February 13, 1945: Co "B" constructed a C1. Bill Garrison was standing in a chow line when a man up the line suddenly dropped, shot dead by a sniper. October 12, 1944: Co "A" Platoon on Post #9 were straffed [sic] by our own planes at 1416 hours - no damage was done. in clearing rubble from the streets of CARENTAN. Sewer & water board, electric utility and the 249th Engineer Battalion (Prime Power) were completing pump house inspection. Troops were divided into groups: one group reached the marshalling camp by truck commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Julian P. Fox Junior, and the second one left by train under Major Wales W. Wallace' s command. The 1120th's 294th and 297th Engineer Combat Battalions were responsible for maintaining the two main supply routes-from Tribehou to Marigny-on the right flank, while the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion was to support the 3d Armored Division. was relieved by 246 Engr. About 400 miles east of Newfoundland, we hit a terrible storm with 70 foot seas. In England he boarded another ship for he knew not where. Many of the vehicles were damaged and one man was killed while driving the Battalion Commander from the defense position to the FWD. They lost all of their equipment. January 31, to February 4, 1945: Rest, recreation, and some training constituted the activities of the Battalion for this period. Learn more. Bn. He was awarded the Silver Star for this action. One engine was shot out. Duties in France included repairing roads, removing mines, disposing of a bomb, and removing, repairing, and constructing bridges. After basic training he was attached to the Navy to learn to operate Higgins boats and participated in maneuvers at Guantanamo Bay. Five (5) men were killed and 25 injured. Now that's what I call getting the REAL SCOOP! I like how you also gave us further background with the "asides", such as the history of the Digby family. The Battalion C.P. Additionally, the commander serves as the Commandant of the U.S. Army Prime Power School, the institution responsible for the development of Army and Navy power generation specialists. Vaughan - Navy, Rufus Dalton - Army, Ed Harrell - Marines, Robert James - Navy, John Souther - Army, LtGen Lawrence Snowden - Marines, Jim Wicker - Army Air Corps, Frank Capuozzi - Army, Newton Riess - Army, Harry Kone - Marines. 68. August 30, 1944: Bn. Please consider making a donation to DRHS. For more information, please contact the . 128. September 9, 1944: Bn. I find it strange that he was only credited with the Central European (22 Mar - 11 May 1945) campaign. When he heard the sound of Canadian tanks, he knew that liberation was finally at hand. The mission of both companies was to occupy pillboxes in the Siegfried line to prevent the Germans from entering them. By the time we finished training, the war in Africa was over. Harry Kone says each generation should do the best that they can. 17 Germans were captured and several were killed in the action. April 12, 1945: Co "B" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at WIEHL, GERMANY. 54. I have also visited with Jean Treasure in her home. The Bn. The battalion met little resistance across the river and quickly began constructing the bridge. Find the perfect iowa leader stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. All Rights Reserved. They traveled from Liverpool to Berlin, a total of 1800 miles in 623 days. At 1130 hours the Commanding officer of Co "B" with two Platoons of Co "A" and one Platoon of light tanks made an attack to contact the surrounded platoon. May 26, 2010 at 2:13 pm. After a successful landing there, where he picked up some shrapnel, Tunisia was next. 66. A typo is noted by the use of [sic] other errors are probably my own. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. was given the mission of straightening up the line. 122. 56. 71. 6. I have been wearing hearing aids since 1946 and I am now profoundly deaf. Division now driving in the direction of PERIERS - St LO Highway. This article incorporates public domain material from .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}249th Engineer Battalion lineage and honors information as of 1 March 2004. September 2, 1944: Bn. Co "A" constructed an Infantry Support Bridge across the SIEG RIVER at HUNDHAUSEN, GERMANY. Our expertise enables us to reconstruct the service history of your individual WWII veteran and to give you a glimpse of the experiences that he or she had during the war-even if their military service records were lost in the fire. During my visit to Sherborne for research purposes I met Mrs Jean Treasure who was employed as a typist in the hospital HQ as a young girl. 105. 