Therefore, it can be concluded that racial discrimination is harmful to the people and society because it teaches people to make judgments about others in terms of group-based expectations or standards. similarities between pashtuns and hazaras. But the Taliban fighters active here come from various regions and ethnic groups of Afghanistan. Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights. They both have many differences, whether it is the major language they speak or the traditions they follow. When Amir showed the history book on the Hazaras to his teacher, he reacted with disgust, The following week, after class, I showed the book to my teacher and pointed to the chapter on the Hazaras. Their Asiatic features and language a dialect of Persian set them apart from other Afghans, including the predominant ethnic Pashtun. You say that the hazaras are shia muslims. Sitarah Mohammadi is a former Hazara refugee from Afghanistan, who spent 2019 as a Provost Scholar at the University of Oxford, undertaking studies in International Relations, and completed a dissertation on Australias refugee policy. Ethnic violence in Afghanistan - Wikipedia "They particularly targeted the Hazaras and repeatedly kidnapped them. The only hope for the Hazara people is that the international community will stay true to its own commitments to human rights and pressure the Taliban into concessions. For people living here, it is clear there was an understanding between Hazaras and the Taliban for the past 17 years, he told Radio Free Afghanistan. The Hazara speak an eastern variety of Persian called Hazaragi with many Mongolian and Turkic words. Amir is exposed to unkindness toward Hazaras throughout his childhood. Those living in rural areas were denied public services. In the historical fiction novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, Amir, the main protagonist, is a Pashtun with traumatic childhood experiences and tense relations with his father. The Kuchi-Hazara Conflict, Again. To commemorate this special occasion, KarenO, a registered nurse with 35 years of experience, has started The Nightingale Project. The Hazara people felt like their rights were being violated, so they fought back, unfortunately; more than 60% of the Hazara people were sold and killed while fighting for their rights. Pashtuns, unlike the Hazaras, speak the language of Pashto and are Sunni Muslims. This has resulted in their systemic lack of political power and influence in a Sunni Muslim . They are Islam and mostly speak Dari as well as Pashtu, Turkic, and Baluchi. similarities between pashtuns and hazaras. Home; About Us. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Pashtuns are the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, comprising nearly half of the countrys estimated 30 million people, while Hazaras make up some 10 percent of the population and have been persecuted historically. Last year, a 3D light projection gifted by a Chinese donor re-imagined the statues. Most of the Pashtuns are Sunni Muslims. The violence that stems from discrimination is seen throughout the book. Therefore, if there was no conflict between the Hazara and Pashtun people, Hassan could have still been living today, alongside his brother Amir! similarities between pashtuns and hazaras To begin with, Afghan may refer to various ethnicity of people like Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kyrghyz, etc. In Kabul, the people have accepted the social classes and are not afraid to be violent with the Hazaras to get what they want. The differences between the Pashtun and Hazara people created a major conflict with lasting effects on the way in which they live. Khaled Hosseini's novel entitled The Kite Runner is an American bestseller novel that represents racial conflict between the Pashtuns and Hazaras, two different races and ethnics in Afghanistan. The discrimination of Hassan causes violence as he gets raped solely because he was a Hazara. In October, the bombing of a Hazara mosque in Kunduz resulted in the death of more than100 people. Where does the majority of the Hazara population live? Hassan, a hare-lipped Hazara boy in the novel, feels the pain and torture of simply being who he was and endures the hardships of his ethnicity, but yet he never complains or wishes to change who he is, symbolizing his bravery. Mohammad Amin, a resident of Ghazni, agrees with Mutmaeen and says the fighting was prompted by the breakdown of the unwritten truce. Over the many years as a result of political unrest in Afghanistan some Hazaras have migrated to Iran. id="publication-detail-page" Copyright 2023, Difference Between | Descriptive Analysis and Comparisons. Even in America, Amir tries to bury his past, but he is always reminded of it. One of the main differences between the Hazara and Pashtun is their social status. Hazaras are also considered to be Turko-Mongol as they look like Mongolians and East Asians whereas they share a cultural background with the Turkic people of Central Asia. I personally think it will be very difficult to rebuild them from the fragments that are left., Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights. Gandhara Newsletter Snippet for Regions-GR-1868. Yet, despite their growing political clout, many Hazaras continue to feel discriminated against. The result of this study shows that racial discrimination in The Kite Runner is caused by social structural factors and social psychological factors. In the aftermath of the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan, violence against the Hazara population has escalated. Pashtun