If the student tests positive or refuses to be tested at any time during the 28-day period, the student shall be recommended for immediate placement in the Alternative School for 2 nine-weeks. Tier 2: Focused supplemental instruction, 3. The student anticipating an extended absence due to a medical reason must notify his/her counselor prior to the absence in order that orderly academic progress may be made during theabsence. Gang activity which initiates, promotes, or advocates activities that threaten the safety or well-being of persons or property on school grounds or which disrupts the school environment are harmful to the educational process. Parents that have completed the Parental Use and Responsibility Acknowledgement Form as well as provided valid personal identification to appropriate school officials may be given access to the Parent Portal of Power School. Northwest Area School District - Home First and foremost, your dress code policy will have to have clear and respectful exceptions for religious and cultural attire. Phone:601.992.6277 A reasonable penalty for late work may be assessed. All students in Kindergarten and grades 1 through 3 may be administered a screener within the first 30 days of school and repeated at mid-year and at the end of the school year to identify any deficiencies in reading. Follow on Social Media. The phone number where parent, guardian, or custodian can be reached. The backpack may not be left in the office. Sometimes staying home is the only way to benefit our kids, our communities, and ourselves. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new window/tab) YouTube (opens in new window/tab) Directions (opens in new window/tab) Employment Opportunities (opens in new window/tab) Parents will be informed if school personnel see need for removal of a student from the program for any period of time. Clothing in grades 5-12 shall not be excessively low or loose fitting in front, back, under the arms, or around the waist, so as to reveal the chest, the entire shoulders, the mid back area, or lower body areas. Schools must post information in the community regarding the rights ofhomeless students, in schools and other places that homeless families mayfrequent. These storage areas remain school owned property and, as such, are subject to periodic inspections and search by school authorities, without notice. The standard of proof in all disciplinary proceedings shall be a preponderance of the credible evidence. 662 (10thDir. 3. These signed forms must be kept on file at the school for one calendar year. Public health official (identity released to this official only if necessary). 4. 2. If students are wearing a shirt under their collared shirt, please make an effort for it to be white. Principal:Andrea Payne The grade point average will be calculated at the end of semester 2 to determine the top two students. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, Resolution for the Protection of Children. Any clothing or personal adornment that Is determined to be disruptive to the learning environment is not allowed. The Rankin County School District seeks to affirm its commitment to creating healthy and responsible teens in the Rankin County School District by fully complying with the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, Section 37-13-171, and by: Adopting educational programs designed to help students and parents take action to reduce rates of teen birth and sexually transmitted infections and integrating such programs into already established classes, and. In addition, the students attendance will be verified by their participation in real-time virtual interactive and/or independent assignments/activities during the school day and by making adequate progress toward the completion of the daily assignments through the district-selected Learning Management System. School personnel will cooperate with the parents and attendance officers in this endeavor. The Student Drug Testing Consent Form will be active for the students entire tenure at the school in which the consent form was signed. We encourage you to let us know how to better serve your children. The decision of the hearing officer shall be final, subject to Board and judicial review; 7. Todos los estudiantes podrn usar aretes/pantallas razonables fuera del gimnasio. Supplemental instructional materials and supplies, excluding textbooks; 2. Please be sure your child is fever-free, without the use of fever reducers, for 24 hours before allowing him/her to return to school. Nivel 3: El estudiante perder el uso de su armario para una semana. 1. 1. The infected student will have access to voluntary, confidential, age appropriate counseling. Alert the district safety officer if a situation occurs that presents a reasonable risk of transmitting an infection. Click here to view the safe school resolution. Generated by Wordfence at Sat, 4 Mar 2023 5:09:22 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. Regular safety drills should be planned and executed in accordance with applicable emergency management guidelines and specific school procedures. If a Voluntary Student fails to fully cooperate or refuses to submit to a drug test, the Voluntary Student shall be considered in violation of his/her consent agreement and will receive a positive drug test result status and will in turn automatically be subject to the guidelines as listed in Consequences. Brandon, MS 39042 We encourage you to let us know how to better serve your children. 9th12th Satisfactory proof of residence in the attendance zone for which application is made. In an effort to protect the health and safety of students from illegal and/or performance-enhancing drug use and abuse and to curtail the use of such drugs, the Board of Education (the Board) of Rankin County School District (the District) adopts the following policy for any student who wants to participate in the Rankin County School Districts Voluntary Student Random Drug Testing Program. 