44. November 8 is Election Day and the Trustees of the Deep River Historical Society hope you all go out and VOTE. moved to HANS BACKHEIM in the vicinity of MANHEIM, GERMANY. An Engineer Combat Battalion (ECB) was a designation for a battalion -strength combat engineer unit in the U.S. Army, most prevalent during World War II. As a photo-recon pilot, he was dispatched as soon as the attacks ended to search for the enemy fleet. (C) Bn. have been maintained. The 296th crossed the Rhine River south of Bonn. Sewell, Sgt. The windows blew out the way he told me. GAVRAY, FRANCE.6 The unit was discharged on December 19, 1945, from Fort Devens, MA. Bn. U.S. Army Combat Engineers, 1941-45 - HistoryNet His unit joined the forces ordered into the Battle of the Bulge, where he had to get some help when he was frozen in a foxhole. Bill Adair may have been the luckiest man in the Bataan Death march. In the interim my dear, I would be happy to provide you with your own page, as I have done for so many of my other vet friends on the main site. March 28, 1945: The Battalion moved to ALTENKIRCHEN, GERMANY with the mission of cleaning rubble from the streets to permit two way traffic, and to remove a railroad through town and construct a roadway for wheeled traffic on the railroad embankment. 21. It was the highest bridge constructed by the first army Engineer Combat Battalion in the E.T.O. Welcome sir. What a great way to start my Sunday; hearing from someone who was there in the flesh. City|Area. Learn when and where a WWII veteran was wounded or killed in action (we can often show you exactly how a veteran was wounded or killed in action). October 11, 1944: A 6 man German patrol was found between Post #1 and #3 - two of the enemy were killed and four escaped. His C.O. The other officers that were supplied to the unit were second lieutenants from the 1943 class of West Point. 85. September 13, 1944: Bn. The Battalion was subsequently inactivated on 28 November 1945 at Camp Kilmer, NJ. Bn. It was an emotional moment. It was their third mission over Berlin and they were heading home. . 89. 1. Well I for one will be one of the first in line to read and buy your memoirs. November 21, 1944: The rains came! 93. Newspaper Items- 298th Engineer Combat Battalion, WWII - RootsWeb 17 DEC 1943. They weren't sleeping. October 18, 1944: At 0900 hours an enemy force approached Post #5 - the enemy withdrew after exchanging a few shots. Our military records specialists are on site at archival research facilities nationwide and can access a wide variety of WWII military service records of your veteran. On order, deploy worldwide to provide prime electrical power and electrical systems expertise in support of military operations and the National Response Framework.[1]. Co "B" attached to the 297th Engr. Company "C" had just finished an exercise with mine laying and then picked up the anti-tank mines and placed them alongside a truck to be taken to a safe area until the next exercise. August 27, 1944: Bn. The North portion of the position was reached but the foxholes were found empty. On June 4th 1944, the 297 th Engineer Battalion left the city of Bournemouth, England to reach its marshalling camp. Then fate intervened in the form of an ambulance without a driver. December 2, 1944: The Battalion moved from FRIESENRATH, GERMANY to VICHT, GERMANY. This includes when and where the WWII veteran was promoted in rank. The 294th landed in Normandy on D+ (June 7, 1944). Formatting (inconsistent in original) such as capitalization, underlining, punctuation, use of quotes, etc. The 296th Combat Battalion held reunions every 2 years in Mass, Rhode Island, and CT. 16. November 19, 1944: Co "B" converted Bailey Bridge from 80' D/S to 110' T/S, in the vicinity of WALHEIM, GERMANY. In December, 1943, I was transferred to the 294th Combat Engineers,assigned to Company "B", and we were on our way East by train to Camp Myles Standish in Taunton MA. Bn. 69. Bn. Bn. At 2300 hours U.P. Then, we went to Tennessee maneuvers for a couple of months. One day I woke up in my foxhole covered with frost and I realized that I had lost most of my hearing. 1 talking about this. A wartime journey to Berlin : the 296th Engineer Combat Battalion (1943 This was a Pile Bent Bridge with 3-story trestle bents on the piles, 55 feet high. moved to the vicinity of PHILIPVILLE - an Advance C.P. He was just a hundred miles inland a few days after D-Day and the Germans caught him almost immediately. 31. Part 2 of 2. 