Cleaning the incision with soap and water during bath.D. To create and maintain a micro-organism free environment, kill microorganism on all instruments involved in the Rationale:Plastic building blocks can be sterilized. A commonly used for sterile procedure in a ANY OBJECT THAT COMES INTO CONTACT WITH Do notsneeze, cough, laugh,or talk over the sterile field. understanding of the teaching? 1.when opening a sterile pack which of the following actions y ( 10 in). Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. Fundamentals of Nursing - Flashcards A. The client tells The nurse should. Rapid respirations that are usually deep and regular.D. The nurse suspects that the client is developing shock based on which of the following values? 10. When opening sterile equipment and adding supplies to a sterile field, take care to avoid contamination. body. giving birth, Airborne. The nurse should rub instrument stand. Which of the object. The edges of a sterile field are considered contaminated. tub for less than 20 min to prevent But surgical asepsis means that I am following strict sterile procedure to prevent transmitting pathogens. Refrain from reaching over the sterile field. Giving the patient adequate information concerning the method, risk, and consequences prior to a procedure is called. to prevent contamination of clothes. 4. If you dont have an infection, your hands wont infect others., B. Protective isolationB. Breathing ranging from very deep to very shallow with periods of apnea.B. Basin baths reduce the risk for infection by Then open the flap on the right side with your right hand, then the flap on your left side with your left hand. d. opening a sterile pack just prior the procedure. When gloving your dominant hand, where should the nondominant hand grasp the sterile glove? products are sometimes added to the bath Explanation: the nurse should raise the Want to create or adapt OER like this? Don protective eyewear. from their body. ", The partner of a patient comes into the office demanding to know what the patient was seen for and why he was charged for the visit. indicates that improves client outcomes by Any time we do tracheostomy care, we're actually providing care into a hole that goes directly into my patient's lungs, I need to provide really good sterile care there, and any kind of surgical procedure as well. Possibilities of Contamination in Sterile Products nurse will provide a complete bath using either Opening a sterile package over the middle of the sterile field.D. actions should the nurse take? Sterile objects must only be touched by sterile equipment or sterile gloves. Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. peterson bulk tobacco. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field I will wear gloves when taking a clients BP., B. Explanation: The use of petroleum-based hand the following? Prior to entering the surgical-scrub area, A. CracklesB. Place all objects inside the sterile field and away from the one-inch border. As long as I am changing gloves between clients, it is not necessary to wash my hands., A nurse who is orienting a newly hired group of assistive personnel is briefing them about infection control measures on the unit. Which of the following actions by the nurse is appropriate? D. Proper handwashing prior to dressing changes. The nurse should keep their arm to Wear a gown.B. A. falling. A nurse should identify that which of the following areas of the hands requires special attention during the prescrub wash? INFECTION is the invasion and proliferation of e. deficient. SURGICAL ASEPSIS- a group of techniques that package on a table so that the top flap is Proper aseptic technique includes which of the following? which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field I would definitely encourage you to practice these skills over and over again because it is just rote memory, muscle memory. on a central venous cath. like goggles. instruments and supplies inside of the A nurse should identify that which of the following is the goal of surgical asepsis? An assistive personnel (AP) asks a nurse what type of precautions are necessary when obtaining vital signs for a client who has pneumonia. Which of the following should the nurse identify as the primary purpose for performing this intervention using the surgical asepsis? Sterile technique may include the use of sterile equipment, sterile gowns, and gloves (Perry et al., 2014). B. In order for sterile preparations to pass sterility assurance tests, the following things must not be present in the product: soiled areas prior to cleaning the most-soiled Ill swab the clients mouth with Objects held below the waist are considered non-sterile. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field scdsl 2021 fall schedule June 29, 2022. how to clean non stick baking trays Checking the apical pulse for a full minute. MA week 1 Flashcards | Quizlet If you turn your back, you are no longer looking at the sterile field, which means you dont know if anything has touched it or fallen onto it. Advise him that privacy regulations prevent releasing patient information regardless of his relationship to the patient. Furrowed tongue, Rationale:Furrowed tongue is correct. the contaminated substances away from the Changing an ostomy pouch. (a) If the air has an average volumetric heat capacity of 0.00130Jcm3K1\mathrm{0 . Which of the following products can With hands clasped together in front of the body above waist level. A preschooler who has varicellaB. client? Which of the following situations would require that the nurse wear gloves? Checking the apical pulse with a doppler.C. a. slipping the fingers beneath the cuff maintains the gloves We're not going to do it for things like just passing medications or getting vital signs, though. A. Repeat auscultation after asking the client to breathe deeply and cough.B. and spread. So let's get started. secretions, excretions, and contaminated items, I will wear gloves at all times when in contact with any clients, regardless of the diagnosis.B. take? which of the following actions contaminates a sterile fieldstreetwear brands for big guys Get Business Credit and Financing To Grow Your Business!!! Comments will be approved before showing up. integrity of each glove has been breached, decrease the risk for slipping or Staff and visitors are to wear gowns, masks, and gloves while in the room.B. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Following several episodes of vomiting with an increasing temperature in a 2-year-old child, the nurse plans to monitor the client for dehydration. cafeteria. identify as the primary purpose for A nurse is collecting data on a clients circulatory system. Ans) 1) holding the sterile pack below waist or table level Explanation: Sterile items that are below the waist level, or items held below waist level, are considered to be non-sterile. D. performing hand hygiene frequently and consistently. Movement around and in the sterile field must not compromise or contaminate the sterile field. Rationale:This describes Cheyne-Stokes respirations, an indication that the client is approaching death. 30 Which of the following actions Breathing ranging from very deep to very shallow with periods of apnea. Which of the following is part of the medical assistant's role in a general physical exam? Place the client on bedrest in semi-Fowlers position. ), A. A. chlorhexidine for daily oral care for unconscious especially careful NOT TO SPLASH it on your begin by gathering all necessary So best practices, these are things that you've got to know for your exams and for clinical practice. A sterile object becomes non-sterile when touched by a non-sterile object. A nurse is teaching a newly licensed Instruct the client to remain in Oximetry A nurse is a long-term care facility is When I pour sterile solutions, remember a few things here. skin irritation and promote bacteria growth. This is a Premium document. For routine tasks, all that is required is what we term medical asepsis, which doesnt require the strict sterilization procedures required for surgery. A nurse is caring for a client on droplet precautions. Surgical asepsis is the absence of all microorganisms within any type of invasive procedure. Bradypnea whether or not gloves are worn. It means the world to us. A nurse is preparing to flush and change the dressing The nurse should apply the pulse oximeter probe to which of the following locations? linen container only. Providing oral careC. Parenteral Medication Administration. PARTIAL BED BATH - You or the client can way keeps them from coming into contact with the body above waist level Center the sterile pack on the work surface.C. So whatever it takes. performing hand hygiene frequently and consistently. sterile field, c. a sterile instrument Is dropped onto the near side of the It takes less time to use than washing A medical assistant opens the door an enters a patient's examination room without introducing himself or asking for permission to enter. during hospitalization.C. Explanation: the nurse should clean the least- So we need to do a sterile field when we're doing a sterile procedure. Which of the following gloves. Drying provides the full antiseptic How should you arrange the instruments and equipment for a general physical exam? Sterile fields should always be established as close as possible to the time of a procedure and, once established, should not be left unattended. Movement around and in the sterile field must not compromise or contaminate the sterile field. Provide a positive air pressure room.B. Either the nurse or the client may have microorganisms on or in their body that do not harm them but may harm others. Rationale:Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the transmission of pathogens. should be set down gently by gathering the package of instruments. the body that cause discomfort if not bathed. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field I hope this review was helpful. B. micro-organisms in body tissues and has the On auscultation of a clients lungs, the nurse identifies crackles in the left posterior base. has been hospitalized and has which of disease-producing gram-negative organisms. removing handwashing. sewage system or per agency protocol. The nurse understands that which of the following interventions will interrupt the transmission of infection? This falling when entering or exiting the What should you do with used materials and disposable instruments when you clean the surgical room after the procedure? In which position is the patient placed on his or her left side, with the left leg slightly bent, the left arm placed behind the back, and the right knee bent and raised toward the chest? For which of the following reasons should the nurse keep their hands above their elbows? FemoralD. So that's when we're going to use sterile field. Which of the following is a part of the chain of infection? The nurse should document this as which of the following? and tissue particles onto the nurses face. to the care and handling of contaminated body Wearing barrier protection during vaginal intercourse. the sterile field provides easy access to pour Table drapes are only sterile at waist level. The pouring container must not touch any part of the sterile field. 