2. The test specimen shall be obtained in a manner designed to minimize intrusiveness to the student. Both the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the National Defense Authorization Act reflect these requirements. Phone:601.824.3287 The Rankin County School District will provide assistance on these topics by undertaking the actions described below: 1. Homeless students have a right to transportation to school. 5. In this event, the Voluntary Student and his/her parents or guardians will bear responsibility for contacting the testing laboratory used by the District and arranging for the testing laboratory to conduct a test within the 24-hour period from the time the student initially refused to submit to the test. The users right to use and possession of the property terminates not later than the last day of enrollment unless earlier terminated by RCSD or upon withdrawal from RCSD. The first dose of any medication registered at the school must be given by the parent/guardian at home to ensure there are no adverse drug reactions. Where the evidence is presented in writing, he will have the right to see and refute such written testimony. Commit any other act of misconduct not specifically named herein. Jeans bottoms are not permitted . Any Voluntary Student selected at random must give urine, saliva, hair or other necessary specimen for testing as necessary at the determination of the testing laboratory. Sellwood Middle School. Each student is to keep his/her locker locked at all times with only the lock and key provided bythe school principal upon initial assignment, with school district and officials being allowed by this policy to retain an assigned duplicate key or master lock combination. Other issues or disputes will be directed to the attention of the school official responsible for that particular matter for prompt resolution. Placement can occur at any point during the school year that is deemed appropriate by the principal. For families of students who attend AlphaBEST, this after-school service will continue, though we strongly encourage you to pick up students as soon as possible. Each student will respect the personal property of others and refrain from causing intentional damage or unnecessary wear and tear to books, facilities, school materials, school buildings and furnishings, and the personal property of others and obey all state laws pertaining thereto. Students who bring their lunch are able to purchase milk, water or ice cream. Phone:601.939.4375 If you have witnessed bullying of another student or feel that you are being bullied, please fill in the information at this link: 2023-2024 Northwest Middle School Handbook, 23-24 Northwest Middle School Program Book rev013123.pdf, HSD Middle School Supply List 2020-2021.pdf. The grade earned for the course remains unchanged. Each Voluntary Student shall be made aware of this policy, the Student Drug Testing Consent Form, and the Voluntary Random Drug Testing Withdrawal Form. Courses taken for credit recovery during the school year must be completed by a defined date. Users should never share personal information. Prior to the decision to administer corporal punishment, the student shall be informed of the misconduct charged against him. Teachers may request and principals may require attendance of a counselor or other personnel at scheduled conferences. Grades shall be recorded no less than bimonthly and shall be listed by standard with a description of the assignment/assessment. Fax:601.825.8402, STEENS CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL This plan must also include: the name and purpose of the medication, the allergen to which the child is allergic to, the prescribed dosage, the time(s) the medication can be administered, any special circumstances regarding administration of the medication, steps to take in the event of an emergency or life threatening event, and the length of time for which the medication is prescribed. 6. To keep positive test results confidential, the principal will notify only the student, the students parent or guardian. 6. If a belt is needed, it must stay on. The Rankin County School District will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parental engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: Providing timely support, information, and services to staff in participating Title I programs. We have set high expectations, and are working diligently to ensure that all of our students will reach their highest potential and offer assistance to those that need it. Fax:601.845.2114, FLORENCE HIGH SCHOOL Any exception to the schedule must have the prior approval of the principal. District may disable the device remotely to protect the device and/or data on the device. Receipt of an official transcript/cumulative record from the last school attended, to be provided for by the parent or legal guardian. To offer students school activities free of the effects of illegal and performance-enhancing drug use. Any discipline resulting from the circumstances underlying drug testing shall be recorded in the students discipline record in accordance with the discipline policies and other policies of Rankin County School District. Records will be maintained and disseminated in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Be courteous to and follow the instructions of the bus driver. 