usually i post one myth and one random ask thats not a myth. Finances can run drier during this time as well, bankruptcy and going into debt can cause you to feel limited, or falling into trouble in connection to inheretence from a parent or other peoples money. This transit can also seem quite mundane, taking you years to understand the importance of the baggage you are being called to bury behind. 2nd house/lord- longevity of spouse, family life. Therefore for any prediction about future . like internally i know i am pretty but i tend to have off-days where i really dont enjoy myself or how i look (this may be chiron in the 1h or my 12h pluto in the persona chart for this asteroid - its a tough call). any couple asteroids that aspect from the 1h based on who you are trying to attract; if you are the feminine, your masculine would be in the 1h or vice versa. my only advice is not to take things so seriously, if you are looking for romance :/ get a book - its definitely not perfect day one of any dating scene. IN MY OPINION Schulz in your chart can indicate a) interests in comics, b) artistic ability, and/or c) where you may be consider very influential in your field of choice. you exist on your own timeline, there is no pressuring you into anything, if someone is truly are your friend they wont and shouldnt be pressuring you. bella squares neptune for me so sometimes i experience a dysmorphia regarding my beauty - looking in a mirror or seeing a picture of me sometimes really irks me. she was a dedicated worshipper of athena, but you need more options to flourish. However, when we talk about marriage in astrology, let us consider it a long-term relationship between man and women, which will later convert into the family. they may be incredible with makeup and use it to become a different person or have a strong dislike towards makeup. this placement tells me i likely wouldnt do well in a lower position in a company setting because i know i have great ideas and that i would make a great leader. The 11th house denotes friendship. just some facts ive gathered over the last few dayss.. should i do a pt2?? so please just use the comments for the easier questions. Loyal Spouse Astrology | Loving Husband in Astrology | Astro Yogendra When Will You Get Married? Explains Best Marriage Astrologer - Outlook This transit heightens if its crossing your Ascendant (AC) point as well. Cucula/cucule is the Latin word for the cuckoo. whereporta coeli is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in virgo at 10 - lol is this a running joke? chiron retrograde people may not realize they are suffering until it is too late. you may find where you devote a lot of time and emotional energy that you are often quickly dismissed and punished after one misstep similar to medusa. Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon is reflective and contemplative, working to build a better foundation with those they care about. You can essentially read the composite chart like any other astrological chart or like a natal chart for the relationship. However there are certain parts of the composite chart that are seen as very indicative for the relationship. medusa-uranus: you may feel safest when rebelling or activist pledging, alone, practicing the occult, and/or when your curiosity is peaked, but these situations may cause you danger. my advice for surviving this retrograde: if you are hanging around a bad group stay away from them. in my persona chart for this asteroid the sun is in the 2h house ;) so i definitely give that wondrous gift that wasnt even mentioned but is perfect.. perhaps not always but oftentimes ya lol. word may travel quickly about your presence alerting everyone where you are. you love having a duty or task which you must perform for others - it adds to feeling useful. gemini - mercury. House of the Mars: the house of the Mars shows where the energy of the relationship lies. where santa is for me and how it affects me personally: 8h in scorpio at 17 - lol not the 8h. take the scenic route or a different route home than you normally do. Eventually, when King Actor passed away, Peleus becomes the King of Phthia. thank you guys so much. Money Horoscope and a 4h stellium in the persona chart greatttt (he was just trying to herd his sheep). form strong harmonious aspects, are in prominent houses) in your natal chart, that can indicate fame in your lifetime. Know How To Have A Successful Love Marriage: Dr Vinay Bajrangi - Outlook you may feel like fate has guided you somewhere, quite often into the spotlight in both good and bad ways. your greatest strength is this giving and restorative nature. And sometimes, if not managed correctly, challenging aspects can turn into toxic, unhealthy . ALSO mini apologies for the amount of time youve all waited for this post and how may times i say you in it HAHA im tired - been going for so long this draft is from JULY TENTH like it just needed to get wrapped up and sent out but moving, my health, and now school has gotten in my way so we are rolling with it. my advice for surviving this retrograde: revisit childhood in a safe environment like therapy or a shadow-work journal. 