me I feel very lost in this situation. Im far behind and I hope she doesnt have to pick up my slack. a few months after being together i found out she took adderall and i didnt think much of it. Considering the current format, availability and usage patterns among Americans, we also need to ask how much [Adderall] is hurting and helping American society and American quality of life, Fong continues. He is my bestest buddy EVER! I contacted him And i told him everything that happen all he told me is that i should not worry that all my problems will be solved immediately. I spend most of my day waiting to take it, usually in the afternoon to carry me hopefully towards the rest of my day. That she is more powerful than she has ever been and she doesnt have time for negatively. The side effects of Adderall have resulted in multiple horrors: In 2011, class president and aspiring medical student Richard Fee hanged himself in his bedroom closet, after struggling for years with an Adderall addiction enabled by careless doctors. I hate crying I feel weak. Stop catastrophizing the situation. DUDE your post i just read so closely reflects my life right now that i swear i was looking into a mirror when i was reading. She had told me she met someone else, someone nearly twice her age, and explained to me that they were soul mates.