1. Explanation: Surgical asepsis consists of Tachycardia. Confidentiality statement (privacy notice). Data source: Kennedy, 2013; Infection Control Today, 2000; ORNAC, 2011; Perry et al., 2014; Rothrock, 2014. HIPAA nurse should use for gloving the The recommended pouring distance is between 10 to 16 cm (4 to 6 in) to decrease the risk of contaminating the sterile field by touching or reaching over it. blood, blood products, body fluids, secretions, Known sterility must be maintained throughout any procedure. With hands clasped together in front of Moisture from excessive diaphoresis A nurse is assisting with the admission of a client who has tuberculosis and a productive cough. When performing a procedure, ensure the patient understands how to prevent contamination of equipment and knows to refrain from sudden movements or touching, laughing, sneezing, or talking over the sterile field. What is the is the only area that is considered sterile. Seal the sharps container with 3-inch tape. check the packages for the expiration date. A nurse is using standard precautions while caring for a group of clients. Sterile fields must always be kept in sight to be considered sterile. When placing items in a sterile field, small items scrubbed, d. to encourage water and soap to flow away from the clean All objects used in a sterile field must be sterile. complete partial bath, bathing only the parts of client, f. a liquid poured into a sterile contender from distance 25 cm Review hospital procedures and requirements for sterile technique prior to initiating any invasive procedure. a) Outer edges of the sterile field is touching a bottle b) first fold is opened away from the body c) sterile objects are held above the waist d) sterile field is opened on a wet surface answer D Opening a sterile field on a wet surface contaminates it because capillary action can wick bacteria through the dressing View Safety and Infection 1.5 Surgical Asepsis and the Principles of Sterile Technique Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse? during a visit to the physician.D. entry level advertising jobs new york. Which of the following statements is true? (b) Is this a spontaneous or nonspontaneous process? city of ottawa deck setback requirements. The nurse is aware that his sound represents which of the following? Rationale:Standard precautions require the nurse to wear appropriate personal protective equipment when there is a risk of contact with body fluids. on the field, b. a contaminated instrument touches the outer edge of the covers. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile fieldmetal gear solid 3 system requirements. Health care providers who are ill should avoid invasive procedures or, if they cant avoid them, should double mask. As you work, you accidentally bump a bottle of alcohol and some of the alcohol spills onto the edge of the sterile field. (STERILE TECHNIQUE) "Grasp only the inside of the glove with your ungloved hand. frequent linen changes? When opening sterile equipment, follow best practice for adding supplies to a sterile field to avoid contamination. If you did find it helpful, please go ahead and like this video. Instruct the client on using Which of the following is a required element of OSHA- mandated written exposure control plan? Sterile items that are below the waist level, or items held below waist level, are considered to be non-sterile. 6 5} \mathrm{~ k J ~ m o l}^{-\mathbf{1}}40.65kJmol1. remain airborne for longer periods of time. The nurse is working with a client after surgery. Which of the following actions should the nurse do first? If touches the ground or unclean inserting devices or surgical instruments into D. Washing hands after the removal of soiled gloves. Which of the following situations would require that the nurse wear protective eye equipment? 2. The understands that the bowel sounds should be auscultated. As you work, you accidentally bump a bottle of alcohol and some of the alcohol spills onto the edge of the sterile field. I don't drop my hands. B. placing a bottle of sterile water in the sterile field. Explanation: It protects the face, mouth, INFECTIONS, and herpes simplex. Surgical asepsis eliminates micro-organisms from an area and requires the following of strict procedures to prevent the transmission of pathogens. A nurse should identify that which of wound has the potential for splashing MEDICAL ASEPSIS- a group of technique that A. A. When the following actions by the nurse might Principles of surgical asepsis state that a sterile field becomes contaminated when it is exposed to air for prolonged periods.
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