11h: you may find that you dont have a lot of close friends, rather you have a lot of people who you share space and common interests with. If you have children, this is a time where your relationship experiences difficulties, a kind of distance or emotional barrier. IN MY OPINION TARDIS in your chart can show a) where you have incredible tools at your disposal, b) where your opportunity to go anywhere lies, and/or c) where you may have a paradox in your life. For women, Jupiter signifies her husband. me. Details about your life partner can be procured from this . A loss of a pet may be possible during this transit. I WOULD GIVE THIS PLACEMENT TO THE UNDERGROUND MAN!!! negative aspects: you may have sexual trauma and attract obsessive people. For marriage astrology, Astrologers also look into the right date and time to get married, because getting married in certain bad timings and days can wreak havoc in married life. Telomeres are present at the ends of each of your chromosomes (which are made up of DNA). His harbinger statement occurs when he tells Alice why he and the March hare are essentially stuck in never ending tea time. having a busy mind like yours, like I said, causes your thoughts to be read by others in a nonverbal manner. After you have a good idea of your north node path look to your 10th and 11th house, how you will best be able to make connections and what reputation you can uphold in your sphere. affirmations (youre smart, grades arent everything, you gave it your best, you tried today and youll try tomorrow, youre safe, etc.). IN MY OPINION Madhatter in a chart may indicate a) where you tend to drive people away, b) where you are indefinitely frustrated with others, c) where you may have a vital warning for others, and/or d) where you are constantly worried or stressed to the point of madness. you may face a chronic change in your appearance/health. astrology Love Astrology, Marriage Astrology, Marriage Horoscope, Horoscopes Match Love Astrology, Horoscope Matching ,Marriage Astrology, Marriage Horoscope, Marriage Astrology Match, Love Marriage Astrology ,Marriage Astrology Horoscope Cancelli is an advocate for those who undergo this care and often speaks at conferences about death and end of life care. and you love it - you love knowing a lot of different types of people, and nothing feels better to you than helping someone in need. dont grin and bare things, it does nothing good for you. they are less likely to pay it forward to others - it may be due to past experiences, no good deed goes unpunished. their judgment may be either too realistic or too impractical. i feel like my placement relays a similar story of over-analysis (cucula trine moon and mercury) which causes inaction and isolation (cucula square pluto and chiron) which ultimately leads to demise :). give me all the political and spiritual existentialism. the 8h is also slightly spiritual, so you may find that you are a devoted subject just like this gorgon in terms of a cause or being. you likely will attract a lot of the publics attention. Solar Return Reading (I love doing these) $40: -explaining each placement of your solar return like the planets and houses with signs. Know About Love Marriage from your date of birth - Vinay Bajrangi Cancer Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. but similar to this mythical character when something negative occurs you may find that people who know your family compare you to a member (most often it will be your mother); you are just like your father, youre your mothers daughter alright, etc. If minor asteroids in your chart do not form conjunctions or very tight aspects with larger, more prominent placements in your chart, generally speaking, you can ignore them. you may have grown up feeling like you did not belong - which causes/caused you to leave home when you get/got the chance to. doesnt matter how far you fall you will always rise from the ashes - even in death she lived on. Intermediate Composite chart reading $55: -What planets are transiting you and the persons houses and how that may affect you both and the relationship, -includes the basics of the basic composite chart reading but with 10 aspects instead of 5, If you want to include some asteroids, its $2 more for an asteroid, -sun/saturn conjunction/square can indicate depression at some point. Constancy is a noun that describes the quality of being enduring, dependable, reliable, and trustworthy. Birth control helps to regulate hormones like estrogen and progesterone in your body. i implore you to read the uranus and saturn aspects to see what resonates! in other words, she stood on stage worshipping athena and was admired for her beauty and devotion. The Astrology of Selena Gomez & Hailey Bieber Explains Why They're Feuding Eucharis can not leave Calypso so the two find their love interrupted by their duty. its usually because they have low energy, they easily get tired of trying to assert themselves or make others hear them. He is considered one of the most influential and greatest cartoonist of the era having earned $1.1B USD in his lifetime. For example, a composite Mars in the 8th house can point to lots of sexual energy in the relationship along with jealousy and fear. Physically, watch for problems with the feet, ankles, and lymph nodes. Shifting and reassessing your focus on your goals is an important thing to do, you may enter a new organization or fall into a position of authority, becoming more responsible for more people is common as well. find confidence in the future and surely nothing will go wrong. and since we reached 100 posts last night, lets celebrate with this long post! evaluate relationships with others: distance yourself from those using you. in the case of the ones not related to mythology, i DM the asker