as the majority race and ethnic in Afghanistan is Sunni Moslem while Hazara is Shi'a. The theme of discrimination against a specific group of people in The Kite Runner was expressed through the use of similes. What are the main differences between the Pashtuns and Hazaras? He does this by developing universal themes which demonstrate that Afghans and Americans. Many decades ago there was a leader named Abdur Rahman Khan, who despised the Hazara people and favored the Pashtun people. The exact number of Hazara is unknownestimates vary wildlybut the total reckons confidently in the millions. While the Taliban and other armed groups are targeting and committing human rights violations against the people of Afghanistan, the Hazara ethnic and religious population is especially athighrisk. Significant communities of Hazara also exist in Iran and Baluchistan (Pakistan). Change). Living primarily in the rugged highlands in the country's centre, the Hazaras are one of Afghanistan's largest ethnic minorities, accounting for up to 20 percent of Afghanistan . What's the difference between a Pashtun and an Afghan? Though, one can easily identify their ethnic group by their looks and appearance they possess. A Hazara is one of two Ethnic groups in Afghanistan. The majority of Afghanistans population practice Sunni Islam, this may have contributed to the discrimination against them. "They [IS] were attempting to pave the way for an ethnic war between Afghan ethnic groups, which prompted the Taliban to intervene.". These choices result in Amir destroying his relationship with Hassan. The international community must pressure the Taliban to guarantee the protection of the rights of the Hazara people, to ensure a genocide against them does not take place. Amir lives in Kabul, Afghanistan. Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 2,000 people of different ethnic communities, including Hazaras, were killed and according to estimates by Hazara groups, the death toll may be as high as15,000. Parts of central Afghanistan, like Bamiyan, the unofficial Hazara capital, are among the countrys poorest, often lacking basic facilities and electricity. Mutmaeen says the episode generated some goodwill between the Taliban and the Hazaras. What are the similarities and differences between Pashtuns and Hazaras Here we discuss some of the most popular early sweet pepper varieties, their characteristics, and how they fare in different climates. Indeed, the main stakes and conflicts arise among the heirs of the same man, especially among sedentary farmers. The religious and cultural definition requires Pashtuns to be Muslim and follow the Pashtunwali codes. IS has invariably claimed such attacks in an apparent retaliation for the participation of thousands of Hazaras in Iran-backed militias in Syria. Khaled Hosseini rehumanizes a culture which has been demonized by the generalizations of many individual Americans and many Hollywood films. The Taliban, just because they believe they are a higher class then Hazara, kill Hassan like it was routine. Hazaras are looked down upon due to their differences in appearance and beliefs. The Taliban referred to the IS militants as Uzbekistanis to distinguish them from Uzbeks in Afghanistan. Hazara people are minorities in Afghanistan, as they are Persian speaking, and they usually live in the center of the country. In Afghanistan, the Hazaras have been racially oppressed since the time that they arrived. Houses were burnt down, people and animals killed, many fled the area. Few major differences have been mentioned in the table:-. Key Difference: Hazaras are members of an Afghan ethnic minority group, whereas the Pashtuns are a united group of tribes composing the largest ethnic group of Afghanistan. Millions of people around the world are discriminated against, but Hazaras and Shias especially know the struggle of this, constantly being put at the bottom of the social class and knowing unfair treatment all too well. He waged a brutal war against the community, which resulted in bloody massacres, looting and pillaging of homes, enslavement and the transfer of Hazara land to Pashtun tribes. Whether the Buddhas should and can be rebuilt remains contested. Despite ample rhetoric on the need to protect religious minorities, regional players have also not stepped in to help the Hazara people. Other reason why the Hazaras have been discriminated by Pashtun is their appearance that look like Chinese people. It is also not surprising that, despite the insistence by the Taliban that it can provide security and peace in Afghanistan, ISKP has continued its deadly attacks against the Hazaras. This is an important theme throughout the novel as it will drastically affect the relation between Amir and Hassan because one is a Pashtun and one is . To secure guarantees of Hazara rights and protection, it can leverage the aid the Taliban has requested. In Afghanistan, Hazarasthe ethnic minorityhave experienced ethnic discrimination by Pashtunsthe ethnic majoritybecause of a revolt dating back to the 18th century.Another form of discrimination in Afghanistan arises from the distinct religious groupsShiite and Sunni Muslims. Therefore, discrimination and slander towards Hazaras in the novel gives a strong sense of unequalness among the two ethnicities, Pashtuns and Hazaras, and is not considered virtuous among societies today. Hosseini uses symbols, antithesis, and visual imagery to convey the unequal treatment of people in Afghanistan based on what ethnic group they belong to . What is more, the group has also clearly declared that it will only