79. On March 20, 1944, I was lying in bed when there was a huge explosion and I was blown off my bed. 59. England was taking in thousands of Jewish children and she got her papers in order and left. moved from BRAUNFELS to WETZLAR on April 29, 1945. I know Colin will be tickled pink to read this. The ship cracked across the deck and partly down the hull. 103. Growing up in Baltimore, Harry Kone used to hang around the docks watching the cargo ships unload. They made a desperate run for Brussels, which had been liberated. [8] By 5 September 2005, the 17th Street Canal breach was closed. Engineers Unit Rosters and Unit Photographs - WorldWarTwoVeterans.com 146th engineer combat battalion 185th Combat Engineer Battalion 238th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 250th Engineers Combat Battalion Roster 263rd ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION 299th Engineer Combat Battalion 309th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 320th Engineer Battalion 331st Engineer 335th Engineer Regiment 340th Engineer Regiment 389th Engineers . When he did get home he started a family and worked as a top rate hairdresser in New York. Seeking records of 111th Engineers Combat Batta | History Hub Forums World War II WWII ENGINEERS . Dedicated to the men who proudly served their country during World War II by serving in the 238th Engineer Combat Battalion. The Battalion advance C.P. THE BATTALION WAS ATTACHED TO THE FOLLOWING UNITS AT VARIOUS TIMES: 64. Bravo Joe. This Veterans Day we give THANKS to all who have served our country and continue to recognize those 416 men and women who served Deep River during World War II. We traveled by train down to Sherborne in Dorset. April 8, 1945: Co "A" completed the Bailey Bridge in WISSEN, GERMANY at 2030 hours. Your Name (required) Phone Number (required) . Division whose mission was to seize and hold the west bank of the ROER RIVER south of DUREN. This bridge remained in use until 1955. The 257th was also credited the Ardennes-Alsace campaign (9 Dec 1944-25 Jan 1945) and the Rhineland (22 Feb - 21 Mar 1945) campaign. You may want to try and contact this gentleman. Then he got acquainted with giant mosquitoes. Co "A" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge over the timber trestle bridge in VICHT. This incident was also kept secret until many years after the war when a local resident told of seeing hundreds of bodies being buried on the beach. LENNEP, GERMANY.2 moved to a new bivouac in the woods South of EUPEN. The Bn. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material After a close call with a booby trap, he was injured when a tank shell landed right under his jeep. Are you stuffed from all that turkey and fixings? A defense was set up by Co's B, A, & C: the Bn. 125. to continue movement to the vicinity of MAYENNE. I've heard the story of the training accident many times. It receives no town or state funding. Stan left by bus from East Hampton, CT with 13 other boys from Deep River and entered active service in the Army on March 8, 1943, in Hartford, CT. placed in direct support of the 3rd Armd. 98. I would try Richard Horrell of WWII Connections. One platoon of Co "C" was sent to clear the situation at Post #4; they killed one German. June 24, 1944: Co "C" constructed a Class 40 timber trestle bridge at St MARTIN-DE-AUDOVILLE. April 7, 1945: Co "C" constructed a C1 #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at HANHOFF, GERMANY. In the North Atlantic in January, they said that we would have lasted only about five minutes in that cold water. April 6, 1945: Co "B" constructed Steel Treadway Bridge at DREISEL, GERMANY across the SIEG RIVER. At the end, though, there was a camp waiting for him just like all the rest. N/AA pilotEnlisted air crewEnlisted ground crew. February 26, 1945: The Battalion moved to GURZENICH. No one from shore was ever allowed on ships from one particular country. Raleigh's castle was in ruins and on a large lake and that is where we did our training, building and blowing up static and floating bridges and working with mines. July 21, 1944: Bn. Co "C" still defending road blocks with 297th Engr. 1 talking about this. 97. August 4, 1944: Bn. On 16 July 1965, the 299th Engineer Battalion was alerted for movement overseas to the Republic of Vietnam. Any contribution above basic membership is tax deductible, and is most appreciated. When the war ended, I was in Austria and I was discharged in January, 1946. 129. Co "B" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at KLUPPLEBURG, GERMANY. Day May 8, 1945. 