3rd6th The Superintendent or designee (assistant superintendent) has the authority to expel any student who commits one of the following violations while on school property or at any school-related activity or off-campus activity or behavior, regardless if that property is owned by Rankin County School District or not: 1. Detention will not exceed one hour per instructional day but may be administered over several days in succession. Users should not send emails or post comments with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the targeted individual and create for the targeted individual a hostile school environment. Northwest Middle School: Student Dress Code Regulations The primary objective of Greenville County Schools is to provide a world-class instructional program and learning opportunity for every student. <> El estudiante debe usar camisa o blusa de cuello y botn blanca y con mangas, es decir, de vestir o polo. Violators may be charged with trespassing and/or vehicles towed at owner expense. Student Dress Code / Dress Code - Nwschools.org Home - Northwest Middle - Carroll County Public Schools Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. Fax:601.825.2988, Compulsory School Attendance/School Age (JBA), Entrance Age Requirements (JBB) Such vaccinations shall be made prior to enrollment, or shall be completed within the date specified on Form 121.The principal shall enforce the immunization requirements suspending any student not in compliance. Authorized school officials shall investigate repeat cases of no lunch funds or emergency circumstances. Sending information related to the school and parent-programs, meetings, and other activities to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand by: 1. In order to be eligible for credit recovery, a student must have failed an RCSD course or a statewide high school end-of-course assessment. Always cross the roadway in front of the bus when entering or leaving and walk approximately 10 feet ahead of front bumper. Students who receive an excused or unexcused absence will not be penalized in grading, provided they make-up the work missed. School Attendance Office: Brandon, Florence, McLaurin, Pelahatchie, Pisgah, Puckett, Richland Zones | 601-825-8390, School Attendance Office: Northwest Rankin Zone | 601-591-1770, ROUSE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL It is the recognized law of the state that the youth court shall not order the enrollment or re-enrollment of a student that has been suspended or expelled by the district for possession of a firearm or weapon on school grounds or for commission of a violent act which resulted or could have resulted in the death or physical harm to another. The Rankin County Board of Education recognizes the use of corporal punishment by teachers and administrators as a means to correct misconduct of students, to preserve an effective educational environment which is free from disruption, and to further the educational mission of the Board. Cyber bullying including, but not limited to, harassing, flaming, denigrating, impersonating, outing, tricking, excluding, and cyber stalking will not be tolerated. The parents or eligible student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised under the challenge; 4. Any transfer student from a school or program (correspondence, tutorial, or home study) not accredited by an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education or a state board of education (or its designee[s]) will be accepted for enrollment with temporary grade and class assignment comparable to that of the transfer school. Each student is responsible and solely accountable for the contents of the locker assigned to them and shall not share his/her key or lock combination with others and shall not change the lock or combination for any reason without the written consent of the principal. If your child is sent home with red eye(s) or discharge, your child may return to school 24 hours after treatment is started or when there is no drainage from the eye(s). Legal Reference: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Individuals Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Title II Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Mississippi Department of Education Policy IEI. All testing associated with on-line instruction will be monitored by school personnel designated by the school principal. No tuition fee shall be assessed for students enrolled under these circumstances. Should a confirmation test also indicate a positive result, the building administrator will notify the student and parents/guardian in writing of such positive test results and of the consequences of such a report (expulsion for one (1) calendar year). Monitoring of student progress is an ongoing process that may be measured through informal classroom assessment, benchmark assessment instruments and large-scale assessments. If a device is damaged, lost or stolen as a result of irresponsible behavior, the user or the parent may be responsible for the full replacement cost. The assistant superintendent of education in charge of expulsion hearings (or his/her designee) shall preside over all DDC meetings. The Northwest ISD Career Fair scheduled for today at Byron Nelson High School is included in these event postponements, and attendees will be informed of a new date in the coming days. Disputes which may arise regarding the assignment of a homeless child or youth will be promptly resolved according to district policy. This shall include, but not be limited to: nude/semi-nude figures; pictures or logos of alcoholic beverages or cigarettes, obscene gestures or words, or words/pictures that depict prohibited substances or actions; gang marks, drawings, designs or emblems; figures in sexually suggestive postures. Incidents involving hazing and intimidation are also prohibited as these can cause bodily danger, physical harm or personal degradation. 6. Grades 4-12: A student has failed two (2) grades; 3. 