accept Hanafi jurisprudence, which would effectively precludeany accommodation of the Shia Islamic law and valuesfollowed by Hazaras. Are balochis and Pashtuns considered desi? : r/ABCDesis 5, no. They are Shia, mostly of theTwelversect, whilesomeareIsmaili and Sunni. The most common clothing is called perahan-u-tunban, which is similar to pajamas. They were viewed differently because of their Mongolian features and unknown history. Pashtun culture is based on traditional code of Pashtunwali, whch tells the individual how to behave as individual and in the society. Intense shelling, arbitrary killings of civilians and targeting of Hazara men resulted inhundreds killedand forcibly disappeared. What happened in 2015 was, from the Hazara point of view, the first time they could really definitively say it is happening to simple Hazaras, not people working for the government, says Chiovenda. Pashtuns follow and live by a 2000-year-old law called "Pashtunwali" which tells them how to behave in society. If we are united no one would dare to break us. The conflict between the Hazara and the Pashtun people is the whole reason this book is even a book! Abubakar Siddique, a journalist for RFE/RL's Radio Azadi, specializes in the coverage of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The state, identity politics and ethnic boundaries in Afghanistan: The In this novel, I find that culture and religion greatly influence a persons life, actions, and personal emotions. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at Women wear baggy black or coloured trousers, a long shirt and a length to cotton to cover the head. If there was a Hazara residing in Kabul, the rumour was that he was either a beggar, servant or even both. Footnote 14 Their way of interacting has some similarities with friendship, even if the terms dust, yar or rafiq . The Pashtuns have been dominant in Afghanistan and believe that they should be the only ones to reside in Afghanistan, which creates an influx of hatred between the two religions. Think of it like the difference between German and English. The victims also included women," the report said. It is a very interesting approach to depicting the culture in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the Taliban continued to harass and murder the Hazara people while they were in power. Whether they had a positive or negative effect, both changed his values and beliefs. Pashtun Vs Hazaras - 1355 Words | Bartleby Upon reading this quote, readers understand that the Pashtuns are the superior authority, treating the Hazaras like a plain servant in which they do all the chores and cleaning in the household. He says this agreement collapsed after fighting broke out between Hazara commander Abdul Hakim Shujae and the Taliban in Uruzgan Province in October. In the novel, Amir is the story teller and a Pashtun, while his best friend Hassan is the son of a servant and a Hazara. Hassan also grows up in Amirs backyard and they spend most of their time playing together, however their difference in religion sets them apart. Whats the difference between a Pashtun and an Afghan? Hazarasbelong to Shia, Sunni, and Ismaili sects of Islam. To support their claims, the Taliban have recruited disgruntled ethnic Tajiks and Uzbeks. In The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini the protagonist Amir is a higher level Afghan citizen who is best friends with Hassan, a lower level Hazara. Manywere forcedtoconceal their identities to obtain state identification. Each identity played a unique part in Amirs life. His best friend Hassan lives with him and is his best friend. The vast treeless mountains that dominate the landscape are used chiefly for pasturing sheep. With a longhistory of persecution, including by the Taliban, the Hazaras areright to fear a genocide. Dont give wrong information. similarities between pashtuns and hazaras. Answer (1 of 6): Similar, to an extent Persian and Pashto are two languages that are similar to each other in a number of ways, however, the plurality of the word I used (languages) shows that they are not mutually intelligible. Hazara. In Afghanistan, there is a divide between the Pashtuns and the Hazaras; the Pashtuns are upper class citizens who are treated with respect while the Hazaras are lower class, minority citizens who are treated poorly. Taliban fighters forced over 4,000 Hazaras from their homes, claiming they had no ownership over their land, leaving them stranded without food or shelter as harsh winter approaches. Growing up, I experienced this with my best friend Zainab. Hazaras make up 20% of the Afghanistan population. Image Courtesy:, How similar are Persian and Pashto? - Quora Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. It examines his relationships with people at different levels in society and different social backgrounds, and the implications of the decisions he makes.The novel The Kite Runner provides ample evidence of the oppression of the minorities. Although Afghanistan is no longer under Taliban rule, growing insecurity has unsettled many. The social hierarchy that declares the Hazara people below Amir, shows how the long history of discrimination is hard to overcome. Thats not right, the large group that lives in afghanistan (kabul) they are soennie muslims. A history of atrocities against the Hazaras As one of the largest ethnic groups in Afghanistan, the Hazara people have endured various forms of oppression from Pashtun rulers and governments,. He skimmed through a couple of pages, snickered, handed the book back. Since the Pashtuns are in control, the