and tell them that its been added to my asteroids that arent getting more attention than this part _ post. Originally, Byron found fame glorious but later he did everything in his power to escape which included going into exile. on the other hand, if odysseus and circe are in the same house and conjunct one another - that means something), solar return, persona charts, synastry, etc., use my ask button. if you are using substances please do so in a safe environment or write down what, when, and where from you are taking this substance on an appendage (this is not me saying that you should, this is me stating be safe if you do - if you believe you may have a problem, reach out and seek advice from others who you feel will not judge you, it may be an outsider and that is okay - i too am here, you are never alone if you need guidance when seeking help). you may be estranged from your family due to differences in values/opinions. negative aspects: your beauty may attract a bad kind of attention that cause you a lot of fear, anxiety, and/or trauma. Capricorn (Saturn in the 2nd house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through finances, materials, self worth, and value. Davison Relationship Chart can provide insight into a relationship and reveal the main themes of it. DNA also sextiles sun so i suspect i will live awhile but only if i remain active. they could be maximalists or minimalists have no in between. if you are asking for a specific asteroid, i do not need you to apologize for bothering me. i have yet to be bothered when asked to tell you guys a story - its literally my favorite part. Many thanks for your help!! Dev _Tabij Astrology Marriage Horoscope - Complete Marriage Prediction you may find yourself in a poverty-stricken area reviving old things to be new once more. you matter. whereotzi is for me and how it affects me personally:8h in scorpio at 6 - not the 8h any way looks like i am my own enemy (otzi conjunct sun, moon, and mercury). not to be pitiful but i tend to be given the grunt work or jobs no one else wants to do. you may find yourself being punished for the wrongdoings of this person. medusa was scared and upset over her new circumstance, and others were scared of her appearance as well - she reacted to them, and they reacted to her by turning to stone. This is a time where youre learning what it takes to truly make a life for yourself and establish a routine that better serves you. do something that you have wanted to do since childhood. at first glance, you may look a bit like someone locked into society - you do what you are supposed to, when you are supposed to, and how you are supposed to. you may be a publicly known figure. humble? they may be haunted by their past. these people are often estranged from select people in their life - a father, a mother, grandparents, a whole side of the family, etc. USE THIS AS MOMENTARY FOR TRANSITS AND LONG-TERM WHEN PRESENT IN YOUR NATAL CHART. opening the mail? etc. your temperament could promote ease and stoicism. VENUS: retrograde occurs roughly every eighteen months for around a month and a half. in the case of a traumatic experience, please do not keep it to yourself - its not okay, and you may be in shock or feel embarrassed that it happened but please know that it is sadly common. if you wanna know more about me or how i think while reading my own placements, by all means go for it ;). i implore you to read the mars aspects to see what resonates! it may even be a struggle to start dating - they may be late to the dating realm or getting into a relationship compared to those around them. NEPTUNE: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around five months. you may find yourself being concerned for others but not speaking to them one-on-one. So I know all about cells from my days of AP Biology and college Anatomy and Physiology. my advice for surviving this retrograde: try something new and different from your norm. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Venus For example, if many of the asteroids listed under fame are strong or powerful (i.e. scorpio (8, 20): you likely shield your emotions and passions from others, preferring to look stoic over emotional. Many of his painting and works are still studied today as masterpieces i.e. Leo (Saturn in 7th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through relationships, partnerships, the law, and even enemies. you likely are quick to adapt to the situations at hand. but i have the feeling that i will find someone to fill the role (constantia quintile venus and trine saturn). Make sure to not make any risky financial decisions during this time such as gambling. if it is for a series request, just ask for a part _! IN MY OPINION Actor in your chart can represent a) where you have a lot of minor roles, b) where you take others in and tend to give them more than they deserve, and/or c) where you are willing to forgive others for how they have wronged someone else. i feel like MARS retrograde people are always collecting injuries - it doesnt matter what they are doing. PLUTO retrograde people may experience a lot or very minimal death and change in their life - during this retrograde you may experience a death or life-changing event. affirmations. you may be conserving your virginity just like this famous gorgon. the same projection and reaction circumstances/interactions may occur in your life. @starshinesparkle whats in retrograde? you may face isolation from