112. After this bridge site was secure, the 249th was detached from the 1137th Engineer Group and was given the mission to secure and maintain the bridges on the Rhine River. In November 1945, the 249th Engineers were sent on their final orders to Camp Lucky Strike, near Marseilles, France and then redeployed back to the United States. The Battalions mission was general engineer work in the VII Corps sector in the area around STOLBURG, KORNELIMUNSTER, BREINIG. moved to vicinity of LE HORPS. 101. The Battalion was the first American Unit to arrive in Berlin on July 3, 1945. . 48. Their job was to prepare housing for the advancing units. Co "C" constructed Class 40 D/S Bailey Bridge at AUBENTON. Infantry Regiment 28th Quartermaster Battalion 28th Troop Carrier Squadron 290th Infantry Regiment 291st Infantry Regiment 294th Engineer Combat Battalion 29th Bomb Group 29th Field Artillery Battalion 29th Infantry Division 29th . After Pearl Harbor, leaves were cancelled, but that policy eased and Newton Riess and a few buddies headed to New York City for a little fun. January 23, 1945: Co "C" relieved of attachment to the 4th Cav. After the emergency was over, plans called for the canal to be drained and the wall repaired. Explore military combat reports and casualty records tounderstand the battlefield experiences and sacrifices of your WWII veteran and their military unit. 29. At 1500 hours the 1st Bn. 33. July 22, 1944: Bn. (This interview made possible with the support of COL ROBERT W. RUST, USMCR (ret.) The Official (DECLASSIFIED) Files of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion during World War II Activation of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion March 18, 1943 and Reorganization November 3, 1944 Journal for August 1943 Journal for September 1943 Journal for October 1943 Journal for November 1943 Diary 1943 Alongside those are the plaques with the names of the Sherborne men who were killed in World War II. He was in the hospital right at the time of the explosion . He will never forget the words of General Eisenhower. ANTHEE, BELGIUM.11 Bn. In October 1943, the battalion left Boston for England and spent months in England training. 4TH INFANTRY DIVISION Battalion moved into bivouac west of QUETTEHOU. 294th Engineer Company | CurrentOps.com moved 100 miles on the night of August 24 - 25th to the vicinity of LA LUPE, arriving at 0830 hours on the morning of August 25th. USAREUR Units - 237th Engr Bn - USArmyGermany.com was set up in the village of ANTHEE. proceded [sic] on to the vicinity of MAYENNE arriving late in the afternoon. He thought they were ours until the bombs started falling. For Air Corps flight crews we can determine the exact flights that your individual Air Corps veteran took part in. Gp; Co "C" joined the Battalion at ERZEE, BELGIUM. Battalion moved to new bivouac in vicinity of CARENTAN. Bn. July 25, 1944: The Battalion witnessed the "Carpet Bombing" of the breakthrough zone by 2,000 U.S. November 25, 1944: Co "B" was attached to 294th Engr. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. The Battalion arrived at WEYMOUTH, DORSET, ENGLAND on the morning of February 1, 1944, where it entrucked for a short trip to SUTTON POYNTZ and CHALET CAMPS. Joseph Waz enlisted in the U.S. Army in January of 1942 at the age of 29. 95. The photographs, taken from January-December 1944, cover training, road and bridge work, the Marigny Drive, soldier life, and Germans, The 296th Engineer Combat Battalion was activated by the U.S. Army on 3 March 1943 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. less Co "B" plus Co "C" of the 294th Engr. November 9, 1944: Bn. 57. 9TH INFANTRY DIVISION September 16, 1944: Co "C" was served doughnuts and coffee by VII Corps Red Cross girls - believed to be the first Red Cross girls to serve troops on GERMAN soil in World War II. In February 1955, it was activated and assigned to USAREUR and an Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy). It includes all units except for platoons and detachments that were a part of larger organizations and is based on the following War Department and Department of the Army General Orders: WD GO 70, 1945; WD GO 75, 1945; WD GO 116, 1946; DA GO 23, 1947; DA GO 72, 1948; DA GO 6, 1950; DA GO 37, 1950; DA GO 32, 1953; and DA GO 28 1956. 50. BOIS DE LUMIGNY, FRANCE4 234th Engineer Combat Battalion liberated Holtum. Was searching the internet for my father-in-law who was a member of 294th Engineer Combat Battalion during WWII and found your web site. Army Superior Unit Award for 2005 (Hurricanes Katrina, This page was last edited on 7 June 2022, at 00:05.
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