Hazaras don't get much space in the official history of . Poverty in the region and ongoing conflict since the Afghan War (197892) have dispersed many of the Hazara throughout Afghanistan. The Hazaras are said to be descendants of Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol empire, and the Mongol soldiers who swept through the region in the 13th century. by | Jun 10, 2022 | car diagnostic tool finance | celebrities born on solar eclipse | Jun 10, 2022 | car diagnostic tool finance | celebrities born on solar eclipse At least six people were killed and scores more injured after a suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden vest near a Hazara protest demonstration in Kabul on November 12. Hazaras - WikiZero The fighting was apparently provoked by the breakdown of a longstanding agreement between the two, according to former Taliban members and Ghazni locals. Baba adopted Hassan when he was a baby and he became their servant. During the countrys civil war and subsequent Taliban rule during the 1990s, the Taliban declared war on the Hazara. The relationship between Pashtuns and Punjabis in Pakistan is different from and yet comparable to the relationship between Hazaras and Pashtuns in Afghanistan. Company Information; FAQ; Stone Materials. Their Asiatic features and language a dialect of Persian set them apart from other Afghans, including the predominant ethnic Pashtun. In his 2003 novel The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini exposes and discusses the ethnic and religious discrimination found in past and present day Afghanistan. The dreadful social division between the two groups led to the Pashtuns gaining higher social rankings than the Hazaras and were able to receive. They generally reside in Southeastern Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan. Majority are Shia,mostly of theTwelversect, whilesomeareIsmaili and Sunni. Amir is a Pashtun, with a higher status and his servant , Hassan, is a Hazara. similarities between pashtuns and hazaras - This discrimination affects every age group in Afghanistan, and affects each of those individuals, mental and physical health (Pascoe). Afghan authorities say the recent fighting has forced more than 1,000 Hazara families to seek shelter in the city of Ghazni, the capital of the province with the same name. They tell stories of their history, their ancestors, and their heroes. The caste system played a major part in the violence Amir experienced in this story. similarities between pashtuns and hazarasmainstreet organization of realtors locations. The 25-year-old and her family were one of hundreds of Hazara families forcibly evicted from . Racial Discrimination Towards the Hazaras as Reflected in - Neliti Cooperation, Remittances, and Kinship among the Hazaras They were deemed a UNESCO World Heritage site and became an important source of tourism revenue for the region. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. With so many varieties available, it can be hard to decide which one is best for your climate and taste preferences. While many Hazaras fled to Shia Iran, those who remained risked violence and even death. Some of the ethnic groups of the Afghanistan are Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Aimak, Turkmen, Baloch, Pashai and many more. Just another site who dismissed justice sajjad ali shah; jackson high school soccer; do military jets leave contrails Parehan-u-tunban, similar to pajamas. After the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989, Afghanistan descended into civil war between various armed groups. They are therefore regrded as a separate ethnic group in Afghanistan. Tehran supported the Taliban in its fight against the US and even hosted some of its leaders; its policies towards Afghanistan are built on its perceived national interest. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. The Hazaras had darker skin, flattened noses, and slanted eyes. Why can the Pashtuns and Hazara people be together? What is the difference between Pashtuns and Hazaras? - Quora Therefore, it is unlikely that it would take any significant steps to protect the Shia of Afghanistan. To make matters confusing, though, Pashtuns are Sunni Muslims and Hazaras are Shi'a Muslims. Whats the difference between the Pashtuns and the Hazaras? In August, Amnesty International reported that at least nine Hazara men were massacred by the Taliban when its fighters took over Ghazni province in July. These experiences have led some to consider Hazaras to be one of themost persecuted people in the world. What is the difference between Hazara and Pashtun in The Kite Runner? They are racially and socially inferior. (LogOut/ Until the 1970s, a large percentage of the Hazara populationcould notaccess higher education, enrol in the army or secure higher-level government jobs. Afghanistan is the land of the Pashtunsnot the flat-nosed Hazaras, these people pollute our homeland. While walking on the street, Amir sees Ali being verbally harassed by Pashtun boys. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Fake info, the most hazaras are soennie muslim. The aims of this study are to find out the causes of racial discrimination, to analyze examples of racial discrimination, and to analyze the impacts of racial discrimination as depicted in The Kite Runner. This fact is critical to understanding Hazaragi's history and more importantly its future. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Hassans looks and and social standing are solely because he is a Hazara, and it something that all Hazaras can not stray from. What is the relationship between the Pashtuns and Hazaras? June 3, 2022 . Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 2023 RFE/RL, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ajvarski, Donkey's Ear, Gatherer's Gold, Jimmy Nardello, Lipstick, Melrose, Gypsy F1 hybrid, Mareko Fana, Stocky Red Roaster, Red Wonder, Little Bells and Sirenevyi are all discussed here. Paul Kane High School - English 30-1 - Kite Runner, Pashtun and Hazara are two words that are use a fair amount in the novel. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Lastly, Hazaras are mainly Shi'a Muslims. Pashtuns (also spelled as Pushtun, Pakhtun, Pashtoon, Pathan) form Afghanistans largest ethnic group. What kind of religion are the Hazaras of Afghanistan? Hazaras are considered as Persian speaking people and they mainly inhabit central Afghanistan. Mentioned among the Basseri and the Shahsevan of Iran, Footnote 16 this practice also existed in Afghanistan before 1978 between Pashtun nomads and Hazara farmers, even though their relations were often tense. Handayani, Fadlilah S. "Racial Discrimination Towards the Hazaras as Reflected in Khaled Hosseini's the Kite Runner." Amir however, tries to learn more about the Hazaras by bringing his mothers book to school. The authors deliberate incorporation of Afghan and American settings over a 3-decade time frame successfully illustrates the differences and similarities between Eastern culture and Western culture, as well as highlighting the harm each culture cultivates. Thenewly appointedUnited Nations special rapporteur on Afghanistan must immediately investigate the systematic attacks and forced displacement of Hazaras to ensure those responsible are identified and held to account. Omissions? What are the main differences between the Pashtuns and Hazaras? The Pashtuns are of the Sunni religion whereas the Hazaras are the Shia, however both groups are considered Muslims; this is similar to Protestants and Catholics within Christianity. What is the relationship between the Pashtun and the Hazara people 2020 marks both the International Year of the Nurse and Florence Nightingale's 200th birthday, making it the perfect time to recognize and celebrate the brave and selfless nurses all over the world. In Mazar-e-Sharif, a local Taliban court decided to expel some 2,000 families, again based on false claims that they do not own their homes. Had I really though that? Everywhere I turned I saw signs of his loyalty, his goddamn unwavering loyalty. the absence of conjunction emphasises his thorough regrets that act as a barrier preventing him from, In Afghanistan, there is a divide between the Pashtuns and the Hazaras; the Pashtuns are upper class citizens who are treated with respect while the Hazaras are lower class, minority citizens who are treated poorly. The return of the Taliban to power in Kabul has meant not only a rollback of the limited social gains the Hazaras had achieved, but also new atrocities against the community. Amir has to face that fact he is disloyal to his relationship with Hassan and begins personal growth. Hazaras are genetically different than Pashtuns & Tajiks and generally have Mongolic looks which is closer to Turkmen & Uzbeks. Google searches can provide inform. Hazara vs pashtun social status. Conflict between the Hazara and All Afghans face precarious and dangerous circumstances in their country, but the situation is particularly desperate for the Hazaras, who have been historically marginalised, dispossessed and massacred. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Due to the persecution of the Hazara people in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in 2012 he sought asylum by boat in Australia. Pashtunwali is regarded to exist for almost 2000 years but it has undergone some changes. If Hassan and Amir were raised as brothers, Amir would have seen Hassan as an equal, rather than looking down upon him. Pashtu, written in the Perso-Arabic script. Language of the "Mountain Tribe": A Closer Look at Hazaragi The Pashtuns make up over 40 percent of the population . From his childhood in Kabul ,Afghanistan, to living in America, there has been an invisible border restricting two parties from establishing into one. In the capital, Kabul, Hazaras have suffered repeated violence. By creating tense situations that originate, whether consciously or subconsciously within the characters, the author uses these conflicts to illustrate the impacts that stem from the masculine stereotypes associated with Afghan culture, the dire need for a fathers approval, and the ongoing effects of a childs jealousy. Even open-minded non-Hazaras with a high degree of education have admitted to me that they feel a certain discomfort when they encounter Hazaras in certain positions of authority in Afghanistan, says Melissa Chiovenda, an anthropology doctoral candidate at the University of Connecticut. Hazaras and Pushtons are two different ethnic groups of Afghanistan. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Over the following decades, Hazarascontinuedto face repression, discrimination and socio-economic marginalisation. Pashtuns and Hazaras differ in terms of religious beliefs, cultural practices, social status, and physical appearances. The novels plot centres around interactions between Amir and his friend Hassan along with the struggles they face in their lives. As the Taliban gained large swathes of rural territories in recent years, they have postured as a national movement capable of replacing the current Afghan government.
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