society as this gorgon did, but thats just how it is being special and different you dont always fit in. turned people to stone without a single bat of an eye. This is a difficult transit to work with, you can go through a death of a close family member or someone you idolized, and have difficulty with their assets and become responsible or liable in a way. social media fits me well and i love to talk with you all about this stuff. ex: just for one hour, when dinner is over, etc OR tell yourself you have to say hi to ___ before you can leave or set a number of people you want to say hello before dipping. In current so called modern society, the definition of marriage has changed and sometimes marriages are being pursued just out of personal greeds which lead to marital discord between couples. another very odd example is currency; even those who are famous with minor aspects between this asteroid and mars have been featured on coins! self-care. so make sure you are always experiencing more - you may find that you enjoy worshipping deities from across many other cultures. Timing Of Marriage Via Astrology - THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM they may not feel pretty or graceful very often as well. BUT when I am in a leadership role everything gets done like a well oiled machine. if you are a writer, you may write what you never say, if you are an artist, you may show emotion you never would otherwise, etc. pluslets not forgetorbs matter, dominance matters, etc. you may be a leader and not know it. SATURN retrograde people likely had to grow up very quickly - during this retrograde you may need to be more mature. medusa wanted peace. i have been getting a bunch of personal ask questions - which is great. Basically I've seen Pluto in 11th = earning power over people, Saturn in 11th = earning respect and titles, Venus in 11th = earning love or money (wealth indicator), Neptune in 11th = earning a prophecy, deep undivided loyalty & glamour, Mercury in 11th = earning your name to be widespread, knowledge & fast results. my aqua persona chart, jupiter leo 11 in 5th house do aspects effect as well ? Astrologers say these represent the 'inner marriage' and show relationship fulfillment and closeness of the partners. you are likely a genuine person whom doesnt do things because they want power, rather because they care. let someone know when something hurts your feelings or bothers you - dont just walk away or brush it off. but at the end of the day, i am NOT a night owl this asteroid sextiles the sun and is at a leo degree for me so i am definitely the most productive when it is light out. go somewhere new - get away from your routine. If you have many of the asteroids listed forming strong harmonious aspects or conjunctions with planets such as the Sun, Venus, or Jupiter or placed in certain prominent houses like the 1st or 10th house, that can indicate positive outcomes related to that aspect of your life or talent. religion may be very important to you, until you feel betrayed by your god(s) - my only reminder here: we are here, they are there - too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. Sometimes, the house location of Venus or Jupiter can work. all i really need is how about bacchus (2063)? PLEASE ALWAYS CHECK MY MASTERLIST TO SEE IF I HAVE DONE THE ASTEROID. all that being said you may have an odd relationship with motherhood - whether it is your mother or you that caused distance is the big question. Byromania was the term used to describe his fans reaction to his presence. sagittarius (9, 21): not to be annie-like but, there is always tomorrow - you must keep in mind that one bad day is not a bad lifetime, tomorrow is another day. you could be determined to prove others wrong about you but end up proving much of the same - she wanted to prove she didnt do anything wrong yet froze a lot of people with her gaze. IN MY OPINION Aldrin represents a) where you can be seen as important or the best of the best, b) where you may be a pioneer, c) where you have a lot of new evolutionary ideas, and/or d) where you are the second to do something that has never been done before. #marriage-astrology on Tumblr and feel free to skip over my reflections on my placements, i provided them because of how kissessinthe worded their question. !!! you may have attributions of a devotee attached to the occult - this could appear unconventional to the outsider. For example, in the composite between me and my boyfriend, the ascendant is placed in Leo, and the chart ruler (sun) is placed in the 10th house in Gemini. yep, you arent wrong lol. go ask your questions! His work influenced the Western art movements at the time - more particularly humanism (emphasizes the potential of humans) and naturalism (emphasizes reality of the subject matter). Coal also serves as a reminder to be more mindful of your actions and to not take things for granted - coal used to be popular to heat homes with (kids had to be reminded how lucky they truly were for simply being warm). you may be the type of person to go over to another persons home and then find yourself cleaning or cooking for them. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. Estrogen is higher in those who have endometriosis so taking a hormone birth control aids in symptom relief. where leonardo is for me and how it affects me personally:11h in capricorn at 12 - lmfao this one fits with what i am doing here.
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