I am extremely saddened by the fact that Dans Mum and Dad are now divorced, only because of this case , they are both good people . Prior to withdrawal of instructions, at one stage, the judge was yelling at me and I had to ask him, twice, to speak to me in a civil manner (this is in the transcript). Emma Holsty, who is related to Mr Jones, said the family is attempting to recover since losing 'hundreds of thousands of dollars' it cost in legal fees to fight for his innocence and freedom. Australian woman 'fabricated claims about partner's abuse to strip him we need to make this right .. a civil action needs to be taken out against her .. I listened to a short excerpt of a police interview she seems in that to have agreed to the proposition that she drove to her ex-fiancees residence and planted the phone. Daniel Jones met Sarah Jane Parkinson in 2011, and the pair quickly fell in love. Nor could he have attacked his former partner with a kitchen knife while GPS showed his family was not responsible for a burglary at Parkinsons home. She WILL strike again! Thanks Carles and Chad, yes, thats really obvious to anyone with ethics. Sara Jane White and Scott John White, the people in Wollongong should be very concerned you live amongst them. Check your inbox (or spam folder) to confirm your subscription. Id never had so much as a speeding ticket before and was a hard working successful professional woman. Surely investigations are completed first and a view formed based on evidence, not the other way around! Parkinson was jailed for three years and one month. Detective unravelled series of lies by calculated 'monster' Everything was going right and in that instant everything just went to s***.. Lost contact with the kids, whom I believe are involved in Gang Crime and Police Corruption from QLD to Tasmania to NSW to Western Australia. How and what she put this family through is despicable. Daniel Jones, 31, spent five months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 after Sarah Jane Parkinson, his then fiancee, made false allegations that he had raped an. She knows the case and has the trust of the family which is very important, because they know she will be very thorough and leave no stone unturned. He stated that he had not assisted Parkinson to write her statements but there is undeniable evidence that he did coach her. 'I had everything going right, and in that instant, everything just went to s***. The women who have fought, and who have had courage to change their lives and work to help others of REAL domestic violence should be outragedbut when I brought this up to a woman who is a womens adovacate she said that if they did that then other woman would be afraid to come forwardwhich is an ignorant, self-serving commentNO ONE HAS THE RIGHT to destroy, damage or falsely accuse ANYONE..the Austrailian government should do the right thing and take away Whites pension if any and should settle with the Jones family out of court for damagesthe police should be sued for millions for the actual damages done to this family.as a woman I am furious that these types of women are allowed to exist in society basically unchallenged. The couple became engaged after a few short months and Mr Jones even built a house so they could live together. Shortly after moving in together, Mr Jones' life began to fall apart at the hands of the woman he thought was the love of his life. Detective Sergeant Alexander said she saw photos of Parkinson on her phone looking 'very happy' while Mr Jones was in prison. Congratulation to Daniel for surviving and finding out the evil before he was tied to her through the marriage bond. Australian Daniel Jones, of Canberra, said he was accused of rape and assault by Sarah Jane Parkinson in 2014. I dont understand why Dan was sent to prison, wrongfully, for a period of time much longer than Sarah Jones Parkingson who had been confirmed by Leesa Alexander to be a serial liar and obvious abuser of the system ? You and I can not understand that logic, but it is a real motive for these lies. How Sarah Jane Parkinson falsely accused her partner of rape. - Mamamia The comments below have been moderated in advance. Gina, you wrote that Parkinson had admitted that she had fabricated the entire story. I feel ashamed to be Australian when I read this horror case. Despite the best efforts of the Jones family and many of my followers to lobby the ACT parole board, Parkinson was released after serving the minimum non parole period of just over 2 years. Detective Leesa Alexander from the ACT criminal unit look on the investigation and found multiple inconsistencies in Parkinson's evidence. The ACT has been under a left wing cartel government for 20 years plus. I have written to the Minister ACT. their lack of correct procedures has ruined many lives and continue to do so, fancy just suspending an officer WITH PAY, what a joke. NSW Police believed his lies and were extremely bias against me. Yeah, Im also apparently Insane, and even though Ive been battered, bruised and insulted. A big Beckham birthday! As a former prison officer, Mr Jones says he feared for his life every day. I went to police but they failed me badly, not even making a report even though I was black and blue with major head contusions. Astonishingly, Daniel Jones and his family have now been left with a 330,000 