Our project is a collaborative one between two Universities and a national laboratory working together across a combined theoretical and experimental programme. the Organisation for Economic Development (OECD). The expression of interest stage is mandatory. yBirgit van Huijgevoort and Soe Haesaert are with the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands zOliver Schon and sadegh Soudjani are with Newcastle University, United Kingdom As such, the focus should be on the stated impact rather than the duration. As per standard EPSRC visiting researcher guidelines, funding is limited to 12 months per individual international partner. You will have the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments if your application gains enough support. When undertaking your assessment of the research project, you should consider the unequal impacts of the impact that COVID-19 related disruption might have had on the track record and career development of those individuals included in the proposal, and you should focus on the capability of the applicant and their wider team to deliver the research they are proposing. Total Price. Best Paper Award at the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI) conference August 2022. You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place. EPSRC recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major interruptions and disruptions across our communities and is committed to ensuring that individual applicants and their wider team, including partners and networks, are not penalised for any disruption to their career such as breaks and delays, disruptive working patterns and conditions, the loss of ongoing work, and role changes that may have been caused by the pandemic. For multidisciplinary proposals please state which aspects of the proposal you feel qualified to assess, contributes to or helps maintain the health of other disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges, contributes to future UK economic success and development of emerging industry or industries, meets national needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world-leading activity, complements other UK research funded in the area, including any relationship to the EPSRC portfolio, plans for dissemination and knowledge exchange with potential beneficiaries of the research, appropriateness of the track record of the applicant or applicants, unique and complementary contribution and expertise of the international partner or partners, appropriateness of the plans for developing the collaborative relationship with the international partner or partners, balance of skills of the project team, including collaborators, the level of the contribution made to this award from other sources including the UK institutions and international potential partners, any equipment requested, or the viability of the arrangements described to access equipment needed for this project, and particularly on any university or third-party contribution, any resources requested for activities to either increase impact, for public engagement or to support responsible innovation. We recommend you start your application in good time. Pre-proposal writing steps - thinking about the proposal. The proposal, reviewers comments and your response will then go to a panel that will score it against our assessment criteria and rank it with other new investigator proposals. an early career researcher who meets the eligibility requirements of EPSRC's New Investigator Award scheme. If you need a transcript of the video on writing strong funding applications, email the web team: web@ukri.org. EPSRC will not fund a project if it believes that there are ethical concerns that have been overlooked or not appropriately accounted for. Only a Ph.D. professional can handle such a comprehensive project as a dissertation. Office of Research Services This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. You should also comment on the suitability of arrangements for accessing resources other than through the grant, such as by collaboration with external groups. EPSRC will not support overheads, salary or research activity costs for overseas researchers during times that they are not working in the UK. You are asked to assess the application or report against a number of criteria. As part of the impact assessment, reviewers comment on whether a collaboration is appropriate; therefore, a good project partner letter of support shows that the collaboration is genuine, and explains why the project partner supports the project. whether the research programme and associated impact activities have been co-designed with external stakeholders or users: Does the proposal include objectives for impact related activities and are they appropriate to the research? 4.9/5. EPSRC does not accept uninvited resubmissions of applications to help reduce the pressure on everyone involved in our peer review process. You will be asked to provide the following information: You are not required to have finalised all the details of your application by the time the intention to submit is made. Research grants are open to UK higher education institutions, research council institutes, UKRI-approved independent research organisations, Public Sector Research Establishments and NHS bodies with research capacity. no. All costs will be funded at 80% of full economic costs. Proposals may build directly on prior work or may involve a speculative leap forward. Research - QMUL School of Engineering and Materials Science A proposal that demonstrates excellence can be characterised by terms such as: novel, ambitious, timely, exciting, at the international forefront, adventurous, elegant, or transformative, but it need not demonstrate all of them. Your project should typically last one to three years. It may involve progress along an established research direction or a tangential switch into a new or different area, or may bring together expertise and approaches from different discipline areas. Customer Reviews. New Investigator Award: Starts: 01 February 2020: Ends: 31 January 2022: Value (): 246,055: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: Mathematical Analysis: EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications: No relevance to Underpinning Sectors: Related Grants: . Develop and integrate energy storage technologies at grid scale . For more information, see guidance on what makes a good project partner letter of support. Your project should typically last one to three years and have a single research vision with clearly defined objectives and outcomes. Research grants are open to: . For multidisciplinary applications please state which aspects of the application you feel qualified to assess. They should be completed in single-spaced Arial 11 font or similar-sized sans serif typeface. HONORS AND AWARDS . EPSRC Reference: EP/V002260/1: . Therefore, you should not use journal impact factor (or any hierarchy of journals), conference rankings and metrics such as the H-index or i10-index when assessing UKRI grants. To assist the prioritisation panel in reaching their overall conclusion on the application, and to help EPSRC in monitoring the effectiveness of its reviewer selection procedures, you are asked to indicate your confidence in your review. ESRC New Investigators Grant (Part 1) - GitHub Pages All attachments must be completed in single-spaced typescript in Arial 11 or other sans serif typeface of equivalent size, with margins of at least 2cm. contributes to, or helps maintain, the health of other disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges or contributes to future UK economic success and development of emerging industry(s), complements other UK research already funded in the area, including any relationship to the EPSRC portfolio, meets national needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world-leading activity. EPSRC New Investigator Awards: Open to eligible researchers in any research area at any . Questions can be submitted prior to the event using the EPSRC international team email address or during the webinar using the question and answer function. PDF EPSRC - Equality Impact Assessment When you apply for funding, you fill in an application form on the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system and attach certain documentation. For more information on these EPSRC funding calls, visit the website >>. New Investigator Award: Starts: 01 November 2022: Ends: 30 April 2025: Value (): 391,062: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: Energy Storage: Sustainable Energy Networks . MCOS (RPS) Postgraduate Scholarship, MCOS (RPS) Sep 2006. cover letter optional attachment (mandatory for New Investigator Award), no page limit, not seen by peer review. Text in tables and figure labels not within embedded diagrams or pictures should be at least 11 point. support for full economic costs greater than 100,000. comment explicitly on the viability of the arrangements described to access equipment needed for this project, and particularly on any university or third party contribution. It is also a helpful technique to raise issues or concerns with the application in the form of explicit questions for the applicants. Where two or more applications have been formally linked to form a single research project, you are requested to submit a single review covering the project as a whole. If there is significant demand, then we may group the applications by topic and run 2 or more prioritisation panels. For any items or combined assets with a value above 138,000 a two-page equipment business case must also be included in the proposal documentation. hold a fixed-term contract that extends beyond the duration of the proposed research project, and the host research organisation is prepared to give you all the support normal for a permanent employee. The weighting between the remaining aspects will depend on the specific nature of the particular application. This will populate: council: EPSRC; document type: standard proposal; scheme: standard The outcome of the application will not affect the applicants eligibility to apply for the NIA scheme. You must submit an expression of interest to MRC using the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system and case for support template.. To manage demand, individuals may only submit one expression of interest as a principal investigator. Elegance of presentation is not, of itself, an assessment criterion for an EPSRC grant. Found in: Talent UK - 30 minutes ago. It might involve developing a commercial product or service, or creating a new technology, but it could also be about improved medical or healthcare, contributions to national planning or social policy or engaging the public in the outputs of research.