6. If a student is found to have lice (live bugs) at school, parents will be notified and the student will be sent home that day. Third damage occurrence: $50.00 deductible plus 50% of the repair cost to repair the laptop and loss of take home privileges. G. A certified court reporter will take and transcribe all evidence and testimony at the hearing. Medicines checked in at the school must be in their original prescription or unopened over the counter container with the information label attached. Puckett, MS 39151 If your child appears sick with fever, call your doctor to have your child evaluated. All class work missed because of uncharged batteries must be made up on a students own time. 6382 Highway 18 In the event of emergency school closings, all assistant principals, secretaries, cafeteria managers and custodians will report for duty, if safely possible, until released by the principal. When raising your hand straight up, your belly must remain covered. Principal:Dr. Yarby Anderson All such complaints should be directed to: LEGAL REFERENCES: MS Code 37-15-1; 37-15-2, 37-15-3, 37-15-4; Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 USC Section 1232; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; Elementary and Secondary Education Act; National Defense Authorization Act. Rankin County School District will reserve a portion of Title IA funds to servehomeless students. Test results will be kept in files separate from the students other educational records, shall be disclosed only to those school personnel who have a need to know, and will not be turned over to any law enforcement authorities. NORTHWEST RANKIN HIGH SCHOOL . The model consists of three tiers of instruction: Tier I Quality classroom instruction based on MS Curriculum Frameworks and district instructional initiatives, Tier III Intensive interventions specifically designed to meet the individual needs of students. Knox County Schools is committed to excellence in foundational skills, great educators in every school, career empowerment and preparation, and success for every student. 200 Spell Drive Step 10 Once a student has been exited from EL status, progress should continue to be monitored for four (4) years. Step 7 All EL students, including those who opt out of specific EL services, must be monitored for progress. Complying with all federal requirements for parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children. 5. Persons failing to comply with this policy will be considered trespassers and shall be liable for prosecution. 2. 4. A police/sheriff report will be required for all stolen devices. However, the student may return the following school day after the drug/alcohol test at which time a conference will be held by the school administrators and the parents/guardians of the student. Engaging in these behaviors or in any online activities intended to harm (physically or emotionally) another person, will result in disciplinary action described in RCSD Policy IJB CIPA Policy - Acceptable Use. Participation in school-sponsored extra-curricular activities in the District is a privilege. Stopping at their locker between classes is a distraction and causes tardies to occur. 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Furthermore, the Rankin County School District defines reasonable actions including but not limited to promptly reporting the behavior to a teacher, principal, counselor, or other school employee when subjected to bullying or harassing behavior. Students shall not bring to school items, materials, objects, weapons, knives or substances (i.e. Fax:601.939.1991, RICHLAND UPPER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Universally accepted standards for testing, labeling, storage and transportation of specimens will be strictly followed by the testing facilities. Principals or designee shall be allowed to suspend students from school transportation services for a maximum of ten (10) days for each reported incident or misconduct. The parents and local agency shall have an opportunity to present evidence relative to the case. Upon written request, a students transcript will be sent to any designated agency, college, or school. Promotion to grades 9-12 is based on the accumulation of Carnegie units in accordance with the following schedule: Exception may be granted in order for students to graduate during the current school year provided the students age and/or 3 year graduation track is equivalent or greater than the peer age of the current graduating class. In all cases of student discipline resulting in suspension for ten (10) days or less, the decision of the principal or his designee shall be final and not appealable (Goss vs. Lopez) except that the County Superintendent of Education shall have the discretion to review the record of the principals (or designees) decision upon written request of the student, his parent or guardian setting forth the reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified within twenty-four (24) hours of such decision, excluding weekends and school holidays. Rankin County School District is committed to cooperating with parents/guardians in an effort to help students avoid illegal drug use. Homeless students must be provided a written statement of their rights whenthey enroll. Por favor tome nota de los das de gimnasio y asegrese de llevar puesto zapatos apropiados para esos das. School guidance counselors shall abide by the American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics. Es importante que el estudiante es el nico individuo que usa el armario. Step 2 Assessment of Language Proficiency to determine English Language Proficiency (ELP). A student who was promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4 under a good cause exemption of the Literacy-Based Promotion Act must be given intensive reading instruction and intervention. Involving parents in the development of training for teachers, principals and other educators to improve the effectiveness of that training; 2. The IEP Committee will reconvene at the end of the 45 days to review and recommend the appropriate placement. Northwest Middle School. The term does not include dietary or nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins that can be lawfully purchased over-the-counter. To prevent injury, illness and harm to students that may arise as a result of illegal and performance enhancing drug use. The Board shall provide a written decision by mail to the appealing party at the appealing parties last known address within thirty (30) working days following the appealing party or victims appearance before the Board. This policy supplements and complements all other laws, policies, rules, and regulations of the state or District regarding possession or use of illegal drugs, including, but not limited to, all policies, rules, and laws concerning reasonable suspicion of the use or possession of such illegal drugs. Phone:601.829.2937 Written notices of unsatisfactory progress can be sent home whenever necessary to keep parents informed of declining grades. Do not have food or drinks around the device. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, Denver, CO, (303) 844-5695. 6. assaulting or attempting assault of another person. Consequences for any user who fails to comply with RCSD and school guidelines may include paying for damages, denial of access to technology, detention, suspension, expulsion or other remedies applicable under the school disciplinary policy, and state or federal law. 2. Obtain assignments before scheduled absences and. 4. If the LEA plan for Title I, Part A, developed under section 1112 of the ESEA, is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, the school district will submit any parent comments with the plan when the school district submits the plan to the Mississippi Department of Education. It is the preference of the Rankin County School Board that employees utilize sites funding supplies or equipment rather than monetary donations. The report shall be given promptly to the principal or superintendent who shall institute an immediate investigation. If the student wishes to withdraw from dual credit college course(s), the student MUST complete a signed form with the high school counselor and complete requirements to withdraw through thecollege within the designated time frame set forth by the college. 4. School authorities reserve the right to conduct random or directed sniff searches with animals of school property, student property and student-driven vehicles where reasonable suspicion exists to do so and to utilize detection devices such as metal detectors at all times and without reasonable suspicion, and to call upon the expertise of and cooperate with law enforcement in this regard. The Board encourages development of this habit. Parents, guardians or custodians failing to comply with compulsory attendance laws will be subject to punishment within the provision of Section 97-5-39, Mississippi Code of 1972. Only cell phones should be in lockers. If an official absence has been granted, the student must: 1. All corporal punishment shall be administered by certified staff in a private setting within the school and not in view of any other students. A letter shall be sent to parents regarding all specifics of the field trip and asking permission for their childs participation. How you dress says who you are. Exceptions can be made by the principal when extreme circumstances arise. Perforaciones del cuerpo y la joyera no es permitido en el gimnasio por razones de seguridad. 232 Highway 469 N In the event the student has given additional verbal or written consent to the search, such fact shall be noted in the official report of the principal or school official relative to the student or the investigation or examination. Participating students represent the District and their community. Sunglasses, hats, caps, headbands, curlers, or other headgear shall not be worn in the buildings, unless prescribed by a doctor. The student will be expected to follow the attendance policy of the institution and will suffer all financial and academic penalties that accrue for tardiness, absence, and/or withdrawal. This requirement is consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects the privacy of student education records. First damage occurrence: $50.00 deductible to cover damage. In the case of a student whose legal guardian is an institution, a party independent of the institution shall be appointed pursuant to State and local law to give a written parental consent. Any such monies shall be receipted into the schools activity fund and deposited in that bank account. Students who are infected with chronic and/or infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, shall attend the school and classroom to which they would be assigned if they were not infected. Coordinating workshops and classes and provide information on statewide and out-of-state conferences that focus on improving parental engagement in their childs education. 1. In an effort to protect the health and safety of students involved in extra-curricular activities from illegal and/or performance-enhancing drug use and abuse and to curtail the use of such drugs, thereby enhancing the health, safety and educational environment for all students, teachers, coaches and tax payers coming upon the premises, the Board of Education (the Board) of Rankin County School District (the District) adopts the following policy for random drug, steroid or alcohol testing of all students who participate in extra-curricular activities. Do not leave the device in a vehicle for extended periods of time or overnight. This shall be accomplished by consulting with the infected persons physician, a qualified public health official who is responsible for such determination, and the infected students parent or guardian. 2. Makeup opportunities for students with excessive absences and/or tardies will be arranged in a way deemed appropriate by the school administrator. Activity Students will be chosen on a random selection basis from a list of all Activity Students and Voluntary Students, no matter if the activities are off-season or in-season. Legal Reference: Mississippi Code Ann. Truancy (JBAC) Decisions about any changes in the educational program of a student infected with a chronic/infectious disease shall be made on a case-by-case basis, relying on the best available scientific evidence and medical advice.
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