legal bill after the incomprehensible and wicked behaviour of Parkinson. News; Opinion; Case of Sarah Jane Parkinson and Daniel Jones show dangerous anti-male bias in Canberra. Murdaugh is heckled as he leaves court, Moment teenager crashes into back of lorry after 100mph police race, Ken Bruce finishes his 30-year tenure as host of BBC Radio 2, Family of a 10-month-old baby filmed vaping open up, Missing hiker buried under snow forces arm out to wave to helicopter, Insane moment river of rocks falls onto Malibu Canyon in CA, Fleet-footed cop chases an offender riding a scooter, Ukrainian soldier takes out five tanks with Javelin missiles. I hope that ultimately this family receive the justice they deserve and I hope the same for the Whites. How this loving family photo cleared innocent rape suspect - The Sun The picture of Dan Jones with his newborn nephew proved to be a solid alibi when Sarah Jane Parkinson claimed her partner had attacked and sexually assaulted her. There seems to be a high level of collusion in the Police agencies and prosecutors that resulted in the persecution of the Jones family, Its awful what happened to the Jones. The Jones legal team continues their efforts to seek compensation but progress is extremely slow. Scott White is due in ACT court on the 17th of Feb because he helped Sarah Jane-Parkinson convict her fiance Mr Jones. But the AVO was just the beginning of a harrowing ordeal that Mr Jones says ruined his life, devastated his family and took everything from him. On one occasion, she alleged she had been driven off the road by a man wielding a steak knife but police were able to prove the weapon belonged to a set she owned. These are 2 devils being allowed to live among the people..Its disgusting. I was horrified that might be the case.. I believe that person should be Leesa Alexander, give her the authority to even investigate people of a higher rank than her, or promote her to the rank required to investigate and interrogate those involved. Does that mean she showed remorse for her crime (i.e. During sentencing magistrate Beth Campbell described as 'incomprehensible, wicked behaviour', The Australian reported. Mr Jones was transferred to Goulburn maximum security prison for five months while police investigated multiple false allegations. The fact that Parkinson had form for this 10 years previously only makes their ineptitude worse. I the Mother was trying to get resolve in the Federal Family Court at ACT. Truly hope justice be serve Im so happy for that wonderful officer investigator, and for your unconditional and resilient dad, and mom. The Jury Directions Act VIC also has sections which are part of the rot, prohibits a judge from giving a jury a Longman warning and other directions which were instigated by the High Court of Australia for judges to convey to juries to reduce the risk of a miscarriage of justice! I think we can agree that 60 minutes Australie is part of the mainstream media and did cover the story, it s what lead me to this web page. When Daniel Jones met Sarah Jane Parkinson in 2011, he thought he had met the love of his life. 60 Minutes: Ex-fiance 'fabricated claims about partner's abuse' Jones family should be compensated for damage by false rape and Which begs the question, considering the number of Law Enforcment Officers who have been caught lying in court to futher their case Why do Judges still take the word of a police officer as Gospel. Man who spent five months in prison after ex-fiance falsely accused daniel jones sarah jane parkinson - uomni.media His bail conditions meant he had to go and live with his parents while Parkinson moved her new lover and his children into the home Daniel had built. But the Australian Government continues to pander to them, the true offenders. daniel jones sarah jane parkinsoncabo marina slip rates. Daniel Jones, 31, (pictured) spent four and a half months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 when his ex-fiancee accused him of rape, Mr Jones was not the first man Parkinson (pictured) accused of rape. I have never heard of such an injustice. June 30, 2022 . [ REDES SOCIAIS ] https://www.instagram.com/canalcasoscriminais/[ APOIA.SE ] https://apoia.se/canalcasoscriminais[ CANAIS PARCEIROS ] https://allmylinks.com/. A classic case of how the people in Australia are increasingly unable to trust the police uniform. But the WA Police have arrested me, instead. But the day they were scheduled to move into their new house, the fairy tale unravelled. The 60 minute segment mentioned something about her wanting the money but I dont believe that to be true. Even if it was, I saw a response from one of the other commenters where a so called Womens Right Activist thinks that exposing a harsh reality like this is damaging to the credibility of their movement, and should thus be redacted from the public. In the days after the break-up, Parkinson began to ramp up the false allegations against Daniel. sarah mcmullen dan jones. Attacked, Swindled, arrested, charged, told to Play the Game. How the hell can people be illuminated by truth with a piss ant philosophy like that? admitted shed done it)? Mr Jones has now found love again, but his family say his family are still struggling after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees.
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